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metcalfe and wiebe gave participants problems to solve

The Tower of Hanoi problem is an example of a(n) ____ problem that has been analyzed using the ____ approach.a. 10 0 obj bring the problem solver closer and closer to the goal state.d. Sales of their calcium-enhanced OJ have been poor, and the product was cancelled. Metcalfe and Wiebe gave participants problems to solve and asked the to make "warmth" judgments every 15 sec. Being an expert in one field can transfer to better problem solving in another field. has a large number of potential solutions.c. blankb. Greg's account contains. Gestalt psychologists consider problem solving as a process involvinga. In analogical problem solving, the ______ problem is the problem that an individual is trying to solve, and the ____ problem, which has been solved in the past, is used as a guide for reaching that solution. Gick and Holyoak proposed that analogical problem solving involves the following three steps: a. restructuring, searching, and simulating. 8 0 obj The purpose of this experiment was to demonstrate a difference between how people solve insight and non-insight problems. means-end analysis.c. The purpose of this experiment was to 27. b. go out for junior varsity hockey or junior varsity basketball. By using a(n)_________ , a country could increase the percentage of individuals agreeing to be organ donors dramatically. The key to the solution is to overcome functional fixedness. endobj b. gradually rise; rise suddenly just, c. rise suddenly just; gradually rise, d. vary unpredictably; vary unpredictably, 6. think-aloud p, The text's discussion of the research on in-vivo problem solving highlighted that ____ play(s) an important role in solving scientific problems.a. << d. subjective utility values following a decision. 8. well-definedc. b. move the solver directly from the initial state to the goal state. . Psychologists would NOT classify this scenario as a proble, Ill-defined problems are so named because it is difficult to specify _____ for the problems.a. target, Ali works for Citrus Squeeze, a company that makes orange juice. Once they created an object, they were given the name of an object category and instructed to interpret their creation as a practical object or device withi, Novel objects before a function was described, Finke's creating an object studies show that people were more likely to come up with creative uses for pre-inventive objects if theya. mental sets. Which of the following is an operator for the acrobat problem?a. she attempts to retrieve the book, but the shelf is a foot above her reach. /Encoding 16 0 R as a school of thought in Germany, about the same time, Studied chimpanzee behavior on the island of Tenerife of the Canary Islands off Africas. b. situationally-produced mental set, c. environmental functional fixedness. spend less time analyzing problemsb. How can knowledge of human relations help in the work place. Actions that take the problem from one state to another are known as. source story. /F5 7 0 R To solve this problem, participants needed to tie the pliers to one of the strings to create a . structural; diminishd. Curious is doing a follow-up study to the mutilated checkerboard problem experiment. Noticing that there is an analogous relationship between problems because most participants need prompting before they notice a connection, b. Mapping corresponding parts between the problems because the elements are difficult to identify, c. Applying the mapping to generate a parallel solution because of the difficulty in generalizing from one problem to another, d. Solving the problem through reorganization because past experience can make it more difficult to reorganize a problem, The fortress problem involves a fortress and marching soldiers, while the radiation problem involves a tumor and rays. Noticing that there is an analogous relationship between problems because most participants need prompting before they notice a connection. To test this hypothesis, Metcalfe and Wiebe gave participants insight problems, like the ones in the demonstration below, and noninsight problems and had them make "warmth" judgments every 15 seconds, as they were working on the problems. ______ identified people's tendency to focus on a specific charac. b. had received training in creative thinking. She takes the street to the north. insight.d. candle can be oriented horizontally or diagonally. to indicate how close they felt they were to a solution. Psychologists would NOT classify this scenario as a problem because: Ill-defined problems are so named because it is difficult to specify ________ for the problems. Likening the dangerous mines to the dangerous tumorb. The radiation problem was used in your text to illustrate the role of ____ in problem solving. Arrange acrobats in order of ascending size from left to rightb. She attempts to retrieve the book, but the shelf is a foot above her reach. a. what information a person is attending to while solving a problem. /oslash/ugrave/uacute/ucircumflex/udieresis/yacute/thorn/ydieresis rise suddenly just; gradually r. Functional fixedness would be LOWEST for a(n)a. novel object.b. The circle problem, in which the task is to determine the length of a line inside acircle, was proposed to illustrate: a. Howanalogies can be used to solve problems. d. well- and ill-defined problems. avoid the need to perform