They wrote in dungeons, in temples, on beaches, and on hillsides, during peacetime and during war. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. He has hidden things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes (Luke 10:21), purposely choosing foolish things to confound the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27). What some have referred to as the "Southernization" of the nation manifested itself in George Wallace's ability to tap into the rage of a transregional white working class, the influence of evangelical Virginians Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, the growing popularity of southern rock acts like Lynyrd Skynyrd who proudly displayed the Confederate battle flag, the explosion of country music radio stations across the nation, and the popularity of television shows like the Dukes of Hazzard. Again, I am thankful for your honesty in your posts. whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Although an academic, Harrison is careful to distinguish himself from "humanist scholars" who have tended to treat "conservative evangelical values and culture as a curious artifact from some socially recalcitrant land that time forgot" (2). What Harrison describes as "Vaughnism" amounts to a search for a "usable past" by an increasingly marginalized southern gospel industry seeking to legitimize its historical importance. The Independent Fundamentalist Baptist (IFB) circles I ran in thought southern gospel music was Gods music. It is unique in withstanding attack. By the way, nothing wrong with dancing, same as with music, it might mean more to me if I had the rhythm/musical talents within my being. The Bible should be read with discernment. Jerry Falwell concurred, calling him, "the greatest scab and cancer on the face of Christianity in 2,000 years of church history.". Bill and Gloria Gaither represent the heart of Southern Gospel today. 7:18-19: a good tree produces good fruit and a bad tree produces bad fruit. The rise of an explicitly "southern gospel" genre, he shows, did not emerge until the 1970s and 1980s. Matthew 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Harrison says he wants "to suggest that the overt racism is not the only story here" and argues that "[r]ace is not nor has it ever been a predominant concern of most southern gospel songs or groups" (101). Religion and American Culture 18, no. (LogOut/ Can you settle this? Hell will be your just desert (exactly what you deserve), and you will have no one to blame but yourself. Top Southern Gospel Hits - Over 1 Hour of Great Christian MusicPlease Make Sure to Like, Subscribe, Comment , and SHARE !!! As Jesus said in our text, vs. 19, Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.. The singing in my Baptist church was rigid and boring even when the spirit revved up the congregation. The act is nothing apart from the actor. Years and a divorce later, Kenny admitted to his bar-hopping ways. A segregated society and record industry might have created artificial barriers between white and black gospel cultures, but Harrison sees both cultures as unique because their fans and performers have interpreted gospel's meaning and spiritual function in different ways. Chuck Colson said, True tolerance is not a total lack of judgment. He related her rejection by the church with his own. Goodman's appeal rested partially on her appearance. The good tree produced good music. People who heard about it 2nd or 3rd or quintillionth-hand might get confused about exactly who it was and view the entire group suspiciously because they heard that somebody involved had done something really bad.) as well as those voices and perspectives that have found no other meaningful outlet for this type of conversation in the epistemologically cloistered world of southern gospel" (11). . The conservative evangelical, as Harrison acknowledges, can summon a persecuted identity when it is convenient and not have to worry about actual discrimination. This seems to go back to my point about repentance. Yet, despite all the anti-music preaching, congregants especially teens and college students continued to listen to worldly music. Thousands of talented people, both amateur & professional love to sing and play musical instruments to Southern Gospel Music. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001. To that end, he writes that he is "particularly indebted to autoethnography for empowering scholars to mobilize personal experiences too long deprecated by humanist scholarship" (14). Darlene, you arent smart enough to do that on your own. The last church I was a member of, that group preformed and the shoe came off. Its name comes from its origins in the southeastern United States. Michael English who sang both CCM and Southern Gospel (a member of Bill Gaither vocal band) won the Male Vocalist of the Year Award and his song In Christ Alone also won Best Song of the Year. His analysis here is a bit confusing and contradictory at times, but its important to note that he does not deny the role of racism in southern gospel culture. It