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how old was rachel when she married jacob

4:19), andMichal (daughter of Saul)(II Sam. [1] Episode 91: Israel at 75: Voices of Protest. Leah suddenly found herself sterile after the birth of Judah, and offered Jacob her own handmaid as well. If you forgot, she was best friends with Rachel Green ( Jennifer Aniston ) before she wound up . When those seven years were completed and the time came for my marriage to my husband, my father advised exchanging me with my sister. Leah agreed, and when Jacob returned from the field, Leah told him directly that she had "hired" him for the evening, at the price of a few mandrakes. ; comp. According to another tradition, the word naftali is to be derived fromninfei(bride). While Rachel was barren for the first fourteen years of her marriage, she is still described as Jacob's preferred wife and a powerful woman. Her first meeting with Jacob occurred at a well near Haran, whither she had taken the flocks for water. When Rachel heard this, she ran to tell her father. Harvard Theological Review113, no. I acted kindly with her, I was not jealous of her, and I did not cause her to be shamed and disgraced. Rachel married Jacob after he was tricked into marrying her sister Leah. At last Rachel prayed to God, and God caused her to conceive. This midrash bore a message of consolation to the Rabbis and the Jews of their time, since, for the Rabbis, Esau symbolized the Roman empire. By ancient custom, Bilhah's children would be credited to Rachel. Buber],Vayeze13). 21). So you wouldn't expect two old people, would you? 1777 BC-1759 BC-1738 BC) was the second wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph and Benjamin. 1) is only once (Gen. R. xlv. She performed the exchange fully aware of what she was doing, even though she knew that Leah would bear most of Jacobs sons. Deut. 14-16, 19, 34-35). This midrash is connected to the fundamental Rabbinic disagreement as to whether the harbinger of the Redemption will be from the offspring of Rachel or from those of Leah. Her first son was Joseph, the future viceroy of Egypt. It was through the merit of her discretion that Rachel became the ancestress of King Saul, who also was discreet (Meg. Rachel knows that she is Jacobs true intended bride. Besides, Rachel was afraid that her father, seeing that she had no children by Jacob, might marry her to Esau (Midr. Themidrashlists three reasons for Jacobs crying on this occasion. Genesis chapters 29-30 and 35 detail the births of Jacob's many children. Rachels merit continued to aid Israel even many years after her demise: when the exiles from Judah (after the destruction of the First Temple) passed by her tomb, she aroused Gods mercy to forgive them; He heeded her, and promised her that He would return them to their land. 16). He is the author "Hope for Hurting Singles: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Life's Challenges.". A type of non-halakhic literary activitiy of the Rabbis for interpreting non-legal material according to special principles of interpretation (hermeneutical rules). The Rabbis learn of Gods retaining the key of the woman giving birth from Rachel, of whom it is said: Now God remembered Rachel; God heeded her and opened her womb(BTTaanit2ab). Jacobs other wife is Rachels sister Leah, which causes issues between the sisters, especially because Leah is able to bear children. When Abraham was about 100 years old, he and his wife Sarah had a son who they named Isaac. Later, when Leah was given in marriage instead of Rachel, the latter revealed the signs to her sister in order to spare her from being disgraced by Jacob. Laban would take these gifts and give them to Leah, and Rachel would remain silent (Tanhuma[ed. The Rabbis present Labans act of deceit as something in which Rachel was involved, from which they learn of her special qualities. Thus she would be eighteen years of age when she married. Before her death, Rachel names the newborn. Rabbah3:2). The contention between the two women did not cease even after Rachels death, and arose again as regards the seniority of Jacobs sons: who would be considered the firstbornthe son of Leah, or of Rachel; and similarly, regarding the origin of Elijah, the harbinger of the Redemption. Agadah to Gen. xxx. Rachel's words at the birth of Joseph, "The Lord shall add to me another son" (Gen. xxx. She bore him in 2259 AM. 9-12, 17-18, 31; xxx. TheTorahrelates that it was Joseph who ordered that the goblet be hidden in Benjamins sack. The midrash relates that three keys remain with God and were not entrusted to an agent [=angel]: the key of rain, the key of the woman giving birth and the key of the resurrection of the dead. Did I not go to Laban only for Rachel? 