means-end analysis. candle can be cut in half.d. Holly's ability to solve the "dish up the soup" problem was hindered by which of the following obstacles? prior learning facilitating problem solving.b. Warmth judgments on nearness to a solution ____ prior to the solution of an insight problem and ____ prior to the solution of a non-insight problem.a. their research program was based on the idea that problem solving is a process that involves: the Tower or Hanoi problem is an example of a(n) ____ problem that has been analyzed using the ____ approach. Metcalfe and Wiebe gave participants problems to solve and asked them to make "warmth" judgments every 15 seconds to indicate how close they felt they were to a solution. well-defined; Gestaltd. Holly was in her mother-in-law's kitchen preparing lunch for the family. /Agrave/Aacute/Acircumflex/Atilde/Adieresis/Aring/AE/Ccedilla a goal stated. d. the sudden realization of a problem's solution. Psychologists would NOT classify this scenario as a problem because: a.the solution is immediately obvious.b.there is an obstacle between the present state and the goal state.c.the goal state is not clearly defined.d.the initial state is not clearly defined. Using a wine b, Using a juice glass as a container for orange juice, The solution to the candle problem involves realizing that thea. In studies such as Metcalfe and Wiebe (1987), when participants were presented with two sets of different predefined questions that were either Differences can also be attributed to other factors. When Sharon asks Wally where they should go for dinner, Wally says "My coworkers keep telling me about that new Japanese place downtown, so it must be a great place to eat." endobj In its discussion of expertise and problem solving, your text identifies the kind of scientist who are most likely to make revolutionary discoveries in their fields. calfe & Wiebe, 1987). In analogical problem solving, the_____ problem is the problem that an individual is trying to solve, and the ________ problem, which has been solved in the past, is used as a guide for reaching that solution. structural features.d. Intermediate states can be created bya. /Name /F6 Josiah is trying to decide whether or not to take a new job in a new city. d. Lydia is a state governor and active in the feminist movement. insufficient-intensi, Gentner and coworkers' studies show that analogical encoding causes problem solvers to pay attention to ____ features that ____ their ability to solve other problems.a. 3, 8, 10, Fill in the blank to complete the trigonometric identity. Janet is alone in a room that has a chair & shelf w/ a book resting on top. 240 METCALFE AND WIEBE mental warmth protocols than would insight problems.We also expected that people would have more accuratemetacognitions (about how well they would be able tosolve problems and which problems they would be ableto solve) for the noninsight than for the insight problems. sourced. to indicate how close they felt they were to a solution. May 2013. The circle problem, in which the task is to determine the length of a line inside a circle, was proposed to illustratea. The purpose of the experiment was to; a. show how people progress through the problem space as they solve a problem. initial, The water-jug problem demonstrates that one consequence of having a procedure that does provide a solution to a problem is that, if well-learned, it may prevent us froma. /F4 6 0 R surface; diminishb. 19 - Foner, Eric. /F11 13 0 R . Functional fixedness would be LOWEST for a: Metcalfe and Wiebe gave participants problems to solve and asked them to make "warmth" judgments every 15 seconds to indicate how close they felt they were to a solution. Which of the following statements does NOT apply to the results of research on differences between how experts and novices solve problems? Examples of such tests are the Product improvement task and the Ununsual uses tests. The creative cognition approach that Finke used to get people to "invent" useful objects is an example of: In Belilock and Carr's study of the relationship between working memory capacity and problem solving, individuals with high working memory capacity performed best in the ________ condition. Which of the following is not true about divergent thinking? Novel objects before a function was described. using a juice glass as a container for OJ. How re-representing a problem can lead to a solution. radiationd. She decided to wait until her mother-in-law returned to ask her, Which of the following provides the best example of functional fixedness?a. Using a juice glass as a container for orange juice, The water-jug problem demonstrates that one consequence of having a procedure that does provide a solution to a problem is that, if well learned, it may prevent us from, seeing more efficient solutions to the problem. 