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name the major island in liberia and their location

A small number of people were Bah, Hindu, Sikh, or Buddhist. All structured data from the file namespace is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; . The Liberian constitution provides for freedom of religion, and the government generally respects this right. [215], The Liberian government has begun transitioning away from use of United States customary units to the metric system. 911. The Farmington River is a source of hydroelectric power. Rainfall is irregular, and the rainy season varies in intensity and begins earlier at the coast than in the interior. [77] Bushmeat is often exported to neighboring Sierra Leone and Ivory Coast, despite a ban on the cross-border sale of wild animals. Gbarpolu is the newest county, created in 2001. Quakers believed black people would face better chances for freedom in Africa than in the U.S.[7][19] While slaveholders opposed freedom for enslaved people, some viewed "repatriation" of free people of color as a way to avoid slave rebellions. As of 2015, it had more than 8,000 mostly Liberian employees, making it the country's largest private employer. This triggered the First Liberian Civil War. [198] As of November17, 2014[update], there were 2,812 confirmed deaths from the ongoing outbreak. [100], Corruption is endemic at every level of the Liberian government. [127][128], Due to its status as a flag of convenience, Liberia has the second-largest maritime registry in the world behind Panama. [119] This led to a United Nations ban on Liberian diamond exports in 2001, which was lifted in 2007 following Liberia's accession to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. [87], Parallel to the administrative divisions of the country are the local and municipal divisions. The colonial settlements were raided by the Kru and Grebo, from their inland chiefdoms. [108] Liberia is one of the world's poorest countries, with a formal employment rate of 15%. It was an important producer of rubber in the early 20th century. As the nation's primate city, Monrovia is the country's economic, financial and cultural center; its economy is primarily centered on . [88] All existing local governmentscities, townships, and a boroughwere created by specific acts of the Liberian government, and thus the structure and duties/responsibilities of each local government varies greatly from one to the other. After UN Security Council Resolution 1509 in September 2003, the United Nations Mission in Liberia arrived to referee the ceasefire with units from Ghana, Nigeria, Pakistan, and China with the view to assist the National Transitional Government of Liberia in forming the new Liberian military. B. Jallah to the International Association of Law Schools Conference Learning From Each Other: Enriching the Law School Curriculum in an Interrelated World Held at Soochow University Kenneth Wang School of Law, Suzhou, China, October 1719, 2007. Competition for office was usually contained within the party; a party nomination virtually ensured election. Adolescent girls are the most frequently assaulted, and almost 40% of perpetrators are adult men known to victims. km. The presence of Oldowan Earlier Stone Age (earliest ESA) artifacts in West Africa has been confirmed by Michael Omolewa, attesting to the presence of ancient humans. The settlers wore top hat and tails and modeled their homes on those of Southern slaveowners. This institution was founded in 1998. [167] A multitude of diverse Protestant confessions such as Lutheran, Baptist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, United Methodist, African Methodist Episcopal (AME) and African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AME Zion) denominations form the bulk of the Christian population, followed by adherents of the Catholic Church and other non-Protestant Christians. [212][213] The Liberia national football team has reached the Africa Cup of Nations finals twice, in 1996 and 2002. While Christian, many Liberians also participate in traditional, gender-based indigenous religious secret societies, such as Poro for men and Sande for women. The 1988 Omnibus Foreign Trade and Competitiveness Act designated the metric system as "the preferred system of weights and measures for United States trade and commerce," but in practice the system is in mixed usage, with the population generally preferring customary units and industries either fully metric or mixed. Mean annual temperatures range between 65 F (18 C) in the northern highlands to 80 F (27 C) along the coast. Protestantism was originally associated with Black American settlers and their Americo-Liberian descendants, while native peoples initially held to their own animist forms of African traditional religion before largely adopting Christianity. The oldest counties are Grand Bassa and Montserrado, both founded in 1839 prior to Liberian independence. Sirleaf's Vision With Passion", "Notes, Presented by Professor and Dean of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, University of Liberia, David A. [129][130][131][132] Liberia has a climate favourable to farming, vast forests, and an abundance of water, yet low yields mean that over half of foodstuffs are imported, with net agricultural trade at -$73.12 million in 2010. [28] The United Kingdom was the first country to recognize Liberia's independence. [67] Weah cited fighting corruption, reforming the economy, combating illiteracy, and improving living conditions as the main targets of his presidency.