113:9states: He sets the childless woman among her household as a happy mother of children (Pesikta de-Rav Kahana[ed. Rachel initially relies on her handmaiden Bilhah to bear children in her place, but Rachel eventually becomes pregnant and goes on to have one other child. Instead of showing understanding, he amplifies her pain by telling her that he already has four sons from Leah. By your life, your sons will stand before her son, and he will tell them(Gen. 50:19) Am I a substitute for God?(Gen. Rabbah71:7). Jacob is ultimately allowed to marry Rachel, which he does immediately after the festivities related to his wedding to Leah end, in exchange for another seven years' labor. 3). A compilation of the commentary and discussions of the, Matriarchs: A Liturgical and Theological Category, Modesty and Sexuality in Halakhic Literature, The Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women, Copyright 19982023, Jewish Women's Archive. Rachel said: I prepared myself [nupeti, i.e., I prepared myself for Jacobs bed], I allowed myself to be persuaded [pititito withdraw in favor of my sister and to aid her to be Jacobs wife], I exalted my sister over myself [taliti ahoti alai], and I have prevailed(Gen. Rabbah71:8). God remembered Rachel on Rosh ha-Shanah (Ber. The midrash includes Rachel among the seven barren women who were eventually blessed with offspring:Sarah, Rebekah,Rachel, Leah,Manoahs Wife,Hannah andZion [in a metaphorical sense], of whomPs. Referred to alternatively as the "Day of Judgement" and the "Day of Blowing" (of the, Lit. 31:15Israel is called after Rachel: Rachel weeping for her children; inAmos 5:15Israel is named after her son: Perhaps the Lord, the God of Hosts, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph; and inJer. that she was not buried in the cave of Machpelah by the side of her husband (Gen. R. lxxii. 11). 4; "Sefer ha-Yashar," section "Wayee," p. 47a). Jewish philosopher, scholar, and physician. Themidrash, however, presents two principal approaches to this question. Possibly in the early fall of 2248 AM (1757 BC), Rachel protested to Jacob concerning her lack of children. 33:6): May Reuben live and not die. This blessing expresses Reubens standing as firstborn, who took a double portion [as is the law of the firstborn]: May Reuben live and not dieMay Reuben live, in this world; and not die, in the World to Come (Tanhuma[ed. The impregnation of Sarah and Rachel, the Matriarchs of the nation, heralds that God will also deliver their descendants from the troubles they would suffer in the future. (NIV), Genesis 30:22Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and opened her womb. When she realized that she was pregnant and that Jacob already had ten sons (six from Leah, two from Bilhah, and two from Zilpah), she said: Will my sister Rachel not be even as one of the handmaidens? Leah prayed to God on behalf of her sister. At such an age, a girl might be given adult responsibility in a family that did not (yet) have sons. Bilhah bore two sons, Dan and Naphtali, over the next two years.[1][2][3]. Higger], chap. Her compassion also succeeded in arousing Gods mercy when He answered her prayer. The Rabbis understand the wording (Gen. Did Isaac and Rebekah have a wedding? Rachel married Andrew Jackson (twice) and at age 61, prior to her husband's inauguration Rachel Jackson died of a heart attack at age 61. (NIV). Before his death, Jacob praises Joseph for acting in this manner, when he says of his son(Gen. 49:22): Joseph is a wild ass, a wild ass by a spring [ayin, also meaning eye]I must reward you for that eye [for having concealed Rachel from Esaus eye](Gen. Rabbah78:10). 