Community Passageways (CP) is a Seattle based nonprofit founded in 2017 with a vision for zero youth incarceration. Ferrell has described the program as easily fixable, stating that accountable and judicial oversight needs to incorporated. A proposal to pause the recently implemented Restorative Community Pathways program, a program intended to divert juvenile criminal cases from the juvenile justice system into a rehabilitative program, has ignited a countywide debate on justice reform in our region. RCP will continue to be evaluated to determine its effectiveness in outcomes for both the youth referred to the Prosecuting Attorneys Office and the harmed party with the goal of improving public safety in King County. Join to view profile. Homelessness, criminalization of poverty, the Covid crisis, technology and social justice issues are only part of the problems we face. 2) Reach out to us related to the iChange Justice Podcast offer suggestions, ask questions, nominate guests. Many criminals, particularly criminal youths, have been victimized in the same way they victimize others. But his push to cut funding to the Sheriffs Office brought immediate pushback from Sheriff Mitzi Johanknecht, whose office said she was not consulted. He detailed how a juveniles involvement in the court system and the criminal justice environment can damage a young persons self-esteem and self-worth, making them more likely to develop a life of criminality. There should be real ramifications, including prosecution, for these dangerous crimes.. Though the distinction between serious felonies and other charges usually rests on the existence of a victim, Jordan and other advocates pointed to a hole in that reasoning. So last November, King County launched a new diversion process for youth called Restorative Community Pathways. We have a four-pronged approach to community justice: Prevention: Keep youth on a good path. Young people kept in the community through their dedication and our support have gone on to enroll in college, start businesses, graduate from high school, and help rebuild our communities. Restorative Community Pathways (RCP) is the best way to reduce the juvenile crime rate in King County, said Jimmy Hung, Chief Deputy Prosecutor at King Countys Juvenile Division. An important thing to note is that the crime rate in the last two years has increased among adults, not children. The county still jails young people charged with more the most serious felonies including first-degree assault, robbery, and murder as a default. Whether youre are in crisis now, or its after the fact, we have tools and people with experience to help you diagram the situation and build a roadmap. We separate the two to a fault, he said. We provide youth mentors and access to programs focused on personal healing, identity development, and leadership building. Gun violence related to gang activity has actually remained relatively stable over the course of the pandemic, Hung said. The program diverts kids who have committed a crime away from the prison system and instead focuses on rehabilitation through . It's a diversion program for some first-time criminal offenders. Its emotionally rewarding, humanizing and good business to reclaim lives and invest in human potential. The greater challenge, he said, is reducing the need for those services and deciding whether an end to youth detention is actually the end of detention in its current form. Photo courtesy of King County. When it opened, the County offered tours to show off the pastel-colored walls, art collection, and brightly lit common areas that set it apart from the old facility. Izzy Eads. This is a new "restorative justice" program that provides alternatives to jail time. We are living with the side effects of inherited, complex and inhumane systems that need renovation. The goals of FIRSinclude:decreasing violence in the home,preventing further police contact, and increasing family safety and well-being. ChangeWA is a non-partisan 501(c)(4) organization focused on advancing common sense policies around smart growth, public safety, government accountability and good governance throughout Washington state. The only thing Hung as a prosecutor can promise the victim is that he will listen to them, and even in cases in which restitution to the victim is ordered, it is rarely ever paid out. The new building includes a gym, a clinic, a library, and a spiritual center, as well as a room stocked with donated clothes for young people to wear to court appearances or job interviews. They feel like they have to act differently. Many youth avoid secure detention. respectful family relationships so that all family members feel safe at home. He argued that these juveniles are still children, just trying to discover their own identity in a system that is treating them like an adult criminal and not a child in need of guidance. They will also develop accountable relationships with community organizations to ensure that the work of RCP continues to be rooted in youth liberation and healing, not punishment. Contact the Council: Main phone: 206-477-1000: TTY/TDD: Relay: 711: Contact all 9 . Some restorative justice advocates including people who spent time in youth detention centers challenge the additional scrutiny shown to young people charged with serious crimes, particularly violent ones. 1) It helps real people in real time to deal with real issues up close and personal. This is a community-led initiative, supported by the Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) that builds on King Countys current plans and investments to realize the vision of a community where every person can thrive, said Sheila Ater Capestany, Children Youth and Young Adults Division Director in DCHS. Like with the homeless, outreach to juvenile offenders need to be able to identify one from the other so that efforts arent wasted on the wrong people. Then also have a reality check on the very real damage that it causes