CAS Sin.20, 305306 (1993). Thus, the level of jujube production in China has long been at the forefront of fruit tree production in history, and jujube production has made an important contribution to the development of fruit tree science and technology (Fig. Roman. Liu, D., Ye, X. Zhang, C., Liu, M., Kong, D., Wu, G. & Li, D. Diversification of resistance to fruit shrink disease in Chinese jujube germplasm. It can be seen that jujube fruit can meet the marketers demand for profits and risk avoidance. PubMed Central The second is Germplasm Resources of Chinese Jujube10, which recorded 1033 accessions of jujube (Z. jujuba Mill. The end result is an incredibly fibrous and dense root system able to take up far more nutrients per volume than a similar tree in the ground would. The practical techniques include cold storage, controlled atmosphere storage, decompression storage, and controlled freezing-point storage119,120,121,122. Yan, X., Wang, W., Liu, M., & Zhao, Z. Springer, Berlin, Book Plant J.2, 147153 (2016). (6) International exchange and cooperation are still insufficient and are accompanied by severe imbalances among countries both in production and research. var. In the past 30 years, a total of ~200 new cultivars with large fruit, good fruit quality, high resistance to diseases, and varying uses and maturity times were released through polyploid breeding or selection from seedlings, bud mutants, and local germplasms2. 1). This evidence showed that the traditional jujube cultivation technology system had been established at 1500 YA, and many of these processes have been used continually until the present. Acta Hortic.853, 163170 (2010). Comprehensive studies have shown that the most advantageous nutritional features of jujube fruit include its contents of soluble sugars (23 times the levels in other fruits), vitamin C (100 times the level in other fruits), cAMP (1000 times the level in other fruits), vitamin B, triterpenoid acid, proline, polysaccharide, flavonoids, iron, potassium, calcium, and zinc. Ji, Q. The jujube tree is the main cash crop and wheat is a primary food crop and both are harvested once a year in south Xinjiang. The 20 litre large container with a blue base, and the 38 L extra large container . Zhang, F., Wang, J., Li, F., Liu, Z. 6-year-old jujube exhibited a stronger negative effect on the productivity of wheat than did 2- or 4-year-old jujube and there was less effect on productivity of jujube in the 6-year-old system than in the 2- or 4-year-old jujube trees grown in monoculture. & Li, Q. In the last 10 years, a high-efficiency hybrid breeding technology system combining male-sterile germplasm, embryo rescue, net control hybridization, and molecular identification was established. PubMed (3) Current labor-intensive cultivation techniques were developed with the goal of increasing yields on small farms with inexpensive labor. Liu, M., Zhao, J. The male sterility and kernelless traits are controlled by homozygous recessive genes, and some QTL loci of quantitative traits have also been identified92,93,94,95. It can grow and bear well where normal grain, cotton, oil crops, vegetables, and fruit trees cannot survive. Moreover, fundamental, applied, developmental, and broad-scale visual research should be highly integrated. Agric Ecosyst Environ 52:129140, Vandermeer J (1989) The ecology of intercropping. Roots were sampled by auger in 2-, 4- and 6-year-old jujube tree/wheat intercropping and in sole wheat and 2-, 4- and 6-year-old sole jujube down to 100cm depth in the soil profile. Huang, J. et al. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Stnic, F. Characterization of two Romanian local biotypes of Ziziphus jujuba. A number of excellent accessions have been identified, including triploid genotypes such as Zanhuangdazao38, Pingguozao39, Jinglinyihaozao, Shanxitedage, Hengshuibianzhizao, Zhenhuluzao40; the mixoploid genotype Dongzao 241; the male-sterile germplasms JMS1 and JMS242; the self-fruitless and self-sterile germplasms Huizao, Jinsixiaozao 39, Yuanlingzao, and Xiangzao43; the tortuous-branch Dongzao44; the seedless germplasm Wuhexiaozao; genotypes that are highly resistant to witches broom disease such as Xingguang45,46; and genotypes that are rich in functional