21). She raised Joseph and Benjamin as if she were their mother(Gen. Rabbah84:11). Did he not gird his loins for her [since Isaac strove and prayed so that Rebekah would become pregnant]? Jacob replied: He did not have children, I have children [I already have four sons from Leah]. Rachel retorted: And did not your grandfather [Abraham] have children [Abraham had Ishmael], yet he girded his loins for Sarah[nonetheless, he made the effort of praying so that Sarah would become pregnant]? He told her: You can do as my grandmother [Sarah] did. She asked him: And what did she do? He replied: She brought a rival wife [Hagar] into her house. She responded: If this is the obstacle, [then](Gen. 30:3): Here is my maid Bilhah. By merit of the birth of Dan [the son of Bilhah], Rachel became pregnant; and by merit of the birth of Dan, Joseph and Benjamin were born(Gen. Rabbah73:4). [Note Jacob was less than half this age when he met Rachel - this means that even compared to a modern man, he was in the prime of his life at that point.] Tadshe, in Epstein, "Mi-admoniyyot ha-Yehudim," Supplement, p. Another tradition explains that most of those around [the table] were from Leah, and therefore Rachel was the main person [ikar] of the household(Gen. Rabbah71:2). He suggests that the Apostles were also numbered twelve, though Judas Iscariot was dead by that time, (John 20:24 ) and cites Saint Augustine to support him. An additional important trait of Rachels was the art of silence and the ability to keep secrets, a quality that she also passed on to her offspring, who were known for their taciturnity: Benjamin, Saul, andEsther. She had started from a position of superiority over her sister, since she was the desired wife. Rachel, who was not so occupied, therefore became the mainstay of the household. God took pity on Leah and allowed her to bear children, while Rachel was barren. it is known before You that Your servant Jacobs love for me knew no bounds, and he worked for my father for seven years for me. This exposition aims to applaud Jacobs strength, which increased due to his love for Rachel. When Leah was brought under the wedding canopy, Rachel thought: Now my sister will be shamed [when Jacob discovers the fraud and does not marry her]. She gave the signs to Leah. 2; Midr. Jacob labored 14 years to win Rachel in marriage. Jacob offered to serve Laban for seven years, in exchange for the right to marry Rachel. The Hebrew name of Rachel means ewe or beautiful. The Rabbis learned from this that when God decrees greatness for a person, He decrees greatness for all his posterity to the end of time (BTMegillah13b). How old was Rachel when she died. Jer. Altogether, the four women bore 12 sons and one daughter, Dinah. Rachel said: Naftalihe is mynofet[honeycomb].Nofetare the words ofTorah, that are called(Ps. God said to Jacob: Is this how one replies to embittered women? In the narrative inGen. 31:19, when Jacob fled from Labans house, Rachel stole her fathers household idols. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Is this the reward of your sister Rachel, who gave you her signs with her husband on your wedding night, to spare you embarrassment? As punishment for this behavior, Leah was caused even greater mortification with the episode ofDinah(Gen. Rabbati,Vayishlah, p. 168). When not specified, "Talmud" refers to the Babylonian Talmud.Talmud asserts that the Matriarch Rachel was one of the first women prophets. In theTorahReuben is deposed from his status as firstborn for having violated his fathers bed(Gen. 49:34) and this distinction is conferred on Joseph when Jacob declares that Ephraim and Manasseh are his sons(Gen. 48:56). Leah knew that twelve tribes would issue from Jacob. Themidrashperceives Rachel as an educational figure who delineated the path that her offspring were to follow. Jacob kissed Rachel and fell in love with her instantly. Forced to serve Rachel's father, Laban, for seven years to win her, Jacob was tricked at the end of that time into marrying her sister, Leah. Themidrashasserts that the salvation that occurred in his time in the war at Gilgal(Josh. When Joseph was born, Rachel stated(Gen. 30:24): May the Lord add [yosef] another son for me. TheLit. Shalvi/Hyman Encyclopedia of Jewish Women. 19:11) drippings of the comb [nofet zufim], which are in the portion of Naphtali, who will engage in Torah study (Gen. Rabbahloc. Jacob was quite old compared to other generat. It was for my sake that he came here and served our father for so many years. cit.). Later, in giving birth to Benjamin, Rachel died and was buried by Jacob near Bethlehem. cit.) cit.). She married Jacob (2245 AM) when she was old enough to carry an adult responsibility, because Jacob met her when she was leading a flock of sheep to water. Themidrashrelates that there was no maiden comelier than Rachel, which was why Jacob desired to wed her, and sent her presents. Rosh Hashanah is perceived as the time of liberation from pain and sorrow: this is the day that signals a positive change, both in the time of the Matriarchs and in the time of their offspring. Jacob was 77 years old, and he loved Rachel immediately. (2022, December 