to human capital.. Last July, Constantine made a commitment to guide the County toward an end to youth detention by 2025, promising to transition the new detention center to other uses and [shift] public dollars away from systems that are rooted in oppression and into those that maintain public health and safety, and help people on a path to success.. And racial disparities persist: nearly half of the children currently in detention are Black, and a quarter are Latinx; only a fifth are white. Jeremy Crowe, Restorative Programs Supervisor, (206) 477-6528, Step-Up is an internationally recognized adolescent family violence intervention program designed to address youth, violence (including threats, intimidation, property destruction, degrading language and physical violence) toward, family members. Among the organizations thats received taxpayer money as part of the RCP is Community Passageways, which states on its website that the juvenile criminals they work with are the real victims. Restorative Programs focus on prevention and early intervention using three models: Family Intervention andRestorative Services (FIRS), Step Up, and Diversion. Critically, RCP also provides equal resources and support to victims. Seattle Times staff reporter King County will keep moving forward with a new juvenile restorative justice program, passed in the wake of 2020's mass racial justice protests, despite the. . Diversion: Keep people out of the prison system and in community. Restorative Community Pathways has funds to offer the victims of crimes immediate restitution without going through a lengthy court process, Hung said. One had arrived in the facility earlier that day; another had spent nearly 640 days in detention for a first-degree rape charge. The FIRS team works with families to assess risk, identify needs, complete safety planning and refer for appropriateservices. An additional $2.7 million investment would divert about 1,000 first-time, nonviolent adult offenders out of the judicial system. . the King Countys Restorative Community Pathways (RCP) program, Contact King County Executive Dow Constantine, actual shootings preceded by telltale warning signs, Seattle Mayor plans to focus on root causes of homelessess, Dont be fooled by homeless spending proposals, We need a better approach to end homelessness, Criminal youth dictating how the program is run, Zoom meetings as punishment for organized theft and burglaries, Refusal by prosecutors to file charges even for serious offenses. King County Executive Dow Constantine provided details and updates on the early successes of Restorative Community Pathways, a community-based juvenile diversion program. The FIRS Center is a unique respite facility within the Patricia Clark Children and Family Justice Center offering analternative to secure detention for youth referred for family violence. We have a system that is wildly racially disproportionate, and its disproportionate despite what Fox News will tell you, because Black and brown people are treated differently throughout our society, including by every element of the criminal and legal system, Constantine said. Youthhave the opportunity tosign out-of-court agreements in lieu of criminal charging and formal court. Many of us know that something is wrong with the criminal justice system, but we dont know what to do about it or where to start. Resolving a case using the diversion process can helpyouth and their family access helpful services in our community. Jimmy Hung heads the juvenile division at the King County Prosecutor's Office.. However, just as there are many homeless who have no desire to reenter normal society, there are criminals who plan to continue that lifestyle. Our programs focus on personal healing, identity development, and leadership building. Thediversion process is usually quicker and less stressful than the court process. About Community Passageways CP COVID-19 Response: We are continuously committed to helping young people, their families, and the community by meeting basic needs, meeting virtually, and advocating for the release of incarcerated people. Youll send in juveniles without any prior offenses on their record. In a recent news story by KUOW (NPR-Seattle), King County prosecutor candidate and Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell called attention to the types of crimes that would fall under the RCP. With restrictions about COVID-19 rapidly changing, please check with individual departments to be sure a building is open before you seek in-person service. By 2020, Choose 180s annual report noted that 96% of the young people it served did not reoffend within a year. All crimes that hurt the safety of our communities such as shoplifting rings, home burglaries, and car thefts need to be taken seriously so that folks are not re-victimized and the security of our neighborhoods is preserved, Dunn said. Restorative Community Pathways. . University of Washington, Michael G. Foster School of Business. Even though he was involved in making quick money, he had a desire to give back through coaching and personal training. There are a handful of cases where someone might scratch their head and ask, why that kid is being held for a misdemeanor, said Jimmy Hung, who heads the Juvenile Division at the King County Prosecutors Office. Seattle, WA. Thats why RCP exists. It is at the early education, intervention, 911 call, the hospital and at the jail doors. A $6.2 million program called "Restorative Community Pathways" would refer up to 800 young people, by 2023, to community-based services, rather than filing criminal charges against them. The great thing about Restorative Community Pathways is that the folks in the community who run this program treat the person who has been harmed and the person who has caused harm as equals and they provide support for both of them, Hung said. The truth is, criminal rehabilitation and homelessness outreach must adopt the same strategy if theyre to succeed. We will gather a wealth of wisdom from our diversity: 1) Join us at our monthly community Membership meeting to learn from others directly about their experiences, their problems and resolutions. 