is a gift that God offers to everyone, but individuals must receive it by repenting and trusting in Christ, or they will remain dead in their sins. Gospel Group The Hoppers divorce his wife Denice",and here was the. He paid our fine so that we could leave the courtroom. He lost money, singing dates, received mean emails, etc. it For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life, see it doesnt say For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him{ except homosexualst} should not perish but have everlasting life}. Guy Penrod, a former music teacher from Atlanta, suffered chest pain while performing at a television taping in Red Rocks, CO. Hampton and the other singers from the Gaither Vocal Band have resorted to using sexual harassment. That is very Unchristian as far as I am concerned. . New York: Random House, 2012. It is Christian music with a southern (country) style. Matter of fact he spent exactly 37 minutes and 21 seconds blaming everyone else for the pain he had gone through. Since the Bible condemns homosexuality in many passages, (1Co 6:9-10 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? In his words, The bible tells us the elders who rule well are worthy of double honor, but those that sin, rebuke before all.. Harrison argues this in part by focusing on the popularity of the gospel singer Vestal Goodman, the late matriarch of the popular southern gospel group the Happy Goodmans. Embracing gospel music allowed Kieffer and Ruebush, and the people who purchased The Temple Star, to maintain nostalgic connections to a pastoral past while providing a new generation of white southerners with moral instructions to navigate a new modernizing world. Heilbut, the noted gospel music producer and author of The Gospel Sound,2Anthony Heilbut, The Gospel Sound: Good News and Bad Times (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971). Bishop Eddie Long, the leader of one of the nation's largest black. Christianity never heard of scandals from our hymnwriters. For those of you who will throw up the whole but Joyce is too anointed to be wrong argument, let me remind you that the anointing of God is neither charisma nor talent. An associate professor of English at Florida Gulf Coast University, he is a literary and cultural critic by training, which shines through in his deep textual analysis of song lyrics, stage performances, and styles, and in his occasionally overwrought, jargon-laden prose. CCM and Southern Gospel have been filled with scandals that the GMA (Gospel Music Association) have tried hiding as quickly as possible. It is composed and performed for many purposes, ranging from aesthetic pleasure, religious or ceremonial purposes, to an entertainment product for the marketplace. No other book has as many copies of the ancient manuscripts as the Bible. Friend, do not surround yourself with such people. Enjoy. Southern Gospel got its start in what we know as the "Bible belt" in the southeastern United States. How Sin Ruined His Song. Blues music? Anyone caught with a Bible would be executed. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. He blamed his church, his High School friends (I went to Middle School in the same building), his family, and the extortionist. Jesus was able to offer that woman forgiveness for her sin, be-cause He was on His way to die on the cross for her. Ancient books are available today only because someone made copies of the originals to preserve them. As I reflect on the decades I spent in the ministry, its hard not to conclude that entertainment played a central part in virtually every service. The invention of the printing press in 1450 made it possible to print books in large quantities. Bruce Gerencser, 65, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 44 years. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination (Lev. Werewolf, thank you for your response. Religion Dispatches Seven years is a long time to wait between albums. Greatest Southern Gospel Music Of All Time | The Best Playlist Of Old Southern GospelGreatest Southern Gospel Music Of All Time | The Best Playlist Of Old So. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. He next joined a group from Laurel, MS, called Masterpeace, replacing their pianist Andrew Ishee, who . His first experience was with a local group from Picayune, Mississippi. Jimmy Swaggart Biography - Facts, Family Life, Career, Scandals Jimmy Swaggart (Televangelist) Jimmy Swaggart is an American televangelist and gospel music performer. 1Co 5:9 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: Bruce pastored Evangelical churches for twenty-five years in Ohio, Texas, and Michigan. Now, this revelation came to his family at this time. "Journal of Men, Masculinities, and Spirituality 3, no. Homosexuals argue that they did not make a conscious decision to be that way, so it must be natural. The first thing that I noticed was Kirks familiarity with the church. generation. The anointing argument is often used to exclude the person from any scrutiny or rebuke. tippy('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_1490_1_2', { content: jQuery('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_1490_1_2').html(), placement: 'bottom', theme: 'sosp', arrow: false, allowHTML: true }); a foundational history of black gospel, is the son of German-Jewish refugees. It was written over a period of 1,600 years by more than 40 writers from all walks of life. June 21, 2007 12:01 am ET. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life See it. Right so-and-so? Until that time what is now known as southern gospel "had simply been gospel' music to its practitioners and fans" (89). That would mean that the Bible is a huge hoax, in which more than forty authors collaborated (over a period of 3,000 years) to produce a document revealing Gods character as just. They portrayed Him as a just judge, who warned that He would eventually punish murderers, rapists, liars, thieves, adulterers, etc. It is approved of by many Churches and Pastors while most other types of music is condemned as Worldly or down right wicked. In Luke 6:41,42 He speaks of seeing a speck in a brothers eye. 20:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. Roger and Deb (His brother and sister in law. . Yes, southern gospel singers have groupies too. Even though my musical taste takes me across other lines, I love Southern Gospel music. From Steven Curtis Chapmans (His Strength Is Perfect, Be Still and Know, I Will Be Here) drug addiction in his early years to Amy Grants (El Shaddai, Grown-Up Christmas List, Thy Word) multiple divorces, adultery, profanity, nudity, drugs, and vulgarity, CCM is awash with filth. 25-44-45. are you looking for excuses not to believe God. Though publishers and song writers would not begin labeling it "gospel" music until later in the 1870s, the genre's early manifestation, according to Harrison, performed a kind of cultural work that provided evangelicals with melodies and messages that helped them find meaning and stability in a rapidly modernizing world. She acknowledged Him as Lord, but He still told her, Go, and sin no more. If she didnt repent, she would perish. Harrison now uses the blog to also engage and debate fans and detractors of Then Sings My Soul. Tell God you are truly sorry, then trust the Savior as you would trust yourself to a parachute. The intended audiences of each book may not overlap but they both expose the hypocrisy of the gay-gospel paradox in conservative Christian culture and, hopefully, will force broader debate. 15:19-24). Now, I cant condemn him for something of which he claims repentance. By the 1940s and 1950s, a period traditionally known as the "Golden Age" of white gospel, groups such as the Speer Family, the Blackwood Brothers, The Statesmen, and The LeFevres had established thriving careers as professional performers that transformed singing-convention participants into paying fans at concerts that attracted up to two million people per year. . You seem really bitter, and you also seem bothered by the truth of the Bible. Dont expect repentance. Les Butler has been actively involved in Southern Gospel Music for 42 years as a musician, producer, manager, former publisher of the Singing News, and as a nationally syndicated radio host. The decade's top Christian music from Michael W. Smith, 4Him, Rebecca St. James, and Steven Curti Channel of the Day: Music from "HitKast Girl Power", Birthday: Country star Tim McGraw (5/1/67), Brand-New Crowdsourced Channel: "Loneliness". I hope you will accept His gift of direction, forgiveness, and real love. As one agreeing commentator put it, this falls flat in times when everybody knows theres a scandal. How could everyone possibly know all the ins and outs of a private transaction? answer-. It is unique in its survival. He abhors adultery, but is pleased with the adulterer. See the GCMBLOG for more info on Stevens (hint: search Mark Lowery). He begins by giving an overview of the entire story. 3. The Gospel Sound: Good News and Bad Times. IFB can be very controlling and judgemental. A long time back. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as it suggests in Exodus 21:7. Hmmm. Southern gospel stalwarts Jeff and Sheri Easter, who opened the show in Gaffney, said people in the Christian music industry warn them to avoid English because of what he did - and because. The existence of hell and the surety of the judgment are not the claims of fallible man. The other main theme Harrison examines is how southern gospel, from its cultural origins during Reconstruction to the contemporary Bill Gaither and his Homecoming Friends phenomenon, has drawn upon nostalgia for an idyllic past and hope for a redemptive future to provide solace in the present. final in Early February 2007. (Notice verse 11 allows for redemption from this lifestyle, but total submission and repentance is necessary). Simon Peter, popularly known as Hope Kid, has been a good kid in the music until he landed in a similar scandal as DK. Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy? By 1977, Bible societies alone were printing over 200 million Bibles each year, and this doesnt include the rest of the Bible publishing companies. 