14 0 obj /Type /Page solve insight problems.b. Give Me Liberty! Functional fixedness would be LOWEST for a(n) _______ identified people's tendency to focus on a specific characteristic of a problem that keeps them from arriving at a solution as a major obstacle to successful problem solving. Seeing more efficient solutions to the problem. Sales of their calcium-enhanced OJ have been poor, and the product was cancelled. endobj The best description of the purpose of thing-aloud protocols is that they are used to determine What information a person is attending to while solving a problem. This particular discussion suggests that _____ may be more important than _____ in creat. He is worried that if he takes the job and fails, he will suffer from intense anxiety and depression. /Parent 2 0 R >> a. prior learning facilitating problem solving. Bonnie has ordered her monthly supply of medicines through the mail for the past five years. noticing that there is an analogous relationship between problems because most participants need prompting before they notice a connection. insight.d. The best description of the purpose of think-aloud protocols is that they are used to determine. /F9 11 0 R functional fixednessb. b. d. mental sets. Seeing more efficient solutions to the problem. a. performance is better for the concrete task. /egrave/eacute/ecircumflex/edieresis/igrave/iacute/icircumflex/idieresis Newell and Simon were early pioneers in designing computer programs that could solve problems. The title for chapter eight was Analogizing which is commonly misinterpreted as similarities between objects or concepts. /Name /F1 The elements of the problem space include all of the following EXCEPT Bring the problem solver closer and closer to the goal state. Demonstrate a difference between how people solve insight and non-insight problems. Amber lives in a housing development between two parallel streets that both connect to a freeway. Her mother-in-law later explained that the ladle had been broken, so she told Holly to use a coffee mug to "spoon" the soup into bowls. surface features.b. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. c. structural features. You are concerned about the detrimental effects of smoking on his health, and you raise that concern to him. Holyoak and Koh presented different versions of the light bulb problem to assist in solving the radiation problem. continuity and form. 22 . The medium acrobat is on the left of the large a. the need to overcome a difficult obstacle with no obvious solution available. endobj analogyd. colorc. means-end analysis.c. /Oslash/Ugrave/Uacute/Ucircumflex/Udieresis/Yacute/Thorn/germandbls Which problem provides an example of how functional fixedness can hinder solution of a problem? Actions that take the problem from one state to another are known asa. 9 0 obj well-defining, insighting, and m. People are most successful at noticing an analogous relationship between problems if they focus ona. prototype, Gick and Holyoak consider which of the following to be the most difficult step to achieve in the process of analogical problem solving?a. >> Participants are given a chair and pliers. Metcalfe and Wiebe gave participants problems to solve and asked them to make "warmth" judgments every 15 seconds to indicate how close they felt they were to a solution. She majored in philosophy as an undergraduate. the elements of the problem space include all of the following EXCEPT: The typical purpose of subgoals is to ___, bring the problem solver closer to the goal state, The best description of the purpose of think-aloud protocols is that they are used to determine, what information a person is attending to while solving a problem, using the solution of one problem in order to solve another problem is called, The solution to the Russian Marriage problem can be applied to solving the _____ problem, Dunker's radiation problem involved the destruction of a, The restructured radiation problem is solved by dividing the _____ into many, When solving analogous source problems, most people don't make the connection between the _______ story and the target problem, Analogical problem solving requires people to __________ a relationship between a source story and a target story, Correspondence between a source sorry and a target story is called, The underlying principle that governs the solution process of analogical transfer is called, People can discover the similar structural features between two problems using a learned technique called. /MediaBox [ 0 0 610 789 ] Individuals were re After five to ten minutes they eventually figure out the solution. warmth judgments.d. On the first day he went out wearing the new garment, he found a $50 bill on the sidewalk outside of his office. b. In the year of 201620162016, the population of the town of Smithfield was 7,2007,2007,200 and growing by 100100100 residents per year. b. show how people progress through the problem space as they solve a problem for aliens. of a problem that keeps them from arriving at a solution as a major obstacle to successful problem solving. problems that have a clear identifiable solution. What is the term for a group who share a common language, culture, or history? illustrative of functional fixedness, people are more likely to solve the candle problem if: which problem provides example of how functional fixedness can hinder solution of problem? /BaseFont /Helvetica-Oblique intermediate state.b. the water-jug problem demonstrates that one consequence of having a procedure that does provide a solution to a problem is that, if well-learned, it may prevent us from: seeing more efficient solutions to the problem. Noticing that there is an analogous relationship between problems because most participants need prompting before th, Noticing that there is an analogous relationship between problems because most participants need prompting before they notice a connection, Gick and Holyoak proposed that analogical problem solving involves the following three