Are those ok? I think it's pot luck; some parcels will get through and others won't. Singapore criticised UK billionaire Richard Branson for saying authorities 'may be about to kill an innocent man' over one kilogram of cannabis, stating his remarks were 'patently untrue . Live a little by all means, but trust me, being in the wrong place at the wrong time around the wrong people can land you in hot water in Thailand. You mean posting it? During a period when the supply of drugs in Southeast Asia, especially synthetic drugs produced in Myanmar and distributed through neighbouring countries, has reached record levels, it may be surprising that the Kingdom of Thailand amended its drug laws to reduce the numbers of people in prison. Is it legal to bring sildenafil citrate ( viagra) and depoxitine with me. Thailand's Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has ordered the country's law enforcement agencies to tighten gun ownership rules and crack down on drug use, as the country . [1] Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha in 2018 said that the death penalty is necessary to maintain peace and order and deter severe crimes.[2]. Hi Daniela, you may be able to get these meds over the counter in Thailand; I'm not sure of their legal status. I wont advise against something that is law. Psychotropic substances are classified into four schedules as follows: Schedule I: psychotropic substances that are not used for medical purposes and have a high tendency to be improperly used or abused, Schedule II: psychotropic substances that are used for medical purposes and have a high tendency to be improperly used or abused, Schedule III: psychotropic substances that are used for medical purposes and have a moderate tendency to be improperly used or abused, Schedule IV: psychotropic substances that are used for medical purposes and have less tendency to be improperly used or abused compared to Schedule III substances, Schedule 1 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC the active ingredient of cannabis); Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), Schedule 2 Ketamine; Ephedrine; Midazolam (Dormicum, Versed etc. This may surprise some readers, as many teenage tourists drink alcohol while partying in Thailand. I guess Thailand wants you to buy meds in Thailand and not bring in your own. The bottom line is that if you compare statistics, I'll happily live in Thailand without worry. None of the medicines are in the restricted list - official document shown above. I tend to pick up generics in bangkok and put in the bottle when i buy them before walking on the street and again when i leave, again the 30 to 45 day rule. Is it ok for me to carry the same in my check-in baggage and the procedure I am required to follow at the passport control? These substances contain chemicals that cause mental or psychological effects. I'm traveling to Bangkok this week and I do have on prescription codeine and Zopiclone , Will I be ok? I'm sure you'll be fine, but get a doctor's note if you can, as this is an opioid painkiller. I guess if you're a doctor you'll be okay with a prescription. Or can you buy them. I'm travelling to Thailand next year, and I'm getting concerned as my husband takes 3 types of meds, for diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. The problem is hat I live in the United States and doctors wont prescribe it here, which is fine because its legal to buy online. Thanks. Nonetheless, personal use of drugs remains a criminal offense. Codeine is fine, but I'm not sure about the Alprazolam - which is the same as Xanax isn't it? Is it ok to take Tadalafil 12 tabs to Thailand without prescription? Out of 14 countries identified as actively applying the death penalty for drug crimes by watchdog Harm Reduction International (HRI), nearly half are in South-East Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia . Am I ok to take these with me? You will need to follow the guidelines in the post above regarding obtaining clearance for your medication. Your prescription won't be valid in Thailand or Australia more than likely, but you probably won't need a script in Thailand and you won't have any problems getting a script in Australia, especially if you take a copy of the script from your homeland to show any doctor. According to a report by Bangkok Post, during the six months from the end of 2021 to the beginning of 2022, Thai authorities seized 260 million drugs and confiscated nearly 2.4 billion baht worth of assets from drug suspects, (Bangkok Post, 2022). However perhaps there is scope for the Ministry of Public Health to include harm reduction measures in ministerial-specific orders relating to drug treatment and rehabilitation over the coming months. is it ok to take through Testosterone Booster Pills For Men supliments or even better can they be bought at health stores in thailand. Richard Crawley and Ashley Vincent Livingston,,,,,, Retiring in Thailand? well I can buy tramadol at my local pharmacy any time without a prescription no corruption in Thailand ha ha ha. The latter has codeine in it. Drug and narcotic abuse have long been a distressing issue in Thailand. Copyright 2023. Antibiotics generally need a prescription. There are a few companies that manufacture this amongst plenty of other