[67]. The Greater Monrovia District has 970,824 residents. Includes 99 Liberia mountains. Waterfalls, rapids, rocks, and sandbanks occur frequently in upstream sections of most rivers, inhibiting river traffic, and limiting navigation inland to short distances. [91], After the turmoil following the First and Second Liberian Civil Wars, Liberia's internal stabilization in the 21st century brought a return to cordial relations with neighboring countries and much of the Western world. Official Name: Republic of Liberia Location: West Africa coast between Sierra Leone, Guinea, Cte d'Ivoire, and the Atlantic Ocean Population: 5,057,681 (as of 2020) Land Area: 43,000 square miles (111,369 square kilometres) Capital: Monrovia Official Language: English Form of Government: Unitary presidential constitutional republic [citation needed] Liberia struggled to attract investment to develop infrastructure and a larger, industrial economy. [195] In 2009, government expenditure on health care per capita was US$22,[196] accounting for 10.6% of total GDP. [1] Each House member represents an electoral district within a county as drawn by the National Elections Commission and is elected by a plurality of the popular vote of their district into a six-year term. Finally, there is a mountainous highland region to the north hosting the country's highest point, the 1,440 m high Mount Wuteve, which has been marked on the map by an upright yellow triangle. The House, led by a speaker, has 73 members apportioned among the 15 counties on the basis of the national census, with each county receiving a minimum of two members. [22] These free African Americans and their descendants married within their community and came to identify as Americo-Liberians. In Liberia the shield has been intensely folded and faulted and is interspersed with iron-bearing formations known as itabirites. Liberia currently does not have any constitutional framework or uniform statutes which deal with the creation or revocation of local governments. [1][162][bettersourceneeded] These latter two groups established political control in the 19th century which they kept well into the 20th century. These features may represent social networks or some form of cultural diffusion allied to changing ecological conditions. African Methodist Episcopal University, a private higher education institution that was founded in 1995. Congo people, descendants of repatriated Congo and Afro-Caribbean slaves who arrived in 1825, make up an estimated 2.5%. [79] Of households where bushmeat was served, 80% of residents said they cooked it "once in a while," while 13% cooked it once a week and 7% cooked bushmeat daily. On May 9, 2015, Liberia was declared Ebola free after six weeks with no new cases. This discussion focuses on Liberia from the 19th century. [208], Liberian cuisine heavily incorporates rice, the country's staple food. (April 2014). The area includes Liberia's highest mountain, Mount Wuteve (Wutuwi) at 1,447 m, as well as several other peaks, including Mount Balagizi (1,100 m). Founded as the Liberian Frontier Force in 1908, the military was renamed in 1956. There is a high percentage of interracial marriage between ethnic Liberians and the Lebanese, resulting in a significant mixed-race population especially in and around Monrovia. [199] In early August 2014 Guinea closed its borders to Liberia to help contain the spread of the virus, as more new cases were being reported in Liberia than in Guinea. The coastal plains are around 560 km long and 40 km wide and feature sandy beaches, lagoons, mangrove swamps, and some rocky outcrops. Liberia is situated in West Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean to the country's southwest. [citation needed] Today, over 20 political parties are registered in the country, based largely around personalities and ethnic groups. Starz University, is a private higher education institution that was established in the United States in 2007, and became incorporated in Monrovia, 2009; with the objective of addressing the Information Technology(IT) need of Liberia. The most popular sport in Liberia is association football, with President George Weahthe only African to be named FIFA World Player of the Yearbeing the nation's most famous athlete. [192] In 2007, 20.4% of children under the age of five were malnourished. The subsequent 2005 elections were internationally regarded as the freest and fairest in Liberian history. This list is arranged by drainage basin, with respective tributaries indented under each larger stream's name. Liberia Population What Is The Population Of Liberia? [146], The repair and expansion of the Mount Coffee Hydropower Project, with a maximum capacity of 80 MW, was completed in 2018. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. [159] The population of Liberia was 1,016,443 in 1962 and increased to 1,503,368 in 1974. The climate is equatorial, with significant rainfall during the MayOctober rainy season and harsh harmattan winds the remainder of the year. As observed on Liberia's physical map, the elevation of the land gradually increases with distance from the coast. What are the major mountains of Liberia and their location? [189] Approximately 58.2%[190] 66%[191] of women are estimated to have undergone female genital mutilation. [40] In international affairs, it was a founding member of the United Nations, a vocal critic of South African apartheid,[41] a proponent of African independence from European colonial powers, and a supporter of Pan-Africanism. [139] In 2013, the mineral sector accounted for 11% of GDP in the country and the World Bank projected a further increase in the sector by 2017. Findings included government involvement in widespread "Forced or compulsory labour". Give their locations, and length in miles. [76], Endangered species are hunted for human consumption as bushmeat in Liberia. Next is the region of rolling hills about 32 km wide and an average elevation of 90 m. Beyond that is a dissected plateau with scattered mountains. Nicola Jones, Janice Cooper, Elizabeth Presler-Marshall and David Walker, June 2014; "The fallout of rape as a weapon of war", ODI; Pew Forum on Religious & Public life. Liberia is divided into 15 counties which are subdivided into 90 and further into clans. Quiz, Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - Liberia, Liberia - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Liberia - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). [33] In 1914, Imperial Germany accounted for three quarters of the trade of Liberia. Liberia has year-round evergreen vegetation. The country's major rivers include the Mano River in the northwest and the Cavalla River in the southeast. In alphabetical order, the 15 counties are Bomi, Bong, Gbarpolu, Grand Bassa, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Gedeh, Grand Kru, Lofa, Margibi, Maryland, Montserrado, Nimba, River Cess, River Gee, and Sinoe. [77], Bushmeat is widely eaten in Liberia, and is considered a delicacy. The Republic of Liberia is a country located in western Africa off the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean. [123] Due in large part to foreign aid and investment inflow following the end of the war, Liberia maintains a large account deficit, which peaked at nearly 60% in 2008. [214], Liberia has not yet completely adopted the International System of Units (abbreviated as the SI, also called the metric system). During World War II, Liberia supported the United States war effort against Germany, and in turn received considerable American investment in infrastructure, which aided the country's wealth and development. [115], Following a decrease in inflation beginning in 2003, inflation spiked in 2008 as a result of worldwide food and energy crises,[116] reaching 17.5% before declining to 7.4% in 2009. [19] Similar state-based organizations established colonies in Mississippi-in-Africa, Kentucky in Africa, and the Republic of Maryland, which Liberia later annexed. [155], As of the 2017 national census, Liberia was home to 4,694,608 people. Professor of Geography, East Carolina College, Greenville, North Carolina. [186][187] A number of highly communicable diseases are widespread, including tuberculosis, diarrheal diseases and malaria. Shallow, coarse lithosols, in the hilly and rugged terrain, cover about one-eighth of the land. Category:Headlands of Liberia . [86] As of 2006[update], Liberia had the highest population growth rate in the world (4.50% per annum). This was a cause for concern among the British colonial authorities of Sierra Leone and the French colonial authorities of French Guinea and the Ivory Coast as tensions with Germany increased. Liberia is the only Black state in Africa never subjected to colonial rule and is Africas oldest republic. The Cavalla is the longest river in the nation at 320 mi (515 km). [92], In the past, both of Liberia's neighbors, Guinea and Sierra Leone, have accused Liberia of backing rebels in their countries.

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