2020 Reform from Multanomah County Awesome. In comparison, data from the State Department of Children, Youth, and Families showed that from 2011 through 2018 juveniles sent to state prison have a recidivism rate of between 49% and 58% annually. She said 50 percent of incarcerated youth end up returning to the criminal justice system. He said the cuts equate to about 30 patrol deputies or an approximate 22% reduction in 911 service to unincorporated areas of King County.. From his perspective, a restorative justice model that automatically divides violent offenders from their peers is counterproductive. Seattle, WA 98104. Hung said this is a decent metric and indicator of how juvenile crime has been decreasing over the years despite a huge population explosion in the region during the same time period. If passed, the property tax levy will help fund behavioral health infrastructure in the region. She believes diverting these kinds of juvenile offenders from courts could allow them to escape accountability. Restorative Community Pathways includes appropriate services and support for harmed parties, and restitution so that youths who cannot pay fines and other financial obligations do not end up in a cycle of probation violations and incarceration. Dominique believes those closest to the problem can solve the problem! Goode also emphasized the importance of the physical space used to house children in need of long-term care and supervision. For the same period, 233 juveniles were charged through traditional prosecution, with 47, or just over twenty percent, seeing new case referrals. Our Ambassadors work with heart, humility, and compassion, to lead community and school-based healing circles, individual and family case management, court advocacy, and youth leadership opportunities. TTY: Relay: 711 The county will also begin to look for new alternatives to traditional fare enforcement on Metro buses. Its quite possible that the treatment that we used wasnt the appropriate treatment. It is headed to Gov. Rivera said that the South King County mayors who objected to RCP do not understand the methodology of restorative justice or its effectiveness. The county will launch new restorative justice programs, for both adult and youth offenders, aimed at keeping people out of the traditional criminal justice system. King County has historically proven that diversion works to reduce juvenile crime, and thats exactly what RCP aims to do. Please reach out for more information on our volunteer needs. We collaborate with families, schools, the court system, correctional center staff, religious institutions, policy makers, and community members to support adolescent youth of color. KC Councilmember Reagan Dunn wanted to pause the program after local mayors expressed concern. Dunns proposal was in response to concerns about the program brought up by South King County Mayors Jim Ferrell (Federal Way), Nancy Backus (Auburn), Dana Ralph (Kent) and Armondo Pavone (Renton). We have civic leadership opportunities, mentoring, and change-making resources available so you can feel confident and be an effective ally for those who have been silenced by the criminal legal sector. If you or someone you care about is being negatively impacted by public health and safety issues, we are here for you. It. It would work with already established local organizations, like Choose 180, Creative Justice and Community Pathways. Bottomline, the accumulated effect is that we are ending habitual trauma cycles that plague individuals, families and the whole community network. The rise in gun crime has been associated with adults who havent been involved with gun crime before, not kids, Hung said. Step-Up accepts referrals from court staff, community providers and families and facilitates both individual and groupinterventions at the Patricia Clark Child and Family Justice Center and in the community. It could be a service center for homeless youth and their families, or a place where young people could have access to detox services. Investing in people who are striving to rebuild their lives has a multiplier effect. 6) As an elected official, political activist, or civic involved person, come and learn or share your concerns for systemic change. FIRS and Step Up focus on families experiencing family violence. While at the FIRS Center, youth engagein activities and discussions to empower, teach, and challenge them to take responsibility, make amends, restorefamily relationships, and promote positive youth development. Support: Support people already in the prison system. Early data from Restorative Community Pathways, a pre-filing diversion program for nonviolent youth, shows an 8% recidivism rate compared to a 57% recidivism rate for youth who served time in. Some money would also be shifted toward youth marijuana-prevention programs. Change a young persons life by donating to Community Passageways. 2) You are investing in the future while healing the past. Metro buses have been free to ride since the pandemic began, but fare collection could restart as soon as Oct. 1 and fare enforcement could resume as soon as Jan. 1. Director of Programs. 2023 Change Washington. Julie Schulman testified as someone who had been involved in the justice system as a young person and someone who works with youth in support of RCP as well. We are looking at every option to scrape together the money we need to deal with the economic climate were in, as well as the urgent need to press ahead right now, while we have the chance on racial justice.. Diverting a potential school shooter to a social program, when there have been repeated instances of actual shootings preceded by telltale warning signs, is beyond irresponsible.

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