nutrients47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54. Jujube research can be roughly divided into five periods as follows10. Acta Hortic.993, 219224 (2013). Jujube is becoming increasingly important in arid and semiarid marginal lands because of its outstanding endurance and adaptability to drought as well as barren and salty soil and deserves to be considered a superfruit for the future due to its distinct advantages. Characteristics of fruiting and fertility of different cultivars of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Biotechnol.83, 305308 (2008). Objectives such as tolerance to transportation and long storage life, varied ripening times, and multiple-use cultivars are marketers preferences. Dicianu, E. D., Ivan, E. ., Jerca, I. O., Ciceoi, R. & Stnic, F. Morphometric and phytopathological analysis of Romanian jujube fruits during the storage period. Google Scholar. The fruit is particularly rich in nutrients, and its contents of sugar, vitamin C and B, cyclic nucleotide, proline, triterpenic acid, potassium, iron, and zinc are the highest among many fruits9,10 (Table 2). Zhang et al. During the past 70 years, jujube research has greatly advanced. . & Shan, G. The Chinese Jujube (Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers, 2010). J. Hebei Agric. The oldest collection of poems in China, called The Book of Songs, contains the sentence Jujube fruit picked in August and rice harvested in October, indicating that jujube was domestically cultivated as early ago as 3000 years ago. var. What is the best way to plant a jujube tree? Sci. BMC Genomics18, 855 (2017). To meet the needs of large-scale development, grafting propagation with sour jujube as the rootstock has been widely used since the late 1980s. This new technology synchronously produces multiple products such as cyclic nucleotides, dietary fiber, and jujube oil from one raw material103. lageniformis Nakai, Z. jujuba Mill. Agrofor Syst 74:163172, Lin QY, Xing LF, Li PY, Ding XT, Duan ZA (2000) Recounting and reviewing on the scientific research literature for intercropping system of jujube and crops in China. Food, Agric. In vitro plantlets were obtained from the stem segments of root suckers in 198398. Cv. ), also called Chinese date or Chinese jujube, is one of the oldest cultivated fruit trees in the world and is the most important species in the large cosmopolitan family Rhamnaceae in terms of its economic, ecological, and social importance. & Liu, M. Expression profiles of genes and enzymes related to ascorbic acid metabolism in fruits of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. spinosa. The presence of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wied. Jujube trees are highly adaptable, with outstanding tolerance to drought; low-fertility, saline, and alkali soils; high temperatures and late frosts. & Gao, W. Genetic relationship of Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) and sour jujube (Z. spinosa) based on RAPD markers. Univ.42, 8590 (2019). They rely on increased chemical input and are not environmentally friendly. Stnic, F., Dicianu, D. E. & Butcaru, A. C. Jujube fruits behaviour at controlled atmosphere storage. Mech.34, 2630 (2013). In 4th International Jujube Symposium, XXX International Horticultural Congress, Istanbul, Turkey (International Horticultural Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018) (in press). Jinsixiaozao. Agrofor Syst 61:237255, Li FD, Meng P, Fu DL, Wang BP (2008) Light distribution, photosynthetic rate and yield in a Paulownia-wheat intercropping system in China. Within Z. acidojujuba Liu et Cheng, three forms were confirmed, namely, f. granulata Cheng et Liu, f. trachysperma Cheng et Liu, and f. infecunda Cheng et Liu. Yang, X. et al. For instance, the formation and genetic mechanisms of the main economic traits of jujube and the interaction between jujube fruit development and environmental changes are still unclear, which restricts breeding efficiency improvements and innovation in cultivation techniques. Bi, J., Yu, J., Bai, S., Wang, P. & Ding, Y. Q: Are Jujube trees invasive? For Sci 48:7784, Jose S, Gillespie AR, Seifert JR, Mengel DB, Pope PE (2000) Defining competition vectors in a temperate alley cropping system in the mid-western USA. Liu, M. et al. Chireceanu, C., Iamandei, M., Stnic, F. & Chiriloaie, A. f. To