4, 8, 15). Im so blessed with this great message. He didnt. He did not come to give us laws, laws and more laws. Do not be afraid!" The angel spoke these words to Zachariah, to Mary, to Joseph, and finally to a group of shepherds on a hillside near Bethlehem. Answer: And when Aaron and his sons have made an end of covering the sanctuary, and all the vessels of the sanctuary, as the camp is to set forward; after that, the sons of Kohath shall come to bear it: but they shall not touch any holy thing, lest they die. (Num 4:14). Wow! At the same time, God knows our hearts, our capabilities, and whats around the corner for us, so if He choose not to bless in a certain area, that might even be a blessing in itself. David also wore a linen ephod. In other words,they are all under His mercy. Was the ark of the covenant at Abinadabs house 20 years (1 Samuel 7:1-2) or more than 47 years (Acts 13:21; 2 Samuel 5:4-7; 6:2-3)? All the people were with him, and there was lots of praise and worship. Obed Edom was a Gentile. No, NEVER. Our Father doesnt want that for us. AND THE LORD BLESSED OBED EDOM AND ALL HIS HOUSEHOLD., Obed Edom was a Gittite. I stumbled (no pun) upon it searching Obed Edoms nationality. Im no expert, and I dont know that it takes too much away from your point, but it appears Obed-Edom was not a Gentile Philistine but rather a Jewish Levite, listed in 1 Chronicles 15:18 as one of the sons of Merari. DUH!!! God doesnt punish us for the sins of others, but we sometimes share the consequences of sin or irresponsibility from those who are closely connected to us. The population wasnt anywhere near that number of people. It took King David three months to find out what the proper procedure was, and once they followed that, the Ark was safely brought to its place near the Holy City. Rachel's Table Why was Abinadab's House Not Blessed like Obededom? why was abinadab not blessed. But, Jesus is the center, you say. This is the missing piece in the Church today. He was no more blessed for his nationality, than Americans are blessed for being Americans. Its intoxicating! Now that doesnt seem fair, does it? . Thank you! The people of Beth-shemesh therefore declined to open their homes to it. This depicts many Churches today who, though they and their people are believers, dont have Jesus at the center. The lower part was made of incorruptible Shittim wood, overlaid inside and out with the purest gold. Why did He permit this action? It contained three items inside: #1) The tablets of stone on which were engraved the Ten Commandment. 18, 21, 24). Now if that is your position, you face a choice, and the choice you make will determine the future course of your life. When God Looks down and Sees the blood, He passed over us. Now when He said to them, I Am He, they drew back and fell to the ground. Web why did sue leave mount pleasant; Source: bibleencyclopedia.com Abinadab had the ark for 20 years in his house but scripture never says that god blessed him. Now, going back to the story - two men were guiding the new cart, Uzzah and Ahio, sons of Abinadab. They are, so to speak, lost in the woods of their own doctrines. Wood in the Bible is a typology of humanity. Once we check with the original Hebrew, we will understand that this is a translator issue and why. Well David, upon hearing all this, came back to the house of Obed Edom for the Ark, this time with a whole new attitude! Yep! I want to thank you for this amazing insight. The 20 years is not mentioned as the total time the ark was there, but the total time for the people lamenting before they returned to the LORD. I want to ask a question sir. But maybe he missed Bible study that week when he marched off to Kirjath Jearim. Let us know about your decision. Provoke me not and I will do you no hurt says God (Jeremiah 25:6). Thanks for the heads up! God will allow us to go along doing things our way. He made David blush for shame because the latter was at first afraid to receive the Ark, whereas Obededom took it into his house without hesitation (Num. Hmmm..what gives? He accomplished this all in one day during the aforementioned battle with the Philistines. Jesus needs to be broughtBACK TO THE CENTER. But he made aBIG MISTAKE placing the Ark on an ox cart, new or otherwise. Life is a journey we can travel together! She is the author of 17 books, including the best-selling When Women Walk Alone (more than 125,000 copies sold), When God Sees Your Tears, and When a Woman Overcomes Lifes Hurts. I am blessed and humbled that you are so blessed! {Kirjath Jearim}. Were going to have to take a not-so-little trip back in time a few years of Israels history, all the way back to when the Prophet Samuel was a little boy, to find the answers to our questions. God is not a glorified Santa Claus. Dramatic tragedy takes place as the procession moves toward Jerusalem. optional screen reader (Alleged Contradiction #E6329). Jim Cole-Rous researched background information on Lesser Known Bible People beginning in 2008. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The ark of Yahweh remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite three months: and Yahweh blessed Obed-Edom, and all his house. 0 views. The Holy Spirit, in telling us this story, is illustrating the verse that says,The letter KILLSbut the spirit gives life.Oh, it kills alright:QUITELITERALLY. Thats the message here. Woooooow. You are king-priests! If you would like someone to pray for you, click the button and well connect with you. 1 min read. EVERY SIX PACES HE OFFERED ANIMAL SACRIFICES. We found it in theFIELDS OF THE WOODS. In fact, he never even talked about a Father-child relationship with God. Or try asking Him to bless others first, rather than yourself. Well, yes and no. 1. Scripture tells us: Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows (James 1:17). They sent to the people of Kirjath-jearim, who were slaves and serviced the House of God with water and wood, to come and fetch the Ark (1Samuel 6:21). Grieve, mourn and wail. He didnt talk about his obedience or any desire he had to be a child whose Father would be pleased to bless him. R. iv. Hes that guy who lived along the route that David traveled when he was bringing the Ark back to Jerusalem from the house of a priest named, Abinadab. Why did you say 70 years? The next morning, where was Dagon..again? There was praise, worship, and music played skillfully on many instruments along with him. What Happened to John the Baptists Head? 49. A Gentile? But when you dont do things Gods way,HE DOESNT HELP YOU. They also played with lots of excitement and energy, but the Holy Spirit has specifically mentioned that they played with All their might. VERY significant. 12 Now the sons of Eli were corrupt;they did not know the Lord. Lets look at the rest of the pieces to this puzzle to understand why this incident happened at all. There is no sense of closeness to God. He knew what was about to happen, yet He did not shrink from it but stepped forward with kingly grace. Where did he get the idea to put it on an ox cart in the first place? They finally..wisely..decided theyd better sent it back to where it belonged before it killed everybody! That brings it to a whole new level! Hear me now: There are NO ERRORS in the Bible. may God continue to enrich you in Him. #3) A golden pot of manna, pictured above. A bullock offering, as you might have guessed, has the greatest quantity of blood of any of the five offerings in the book of Leviticus. vi. Yikes!!! . All self effort gone Jesus I depend on you alone for everything. What a difference now that he understood why God had blessed Obed Edom. How could they tell he was blessed? Abinadab, the second of the 8 sons of Jesse (1 Samuel 16:8). THATS 100 LBS FOLKS! Otherwise, battered and bruised though He was, His physical body would not have been able to die. Youd be wrong. Know how far it is from the house of Obed Edom to Jerusalem? Upon hearing the news, he fell backwards and, being very heavy (obese), when he toppled off the stool on which he was sitting he broke his neck. How can I connect you and learning more about Grace? She needs a whole new appreciation of the BLOOD OF JESUS! Once a year the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies and sprinkled blood on the Mercy Seat, depicting Jesus blood Sacrifice to save all of us. Ever ask God questions like that? I knew it was biblical but didnt know how in the world it just came out. The answers are to be found within the pages of the Bible. Uzzahs name comes from the root word, uz, which means strength. Youve heard of the Israeli invention the uzzi? Its name is derived from the same root and means gun of strength., Uzzah means MY strength, depicting mans strength,unlike the name Uz-zi-jah, which means Gods strength. The Holy Spirit is painting a picture of Uzzah, mans strength, stretching out the arm of flesh to help God.. Lets follow his story. And they set the ark of God upon a new cart, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab that was in Gibeah: and Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, drave