steps:a. restructuring, searching, and simulating.b. Cecile has dreamed of owning her own home for years, and she can finally afford a small cottage in an older neighborhood. parity.d. My brain is best Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; audio not yet available for this language, Janet is alone in a room that contains a chair and a shelf with a book resting on top. The text's discussion of the research on in vivo problem solving highlighted that ____ play(s) an important role in solving scientific problems. The elements of the problem space include all of the following EXCEPTa. >> The analogy that makes the solution to the mutilated checkerboard problem obvious is the ______ problem. psychologists would NOT classify this scenario as a problem bc: ill-defined problems are so named bc it is difficult to specify ______ for the problems. Tower of Hanoi problemb. Illustrative of functional fixedness, people are more likely to solve the candle problem if. All cats are birds. Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. insight.b. the means-end analysis, To reduce the likelihood of design fixation when completing a creative design task, you shoulda. operators.d. c. The argument is weak because the observation does not consider other cities. <> Metcalfe and Wiebe gave participants problems to solve and asked the to make "warmth" judgments every 15 sec. /Encoding 16 0 R The finding that people tend to incorrectly conclude that more people die from tornados than from asthma has been explained in terms of the, Mia has lived in New York City all her life. The purpose of this experiment was to Tw string problem Which problem provides an example of how functional fixedness can hinder solution of a problem? a single correct answer. Using a juice glass as a container for orange juiced. ill-defined. << a. do not always make decisions that maximize their monetary outcome. Wally and Sharon are out on a date. /Type /Font The radiation problem was used in your text to illustrate the role of ____ in problem solving.a. In the two-string problem, tying the pliers to one of the strings best represents a(n) _______ state. intermediate states. Being an expert in one field can transfer to better problem solving in another field. The students were very creative. Divergent thinking is most closely associated with ____ problems.a. Illustrative of functional fixedness, people are more likely to solve the candle problem ifa. representation and restructuring.d. /F2 4 0 R Gestalt psychologist consider problem solving as a process involving: the circle problem, in which the task is to determine the length of a line inside a circle was proposed to illustrate: the sudden realization of a problem's solution. /XObject 19 0 R >> 12 0 obj /Type /Font b. are more likely to purchase meat advertised as 80% fat free than 20% fat. to indicate how close they felt they were to a solution. /Name /F8 - insight problem solvers are not aware of how close they are to the solution. /Name /F10 Using a tire as a swing seat and as a football practice targetc. 30. -Without lifting your pencil from the paper, draw exactly four straight, connected lines that will go through all nine dots, but through each dot only once, Problem - insight problem solvers are not aware of how close they. initial statesc. /Encoding 16 0 R Demonstrate a difference between how people solve insight and non-insight problems Conclusion: The sun is going to rise in Nashville tomorrow. 35. /Encoding 16 0 R d. were told they were expected to be creative. surface; enhancec. His factory still had three cases of cartons, and Ali was told he could take them if he wanted them. a.the solution is immediately obvious. The purpose of this experiment was toa. Curious is studying the effect of _____, In analogical problem solving, the _____ problem has higher difficulty than the _____ problem.a. Their research program was based on the idea that problem solving is a process that involvesa. /degree/plusminus/twosuperior/threesuperior/acute/mu/paragraph/periodcentered Illustrative of functional fixedness, people are more likely to solve the candle problem if. The purpose of this experiment was to a. demonstrate a difference between how people Demonstrate a difference between how people solve insight and non-insight problems. Which problem provides an example of how functional fixedness can hinder solution of a problem? sourceb. restructuring initial states.b. If a motorcycle cop believes that young female drivers speed more than other drivers, he will likely notice young female drivers speeding in the fast lane but fail to notice young male or older drivers doing the same. The purpose of this experiment was to. Curious is doing a follow-up study to the mutilated checkerboard problem experiment. /Type /Encoding Error rates are then calculated for each syllogism. well-defined; information processing. Considering the fortress and the radiation problems together, the fortress problem represents the ______ problem. endobj The analogy that makes the solution to the mutilated checkerboard problem obvious is the problem. This is an example of an, 18. Gick and Holyoak proposed that analogical problem solving involves the following three steps, Metcalfe and Wiebe gave participants problems to solve and asked them to make "warmth" judgments every 25 seconds to indicate how close they felt they were to a solution.

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