date, ~700 jujube cultivars and 100 sour jujube genotypes have been evaluated. & Wang, Y. Chinese Fruit Trees Record-Chinese Jujube (China Forestry Publishing House, 1993). Hebei12, 19 (1989). (1) Fundamental research is still weak, and the role of research in supporting major technological innovations is not strong enough. Fruit. A superfruit species for the future should simultaneously meet the diverse needs of growers, consumers, marketers, governments, and society. Liu, Y., Feng, C., Yu, H., Wang, J. For . Sin.33, 687 (2006). The nutrient components in different organs, different fruit developmental stages, and different varieties were systematically analyzed53,54,144,145,146,147. We would like to thank Mr. Robert Heyduck from New Mexico State University for his review of this paper before submission. First, jujubes can satisfactorily meet the various needs of growers. (4) The low-level processing techniques that imitate those used for other fruits and focus on solving the overproduction problem do not meet the requirements of postharvest value addition and demands for diversified, advanced, and internationalized new products. This technique has become a common practice in fresh jujube production. Qu et al. Fruit. reported that Shanxixiaozao could be stored for 70 days at 01C and 60% RH119. Wang et al. Gaius Plinius Secundus (AD 2379), better known as Pliny the Elder, mentioned in his Historia Naturalis that a counselor of the Roman Emperor Octavian Augustus introduced the Chinese date (jujube) for the first time from Syria to Italy; from there it was distributed to other Mediterranean countries and around the Black Sea basin13,14. Acta Hortic. The problem of hybrids not being obtained due to heavy early embryo abortion was solved by embryo rescue based on the understanding of the mechanism of embryo abortion and the factors affecting very young embryo culture. It was discovered that an autotetraploid sour jujube had higher tolerance to salinity than the diploid, and its preliminary molecular mechanism was illustrated80,81. A taxonomic study on Chinese jujube and wild jujube. Plant Breed.16, 33953400 (2018). var. Exp Agric 16:217228, Ong CK, Black CR, Marshall FM, Corlett JE (1996) Principles of resource capture and utilization of light and water. More than 90% of jujube production is concentrated in six provinces, namely, Xinjiang, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Henan. Asian J. Chem.24, 792796 (2012). A series of new products with high nutrient value, such as refined jujube cyclic nucleotides, jujube polysaccharides, jujube oil, instant jujube powder, and high vitamin C juice, have been developed54,139,149. Univ.26, 221224 (1999). In this agroforestry system, the jujube trees are grown simultaneously with cotton for 180-200 days. Hebei17, 110 (1994). The ethylene and ABA pathways are involved in regulating jujube fruit ripening30,31. 3). Sun, H. & Tian, Y. Autotetraploidization in Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Three representative books on jujube germplasm have been published. The latter was further divided into Ser. Genome-wide identification and analysis of MAPK and MAPKK gene family in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). J. Genome-wide analysis of the WRKY gene family and their positive responses to phytoplasma invasion in Chinese jujube. Mingxin Guo, Zhongren Zhang, Xusheng Zhao, Vance M. Whitaker, Steven J. Knapp, Sujeet Verma, Amy F. Iezzoni, Jim McFerson, Cameron Peace, Maria Jos Aranzana, Vronique Decroocq, Pere Ars, Weijian Zhuang, Hua Chen, Rajeev K. Varshney, Ratan Chopra, Evan B. Johnson, M. David Marks, Horticulture Research The specific objectives should include outstanding resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, dwarfing, low branching ability, thornlessness, early bearing, high and stable yields, high quality, stonelessness, high nutrient levels, various ripening times, ease of transport and storage, and multiple-use cultivars. Acquirement of endosperm triploid and its biology and cytology 1978-1984. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Chen, Z., Wang, R., Qi, S., Wang, C. & Yan, H. Preliminary studies on the storage of Chinese jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill) in fresh state II. Liu, M. et al. Hortic Res 7, 119 (2020). Stnic, F. & Vasile, S. A. Chinese datea new promising fruit plant for Romania southern areas. Farm Prod. The complex jujube genome provides insights into fruit tree biology. Food Res. Liu, Q. 2009BADA4B03), by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture (Project No. Wang, Y. Study on systematic relationships of Ziziphus jujuba and Ziziphus spinosa using RAPD technique. The treatments comprised (1) sole cotton, (2) 5-year-old sole jujube trees, (3) 7-year-old sole jujube trees, (4) 9-year-old sole jujube . The book Qi Min Yao Shu of the Northern Wei Dynasty that was written 1500 years ago recorded the techniques of cultivar selection, planting, flower thinning, girdling, and jujube paste processing. Here, we took China as an example to briefly introduce the historical evolution and major achievements in jujube production and scientific research over the past 3000 years. Chen, Y. Field Crop Res 100:249256, Ding SS, Su PX (2010) Effects of tree shading on maize crop within a poplar-maize compound system in Hexi Corridor oasis, northwestern China. Period. This period has lasted for over 70 years. Planting: Dig a hole big enough to accommodate the root system. Li, M. et al. volume87,pages 929939 (2013)Cite this article. CAS More than 95% of grafts take successfully if scion wood is coated with a thin layer of wax. In addition, due to the economic decline of the comparative benefits of jujube, jujube witches broom is becoming serious again in orchards due to poor management. In vitro induction of tetraploid Ziziphus jujuba Mill.var. Food Sci.33, 4851 (2012). We can simulate the growth trend of the bearing jujube based on different length conditions and use L ( d) = l max 1 + e a - r d to calculate the length of the bearing jujube based on different growth days. Review of researches on Chinese date high yield cultural theory and techniques. Solar greenhouses along hillsides facing the sun in the Taihang Mountains of Hebei Province have the advantages of lower investment costs, better sunlight, and much better heat retaining properties than a traditional greenhouse by using the mountain as the back wall of the greenhouses107. The subdivisions of Z. jujuba Mill. in Hetian, south Xinjiang province, northwest China. Dongzao. The method used to study the jujube tree root distribution was based on the trench profile method described by Smit et al. Spectrosc. Genes8, 340 (2017). In particular, the use of sour jujube seeds, rather than pits, to obtain rootstocks has become the mainstream method; using this method, the seedlings grow faster and more uniformly than in rootstocks obtained from pits2. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. cv. Guo, Y. Food Sci.33, 278282 (2012). Fruit. J. Chin. The process of in vivio induction of homogeneous polyploids via calluses in jujube. 41, 8285 (2005). All authors added information and revised the paper. The overall objective should be to meet the various needs of farmers, processers, marketers and consumers. Fruit scientific research in new China in the past 70 years: Chinese jujube. Jujube tree yields in dryland saline soils are restricted by water shortages and soil salinity. Rapid SNP discovery and a RAD-Based high-density linkage map in jujube (Ziziphus Mill.). Regarding the taxonomic relationship between jujube and sour jujube (Z acidojujuba Cheng et LiuZ. Jujube benefits the body in its ability to support sleep and gut health. By the Han Dynasty (~2000 YA), jujube cultivation had spread throughout North and South China into large commercial cultivation regions and had become the main source of national taxes, with special officials regulating jujube production. Plant Prot.1, 9297 (2013). Chen, G., Zhang, Z., Ma, J., Zhao, L. & Cao, L. Studies on postharvest physiology and storage technology of Dongzao. PubMed Central Li, D., Du, X., Wang, Y., Sui, C. & He, J. Callus induction and embryogenesis of Ziziphus jujuba cv. Agrofor Syst 13:143158, Reyes T, Quiroz R, Luukkanen O (2009) Spice crop agroforestry systems in the east Usambara Mountain, Tanzania: growth analysis. indicated that jujube was sensitive to CO2 and that fruit browning occurred quickly under the conditions of 10% CO2120.

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