steroids here. Note that the officials must have reasonable grounds to believe that delaying any search in order to obtain a warrant would result in the escape of any suspects, or the substances in question being hidden, destroyed or in some other way "transformed", To search any person or vehicle if there are reasonable grounds to suspect they are carrying or hiding illegal drugs, To enter and search premises without a warrant (having reasonable grounds for suspicion) and order a person or a group of people to undergo "on the spot" drug tests (under provisions of the fifth amendment of the Narcotics Act), To arrest any person involved in the commission of any offence related to illegal drugs, To seize any illegal drugs or any property being used or intending to be used in the commission of offences relating to narcotics or such that may be used in evidence, To search under the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code, To make inquiries regarding suspects alleged to be involved in offences relating to narcotics, To issue a letter of enquiry or a summons to any person or official of any Government agency to give a statement or submit an account, document or material for examination, The offender or any accomplice is a Thai national or has a place of residence in Thailand, The offender is an alien and intends its consequence to occur within the Kingdom or the Thai Government is the injured person, The offender is an alien and such act is an offence under the law of the State in the jurisdiction of which the offence is committed, if such offender has appeared in the Kingdom and has not been extradited under the law on extradition. However, due to continued changes and development of the country, the law has been revised. For "narcotics" are they really strict about having a permit from the Thailand FDA or can I just have a not from my doctor and my original prescription, and will that suffice if I do get stopped? Rock solid advice and a must read for anyone visiting Thailand for the first time. In addition, penalties for causing public nuisance from the recreational use of cannabis still apply. I think that is the best idea. Please help as I cant find anything about this and am very worried. the name, address, and license number of the prescribing physician I was struggling to find this information from the Thai Embassy website as I take strong medication for pain relief after a spinal fusion. 1.2 Medical prescription written by the physician who provided the medical Yes, you can. Do I need to bring them in the original prescription drug bottle, or is my daily prescription container OK? If so, how could I find out how much it would cost? During a period when the supply of drugs in Southeast Asia, especially synthetic drugs produced in Myanmar and distributed through neighbouring countries, has reached record levels, it may be surprising that the Kingdom of Thailand amended its drug laws to reduce the numbers of people in prison. Use the link in the post. Posting foreign medications to Thailand is illegal, as far as I'm aware. In 2020, the regulations regarding the use of cannabis and hemp became more concrete which led to certain parts of the plants being exempted from narcotics in Category V. Under the notification of the Ministry of Public Health issued in 2022, cannabis and hemp were officially reclassified and removed from the illegal narcotics list, thus, opening doors to the general public and businesses to use these plants for a wide range of purposes. Cannabis is illegal in Thailand, and possession often results in prison time. Please read through that to see which category those medications fall under. I'm traveling to Thailand for two months and in an effort to save space in my bag combined my Tylenol, melatonin and probiotics into one bottle. Im flying to Hong Kong and London then sweden. With this you will be fine. Alongside the International Narcotics Control Board, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention also recommends against use of the death penalty, and it is disappointing that Thailand has retained the death penalty in the Narcotics Code. Hi Bill, the first is an opioid, so best to read through the documentation linked in the post and contact through the proper channel before you come. I've had medicine posted to me numerous times - some of these being Solpadol and Paramol (containing dihydrocodeine or codeine). Bribes/fines are a gamble, and while pretty much a sure thing for a small amount of weed, you can't rely on that anymore.Back in 2008, when I lived in Samui, everyone was smoking weed and everyone took that same attitude that you can just buy your way out of trouble for a small bit of weed. I've been married to an educated Thai woman from Bangkok who I met in 2005 (and now in 2021 have been with her for over 15 years). Hi, my wife takes Gilenya (Fingolimod) for Multiple Sclerosis. Personal use (of category I, II and V substances, e.g. Just forget about recreational drugs while in Thailand, where theres many legal ways to find joy. I woke one morning to my phone ringing with a mate panicked on the other end: Our good friend, a French girl, was stopped in Maenam the night before and arrested for a quarter of weed. Seen it so many times. You have entered an incorrect email address. Rapes: the U.S. has 4 times more than Thailand per same number of people. You will need to go to a hospital to buy pills though. For general queries please email us at: medications containing narcotic drugs of Category 2 for personal treatment in a quantity not exceeding 30 days of prescribed usage and must follow the applicable regulations strictly. Get a letter too if possible. Are these legal and can he take them, I dont want to travel and my husband gets in trouble with the law out there. In Europe, the legal drinking age ranges from as young as 16 up to 18 years old, while in Australia, New Zealand and parts of Canada it is 18. I'll be buying two boxes of SORAFENIB 200 MG, for cancer from a friend in Malaysia. As Thailand grows and develop, its laws toward drug related activities have also been amended to conform to the existing conditions of the country. Too late to get the permit now. If you are traveling to Thailand with prescription drugs that may contain illegal substances under Thai law, you should read the guidelines to see if you need a permit. I'll be short on my script of valpam , my docter doesn't like to renew my prescription if 50 days has not passed , tegretol on the other hand I've enough to last me 2 months. i take thyroxine & sertraline can i bring these into thailand? Thank you so much. It's illegal. For example, Xanex certainly requires a prescription. NO Prescription in UK, Hi Im asthmatic. Or Can I see an ordinary thai doctor for the prescription? Which customs, your home country or Thailand? She explained how alot of people try to get it , and they can tell who is lying n what not. Bring it along with the prescription from your doctor. We are talking 4 pills . The majority of people who get caught with hard drugs go to prison. I get a lot of requests for recommendations on services related to living in Thailand. The Psychotropic Substances Act defines the term "psychotropic substances" as being "such a psychotropic substance which is natural or derived from nature, or synthetic as the Minister notifies in the Government Gazette." I'm going to Thailand for 2weeks 23rd April this month I've had no injections ? Call your local doctor and they will offer their professional advice.For your medication you probably just need an official prescription, doctor's letter and no more than 30-days worth. This includes my blood pressure medicine, a weekly pill for osteopenia, and a couple of dietary supplements. , for a further six weeks, my wife has a few medical problems, to say the least, and takes a lot of Prescription Medication. Buying a Condo: 9 Questions Before You Decide, 8. Let your readers know if your medicines are in the orignal bottle with doctors name, their name, pharmacy name and expiration date they normally will not be questioned. The illegal trading of anabolic steroids has a maximum penalty of a jail sentence, as opposed to a maximum penalty of death under the Narcotics Act. Tags. Police say drug syndicates from across Europe intend to expand their markets to Asian zones, which means drug dealers have to change smuggling methods often. Although Thailand appears to be more liberal, becoming the first country in Asia to have legalised the sale and consumption in private of cannabis, Nilawan Pitakpanwong, a member of the Thai. Can he bring that? + Get Unbeatable Prices On Top Hotels Here. Failure to produce identification may incur a fine and a trip to the station for further interrogation, so always carry an ID card / a copy of your passport and your photo driver's license. Hi I wear a buprenorphine patch 5mcg. Which has codein and paracetamol in it ? Like many countries in Asia, Thailand has strict drug laws. Most chemists around night life areas for tourists sell generic viagra sidegra , Do not buy ED meds from the street vendors buy from a pharmacy . No need to bring viagra into thailand , you can buy Thai sidegra over the counter which is basically identical to viagra , 100% sidenafil citrate , you can also but genuine levitra and cialis in some chemists but not all . Is it okay to bring with Yohimbine to Thailand? Thailand is known for having strict policies to suppress narcotic crimes and misuse of illegal drugs. But my advice is to exercise caution and know the law on what you're buying and carrying. ?plz reply nd help me out. Thanks. [9], The most recent execution occurred on 18 June 2018, when the death sentence of a 26-year-old man guilty of robbery resulting in death was carried out. I entered my true age, (70 yrs), and received a reply to the effect that I was not eligible for insurance being aged over 65 yrs. They will most likely give you enough to last the rest of your trip to save you going back again. Because i cant sleep when i travel with airplane, will it be problem with the customs ig i have them with me? In case of Viagra 100 pills, is prescription label (under patients name) on the original box enough or it should be only original proscription? Have you looked over the info here: Yes you can. If you call the Thai Embassy or a consulate closest to where you live they might be able to process this for you. Can I carry it back to Thailand? The first I had a prescription for in the UK and the second are available from Boots in the UK. Coronavirus (COVID-19) and travel: The situation around the world is changing dramatically. Narcotic Substances: Under Thailands Narcotics Act, certain harmful drugs and substances are listed in different categories. 