2 (June 2009): 123141. Theyre not in bed with the enemy, Kirks an old friend of their cause. May God bless you and may you accept it! 1. 1 John 4:1. Groups who sang at our church included: David Meece, Sierra, Annie Herring (2nd Chapter of Acts), and NIA. Lance Ledbetter, Jesse P. Karlsberg, etal. Perhaps you all should do the same. Funny, his redemption didnt include admittance of sin nor repentance. And I suspected that the reason some of those concerts were held on Sunday nights was to attract potential Church Hoppers from other churches. Dont let your pride keep you in your sin. I know this is going to sound much different than what you have heard, but remember Kirks among friends at the Open Door church. "Why Southern Gospel Matters." This could be music sung by solo artists, family bands and trios and quartets. Rather than offend homosexuals by directly confronting the issue of their sinful lifestyle, modern evangelism often tries to soften the approach by saying that God hates the sin, but loves the sinner. This isnt a new concept. Rev 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. Welcome to IMC Concert Promotions. America and Kluck, Kluck, Kluck, Using Gospel Music's Secrets to Confront Black Homophobia, Review of Anthony Heilbut's 'The Fan Who Knew Too Much. The tree is bad to begin with . Harrison's gay-gospel paradox transcends race and could be applied to any homophobic area of American life, but the hypocrisy seems all the more glaring, as Heilbut emphasizes, in a musical and religious culture that played such a pivotal role in the civil rights movement.3Anthony Heilbut, The Fan Who Knew Too Much: Aretha Franklin, the Rise of the Soap Opera, Children of the Gospel Church, and Other Meditations (New York: Random House, 2012), 36, 60, 90, 320; Samuel G. Freedman, "Using Gospel Music's Secrets to Confront Black Homophobia," The New York Times, June 1, 2012, accessed August 4, 2012,; Louis Bayard, "Review of Anthony Heilbut's 'The Fan Who Knew Too Much,'" The Washington Post, August 3, 2012, accessed August 5, 2012, The problem is, how do I tell? Frankly, Im not sure what folks mean when they talk about everybody knowing that a given group turnover is scandalous. 7:18-19: a good tree produces good fruit and a bad tree produces bad fruit. The acts were identical, right down to the lead singer gesticulating at the exact same time and kicking off her shoes. How can this square with what Harrison describes as "the most culturally fundamentalist sacred music in evangelicalism" (140)? I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the specific laws and how to best follow them. They just enjoy the music and are sorry to see a favorite singer go. Many preachers divided country music into two categories: old style and new style. Since 1982, he has been at the forefront of southern. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here? However, when the religious trappings are stripped away, whats left is entertainment. Back in 2015 you had a excellent post entitled THE CHRISTIAN MUSIC INDUSTRY. You always get a false reading when you do that. Wow, what a neat trick. Funny, when the Bible doesnt say what you want, you slander it. The two reunited over a shared love of shape-note singing and a desire to reclaim "the pastoral peacefulness" of the past they had known before the war (5556). Only 10 copies still exist, and they were made 1,000 years after he died. Ever the marketer, I advertised these concerts, hoping to draw large crowds. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Our music, there and then, was most often folk music. For those who dont know either, they are both pro-homosexual ministers. However, just like Kirk, Kennys road to recovery led right through a gay spot near old Little Rock. He attempts to add more nuance to what he sees as a historiographical fixation on race in the development of a self-consciously "southern" genre designation. He hates the theft, but loves the thief. The irony of history is that 50 years after his death, the Geneva Bible Society moved into his former house and used his printing presses to print thousands of Bibles. marianne "Arch-homophobes" in the gospel community, Heilbut writes, frequently sing "the music of gay people, acknowledging with every breath and step that if you banished the sissies and the bull daggers [gospel singer Shirley Caesar's homophobic aspersions], the tabernacle might crumble. Goodman's overtly emotional and bombastic style of singing, along with lyrics that resonated with the plight of many queer gospel fans, made her an icon. Southern gospel music, including song lyrics, melodies, and live music experiences, has provided evangelicals with the tools to negotiate the tensions between past and present, sacred and secular, commercialism and piety, and, for some, as Harrison details towards the end of his book, between orthodox and "queer" identities. I have to tell you that you may not read you Bible correctly.

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