the new cart. Its no less deadly. It is not necessary to suppose that David intended to violate the law; but the ark having been left neglected for more than two generations, the exact requirements in regard to it may easily have passed out of mind. You are either under GraceOR underLaw, not both. It lets me understand Bible more. This is why Christians within congregations where their pastors are trying to balance GRACE with law, (the righteousness by works model), fall sick and/or die before their time. 3 So they set the ark of God ON A NEW CART, and brought it out of the house of Abinadab, whichwason the hill; and Uzzah and Ahio, the sons of Abinadab, drove the new cart. Am glad I saw this I was actually upset why uzzah had to die.but now I understand..we must give God his reverence.and over familiarity with God can cause us to sin against God .thanks and God bless. 1Chronicles 9:39 And Ner fathered Kish. Obed-Edom and the ark of the covenant. No one took it from Him. This is such a beautiful picture of The Grace of Jesus and The Power of His blood. This is why God called him A man after His own heart. Abba, too, desires that Jesus, His beloved Son, be THE CENTER OF WORSHIP..ALWAYS! So you see what really happened is that God struck 70 men in total. The name of the town means City of woods/forests, in Hebrew, by the way. Thirteen years after the Ark was placed in the house of Abinadab, King Saul was slain by the Philistines in a battle on Mt. Abinadab, a Levite of Kirjath-jearim, in whose house the ark of the covenant was deposited after having been brought back from the land of the Philistines (1 Samuel 7:1). He sure has. They had access to the scriptures and were without excuse.Now lets find out why the Ark wasnt in Jerusalem where it belonged. If this obededom had been a jew, what would have been diferent in the typological perspective of this account? As I mentioned earlier, oxen are working animals, a picture of righteousness by works or self righteousness. Another clue is found in the meaning of Uzzahs name. News of its capture came to the old priest, Eli, froma young man of the tribe of Benjamin. BRING THE ARK BACK TO THE CENTER OF WORSHIP! At the cross, our arch enemy, the devil, was stripped of all his power. It can not possible. Samuel challenged the people to put away their foreign gods and to return to the LORD. 10-11). it is a language of picture writing, like Chinese. Its a position of honor, you understand. But not just any music. Ecclesiastes 3:1 assures us: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. I believe that includes a season for blessings. Wow! Gilboa bordering the valley of Armageddon. But it was not by thier might; it was in response to a revelation of Jesus! READ: Why did Stalin not invade Finland? They talk about laws, rules and regulations, how to be holy, Church growth and evangelism, blah blah blah. See Jesus in all the scriptures concerning Himself. No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who speaks falsely will stand in my presence (verses 6-7). There is no contradiction. When we try to be acceptable or pleasing to God by our own good works or try to merit or earn His blessings, we stumble too. Are you looking around at other believers lives and feeling skipped over when it comes to Gods blessings? Cindi McMenamin is a pastors wife, Bible teacher, and national speaker with more than 30 years experience helping women and couples come to know God more intimately. I believed bible is talking about the obed edom the one that serving God not Philistines. From the moment He heard about where it was,he purposed in his heartto bring the Ark of the LORD back to Jerusalem; BACK TO THE CENTER OF WORSHIP! James 4:3 gives us insight: When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.. There are actually four different men named Obed Edom in scripture. The law can only be taught it if you push aside the Mercy Seat and drag it out. You see, God is adamant that we understand that being under law is deadly. So what gives? This is a picture of the devil being totally deprived of his knowledge (head) and strength (hands) having been completely crushed by Jesus at the cross. If youre asking God for blessings and Hes still not answering that prayer, it could be that you are not asking in faith, truly believing He will answer. INQUIRY: That the ark must have been in the house of Abinadab far more than 20 years is clear, since it was brought there before the reign of Saul began (1 Samuel 7:1-2; 10:24-26), and remained there until the early years of Davids reign (2 Samuel 6:3). Well, God broke out against them. Each letter is a picture of something. 