100% of all donations go to the program you choose. Can you please tell me if my friend with Parkinson's needs a letter from his Dr to take these meds with him to Thailand please and thank you. - the identified medical condition Tricky one. Just to ask, I will be taking a small amount of testosterone (as part of my replacement therapy) to Thailand with me. The medical certificate should be kept by the traveler all through his stay in the country. I really don't know. If you don't intend on answering questions, why did you write the article ya old ******. Just make sure, at a minimum, you carry a clear, printed photocopy of your passport photo page, your Thai VISA page, and of your Thai entry stamp. Thailand has strict laws against drug use, possession, and trafficking. Quick question; is it still as easy as going to the local pharmacy to buy steroids over counter? Notable changes include: The amendments establish a new category of offence as a serious drug offence which includes production, import, export, distribution, and possession of drugs, except possession for personal use, as well as conspiring, supporting, assisting, or attempting to commit such offences. Thailand's drug laws are very strict, except for marijuana, of course, which is now legal, albeit with some restrictions on public use and age limit. How long does a permit for listed prescription medication last for? Visa is required for most foreign nationalities to travel and stay in Thailand for more than 30 days. I take Oxycotin 10mg (lowest dose) and I take 2 per day. Do I need to fill the form for permission? I've tried everywhere to find the answer and am so worried about it. If you plan on staying in Thailand, you will also be in debt to the local police, and no one wants to be in that position. I am from india and we fiends are traveling and can I carry basic pill for headache, cold or stomach acj? No content on this site may be copied without written consent from, Cannabis Law in Thailand: A Guide to Growing & Smoking, The Justice System in Thailand: Arrest, Representation,, Inheritance Law in Thailand: Tax, Heirs, Wills & Probate -. If so, this wouldn't be allowed without prescription. This is the first execution in nine years and the man was the country's seventh person to be executed by means of lethal injection. Category IV: Narcotics which consist of chemicals used for producing narcotics of Category I or II such as acetic anhydride, or acetyl chloride;I wouldn't advise anyone to enter Thailand with such substances without a permit. Any help is much appreciated,cheers. Carry the receipt from the hospital with you. - a frequent user would probably test positive up to 10 days after last using Are these drugs legally available in Thailand? You can buy at home or while traveling, and claim online from anywhere in the world. Will I be ok taking nitrofuranton 100mg prescribed antibiotics (14 capsules). Yes. A majority, 92.49%, agreed and 7.51% disagreed. If the goal of fentanyl laws is to prevent overdose and poisoning deaths, they should fund testing, treatment and information. > Click here to fill out the form if you have identified from the drug checker' tool that you need a permit. I take Adderall for ADHD. I was asked to empty my pockets and verify my identify. Learn to spell, "heroin" right and "kratom" not Kraton. Iam type 2 diabetic I need to join ship in Thailand my contract is 7 months can I take my diabetic medication of 7 months with me. treatment, which must contain the following: Is this possible? [2] As of October 2019, 59 are women and 58 are for drug-related crimes. The conversation always ends the same way: Youre in a lot of trouble. Also, do not write anything derogatory about the Thai Royal family online. Also keep photos of these pages in your phone. Planning a trip to Thailand and I am a long-time patient using morphine-eslon and morphine-statex. I doubt there is a physician or pharmacist in the world who knows every drug available.This is why the Thai authorities have developed a tool for people to type in the name of the medicine and determine whether it needs a permit or not. + Learn Basic Thai A mid protests and growing international attention, Singapore executed another man on Wednesday for a drug offense. I cannot advise that you partake in illegal activities in Thailand. I'm sure you'll be fine to bring in 2 month's worth on your first trip, as no one will know the difference. lol this article is so conservative its silly. If you mean some other type of growth hormone drug then not, it's not legal without a prescription. Thailand has the largest prison population in Southeast Asia and the 6th largest in the world, along with the world's highest rate of female incarceration, mostly in relation to minor drug offences. Can i take Lipidil (fenofibrate), Ramipril, Amoxycillin (as trihydrate), Meloxicam and Strepsils Plus. [4], During the Rattanakosin period, Thailandthen called Siamwas under the "Law of the Three Seals", also called Kotmai Tra Sam Duang. Hey mate I'm travelling to Thailand this Sunday. Sentencing guidelines have been outlined for Courts to prioritise rehabilitation over imprisonment, and to take account of a defendants individual circumstances, such as the nature of their use, the environment in which they use, care-taking responsibilities, physical and mental state or the need to use in order to carry out certain tasks, in determining their sentence. is she allowed to bring enough sertraline to cover her trip of 74 days? But I thought it was listed as a Category II. Check your pain killers yourself on the web. Ive been living & traveling in Thailand for 14 years. Are they herbal? Do you know if allapurinol is okay to take in? You'll be allowed 30 days worth, with an official doctor's prescription. You might need clearance for this so do follow the instructions in the post. My dr has since prescribed to control my sleeping disorder thank you in advance. There appears to be no mention of harm reduction measures, such as overdose prevention, treatment programmes such as opioid substitution treatment and needle/syringe programmes, in the Narcotics Code. Or are they prescription gender-transformation drugs? Also consider that if an officer thinks you are under the influence of drugs when stopped, you may be taken to the station for a blood test. Thank you. Thanks anyways. I am wondering if our medications will be a problem, it seems they are not on the list of banned substances and we will have a letter from our doctor in case something happens to our luggage and we need to get prescriptions issued in Thailand (hope not) do you know if Lyrica (Pregabalin)and Tramadol are ok if under 30 days supply? The medication is required to be kept in the original prescription bottle with the contents clearly marked. Unfortunately the links to the drug checker tool and permit are broken, again! Category 2: ordinary narcotics such as morphine, cocaine, codeine or medicinal opium. Is it still possible to buy xanax / diazepam in Sukhumvit / Bankgok or Ko Samui? Follow the lead of locals, stop whatever youre doing, and stand still and silent until the song finishes. I am currently working here in Thailand and I have been buying a herbal dietary capsule here in Thailand called Yaya at Yanhee international hospital. Is there a pharmacy I can get it from? That way, if there's any questions asked of you, they can't say you haven't tried. Cannabis and hemp used to be under Category V of illegal narcotics under Thai law before they were decriminalized. Hi Paige, I'm not entirely sure. Category IV: Narcotics which consist of chemical used for producing narcotics of Category I or II such as acetic anhydride, or acetyl chloride; Category V: Narcotics which are not included in Category I-IV such as marijuana or Kraton Plant. Most expats will l you not to worry, that nothing will happen. Make sure you ask for the original brand drugs you have back home, as some may offer you a generic brand. The pharmacies can, and do, get fined for selling these drugs, and if you dont have a prescription, you will too. The biggest mistake people make is thinking Thailand is cool because it's like the wild west and you can play the police and system with money. Ahh, sorry, I missed this one and guess you flew already. Many thanks. ); Triazolam (Halcion), Schedule 4 Alprazolam (Xanax); Diazepam (Valium); Lorazepam (Ativan), Category 1 Heroin;Amphetamine; Methamphetamine; MDMA (Ecstasy); LSD, Category 2 Cocaine; Codeine; Methadone; Morphine, Category 5 Cannabis; psychoactive mushrooms; Kratom Plant, Imprisonment of 5-20 years and a fine of 100,000-400,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation sale, Imprisonment not exceeding 5 years and a fine not exceeding 100,000 Baht for carrying across borders, Imprisonment of 1-5 years and a fine of 20,000-100,000 Baht for possession, use or consumption, Imprisonment not exceeding 5 years and a fine not exceeding 100,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation sale, Imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both for possession, use or consumption, Up to life imprisonment and a fine of 1,000,000-5,000,000 Baht for production, importation or exportation, unless for the purpose of disposal, in which case the penalty is death. Let them know you are trying to get this permit but the site is down and whether they know of an alternative website link ( I doubt it). Please use the link in the post to go to the government website and check the requirements for your medicine. April 25, 2023 10:30 PM EDT. Vietnam is a major drug-trafficking hub despite having some of the harshest drug laws in the world. Mostly if the meds are not expired (normally a year). I take Klonopin and ambien daily. Historically, laws that govern illegal or prohibited drugs have been enacted since 1360. If you have any doubt over the legality of a prescription drug you intend to travel with, get a letter from your doctor to verify your prescription and obtain the necessary IC-2 permit. If you do, say you had the flu in Thailand. 1.1 Application form (Form IC-1) Your email address will not be published. Levethroyid and fostair for asthma and blood pressure tablets canstanon if I spelt it right, Thank You very much for your time in providing this information. I have a legal prescription to Xanax in the amount of 10 pills - am I allowed to just bring these through customs?

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