2 And David arose and went with all the people whowerewith him from Baale Judah to bring up from there the ark of God, whose name is called by the Name,theLordof Hosts, who dwellsbetweenthe cherubim. They set it before him and celebrated their victory. For more on that topic, you may follow the link below: You see, the greater your appreciation of the blood of Jesus, the bigger revelation of Him, THE GREATER YOUR BLESSINGS!!! When the oxen-pulled cart first arrived in Israel, it encountered the town of Beth Shemesh. And the ark of the LORD continued in the house of Obededom the Gittite three months: and the LORD blessed Obededom. He recounted one unfortunate situation after another and, in a tone of bitterness, expressed his utter disappointment in God. He had to dismiss His Spirit and place it in the care of His Father. Obed Edom is a picture of believers who have a bigger picture and a greater understanding of His blood and what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross. It remained there 20 years, till it was removed by David (1 Samuel 7:1-2; 1 Chronicles 13:7). Can you imagine? Read The Fine Print: The Story Of David Part9. Fast Press Theme by Seos Themes. This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright 2023, Crosswalk.com. If you go to church and all you hear is someone telling you the right thoughts, words, and behaviors to perform, but Jesus is hardly even mentioned, except in a harsh judgmental way,HE ISNT CENTRAL: THE LAW IS. II Samuel 6:9-119 David was afraid of the Lord that day; and he said, How can the ark of the Lord come to me? 10 So David would not move the ark of the Lord with him into the City of David; but David took it aside into the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite.11 The ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite three months. This demonstrates that David this time around had a greater revelation and appreciation of the blood of Jesus. I was further surprised to see that later Obed Edom and his sons and their descendants were inducted into the Temple service of the Lord which as per the law was only reserved for the Levites, not even other Jews. What must also be present is an overwhelming consciousness of our eternal righteousness and a greater appreciation of THE BLOOD OF JESUS. Who is he? Abinadab and his sons were probably of the house of Levi. I mean, all he did was reach out his hand to steady the ark, and God killed him for it. He had a greater revelation and appreciation of His blood! The Philistines have captured and held it for seven months after winning the battle of Aphek. Whats a Gittite?Someone from the city of Gath, in Philistia. The Ark demonstrates that Jesus is 100% Man (wood) and 100% God (gold.). Do Not . Thanks for the good work on good news. If youre being responsible and obedient with your money and yet God is not blessing you, financially, you might want to look at the behavior and spending habits of anyone else who shares your bank account. Here are 7 reasons why God blessed Obededom. During the time that the Ark was with him Obed-edom used to light a candle beforeit twice daily, early in the morning and again at evening (ib.). Did he just let David take the Ark? Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. The Lord drove out the Canaanites and gave that prosperous land to Israel. 12 And it was told king David, saying: 'The LORD hath blessed the house of Obed-edom, and all that pertaineth unto him, because of the ark of God.'. 30. Ibeg to differ. Im on Facebook. John 18:4-5 says: Jesus therefore, knowing all things that wold come upon Him, went forward and said to them, Whom are you seeking? They answered Him, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus said two them, I AM He. And Judas, who betrayed Him, also stood with them. As for thetablets of sapphire, you may refer to the embedded ink above entitled, Ananias and Sapphire, for more on that topic. He said to them, You are the heads of the fathers houses of the Levites;sanctify yourselves, you and your brethren, that you may bring up the ark of the Lord God of Israel to the place I have prepared for it. Something that makes you happy? They made a foolish, HUGE mistake and pushed aside the Mercy Seat. The Bible never says they moved the ark after 20 years, just that it had been there for 20 years by the time that Samuel spoke to Israel in verse 3 (I Samuel 7:3). Jesus honored the sincerity of the man who asked for something and followed it up with help me overcome my unbelief! (Mark 9:24). The Philistines, on the other hand, were overjoyed to have gotten their hands on the Ark..well, at first anyway. Meanings Biblical Names Meaning: In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Abinadab is: Father of a vow; or of willingness. . Uzzah sees the cart lurch, and stretches out his hand to steady the Ark, and keep it from falling. I know the feeling! Theme by. If someone was sick or had any need at all, they broke bread. The Ark was in the Philistines possession for 7 months (1Samuel 6:1). The fact that you have life, breath, and someone in your life who loves you are all blessings that Hes given that you may have been taking for granted. Abinadab had the ark for 20 years in his house but scripture never says that God blessed him. He, too, got a clear revelation of the blood of Jesus. This is the name of 4 different men in the Old Testament. He doesnt need our help; we need his. 1Samuel 7:1 And the men of Kirjathjearim came, and fetched up the ark of the LORD, and brought it into the house of Abinadab in. Your blessings are Jesus..plus nothing. In that case, what we assume is a blessing might not be a good thing for us, after all. Obed-Edom and Jeiel were the gatekeepers of the Ark (I Chronicles C15, V 18 & V 24) HALLELUJAH! Trophimus: Whose Praise is in the Churches. They were carved on stones of pure*sapphire,as clear as the heavens above. When Goliath challenged the Israelites in the Valley of Elah and was killed by David, Abinadab, Eliab, and Shamma were in Saul's army ( 1 Sam 17 . The house of Abinadab, (son of King Saul), was in Gibeah, the city on the peak of the hill (2 Sam 6:3) where the name Gibeah is also translated, the hill. The Philistines had captured the Ark in a battle against Israel some years prior. One man reads it, and it is a letter very stiff, formal, pedantic, reading like a royal proclamation, or like an ancient document out of which the meaning and immediate force have somehow become evacuated. Jesus offers you forgiveness and a new life. And the three oldest sons of Jesse went and followed Saul to the battle: and the names of his three sons that went to the battle were Eliab the firstborn, and next to him Abinadab, and the third Shammah. What a difference now that David understood why God had blessed Obed Edom. , Thanks for throwing light on the account of Obed Edom. When carried on the shoulders of the priests, howeverTHERIGHT WAYGod HIMSELF actually helped because, if He didnt, even the priests wouldnt be able to carry it. To those who try to add their good works to Jesus Finished work GodADDSto them all the plagues listed in this book! . We hope youll come back again and again! PICK ONE. Wow! HUGEDIFFERENCE between him and Abinadab. Not at all. "And they cause the ark of God to ride on a new cart, and lift it up from the house of Abinadab, which is in the height, and Uzzah and Ahio, sons of Abinadab are leading the new cart;" ( 2 Samuel 6:3 ). as you know, He was struck dead. On the third morning, what did they find? Remember Obed Edom? I always felt bad for poor Uzzah. The battle in which the Ark was Captured by the Philistines, took place during the time that a man named, Eli, was high priest over Israel. He should have known better but, for some reason, he didnt. Korahite; one of the guards appointed to march before the Ark of the Covenant when it was taken from the house of Obed-edom the Gittite to Jerusalem. Previous. "red")= "one who causes to blush." I recently received an email from a man demanding to know why God wasnt blessing him. Praise and worship are involved. But there is no warmth, no closeness, no sense of family. Theyre ignorantGentiles, for heavens sake, which is why God allowed them to get away with doing it in the first place. 2. This prophetically indicates the future ingrafting of the gentiles into the kingdom of God. If there is unconfessed sin in your life, it could be affecting your relationship with God and affecting His handout of blessings. (I told you they were not very bright ). From I Chron. This raises questions in the mind of the reader. Surely He is showing us His grace through the pictures. Many Christians today are of the opinion that having more praise and worship is the key to revival. A couple questions come to mind right off the bat like, Why did the oxen stumble (#1) and why did God strike down Uzzah, who was only trying to help? (#2).

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