6). Both bore him children. If she breaks a vessel within the house, whom shall she blame for this? What am I, flesh and blood, dust and ashes, that I was not jealous of my rival wife, and that I did not allow her to be shamed and disgraced, but You, merciful living and eternal King, why were You jealous of idolatry that is of no import, and exiled my children who were slain by the sword, and allowed their enemies to do with them as they pleased? Gods mercy was immediately revealed, and He said: For your sake, Rachel, I shall return Israel to their placefor there is a reward for your labor []. So did your mother shame our father when she stole the household idols from Laban! By merit of the blows that he received on his shoulders, theShekhinah(Divine Presence) would rest between Benjamins shoulders, as it is said in the blessing by Moses(Deut. TheTorahattests of Rachel(Gen. 29:17): Rachel was shapely and beautiful; and of her son Joseph (39:6): Now Joseph was well built and handsome [the two verses uses the same Hebrew phrases:yefat/yefeh toar,vi-yfat/yefeh mareh], to which the Rabbis apply the saying: Throw a stick into the air, and it will [always] fall on its end(Gen. Rabbah86:6). (NIV), Genesis 35:24The sons of Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin. When Rachel saw that her sister was pregnant, she prayed and caused the fetuss sex to change(JTBerakhot9:3, 14[a]). Buber],Vayeze18). This means Jacob was Laban's nephew. The Bible does not say when Rachel was born, nor how old she was when she married Jacob, nor how long she lived. Another tradition suggests that when Rachel saw that she did not bear children, she feared lest Esau take her from Jacob and marry her [because of the prior agreement between the parents of Jacob and Esau that each would marry one of the sisters, while Jacob had married both]. The midrash adds that Laban entered Rachels tent twice, because he knew that she was inclined to steal. God thereupon promised her the restoration of Israel (Lam. (NLT) Jeremiah 31:15 speaks of Rachel "weeping for her children" who have been taken into exile. She bore another son and a daughter over the next two years. He buried her on the road to Ephrath because he foresaw that the Israelites, when driven into captivity along that road, would need her intercession with God in their behalf (Midr. DAY 34: Jacob Was 84 Years Old When He Married Rachel And Leah By richoka Leave a Comment We've now arrived at the third Biblical patriarch: Jacob. Another exegetical tradition relates that when Rachel saw the events of the Destruction and the Israelites being sent into exile from their land, she jumped in before God and said: Master of the Universe! By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. When Jacob spoke with Leah, Rachel would answer him, so that he would not identify Leahs voice (Lam. Rachel and Leah both took Jacob's side. His love and our salvation come through grace. The first was his anguish at his poverty. According to Gen. R. (lxxii. Some argued that he was from the tribe of Gad, while others maintained that he was a Benjaminite. Later, when Leah was given in marriage instead of Rachel, the latter revealed the signs to her sister in order to spare her from being disgraced by Jacob. Omissions? He therefore went before her, stood up to his full height and hid her from Esau. (Genesis 29:10, NLT). The Rabbis speak of the passionate love for Rachel exhibited by Jacob, who already understood from their first encounter that she was his intended bride. The Rabbis commented on the sale of the mandrakes: This one lost and the other one lost, this one was rewarded and the other one was rewarded. Leah lost the mandrakes and was rewarded with tribes; Rachel lost burial, and was rewarded with the birthright(Gen. Rabbah72:3). From the Jewish Museum, New York, via Wikimedia Commons. midrash relates that Rachel was twenty-two years old when she was married to Jacob ( "order.". Buber],Vayeze6). After working for Laban another seven years, Jacob marries Rachel Jacob did so and completed her week, and he gave him his daughter Rachel as his wife. 60a), and who are often referred to in the liturgy, Rachel being mentioned before Leah. 3 (2020): 299-333. So, Jacob married and started having children 7 years into his 20 years of service to Laban. Features thousands of biographic and thematic essays on Jewish women around the world. InJer. The custom in those days was for a man to wait at least a week after arranging to marry a woman. According to this view, from the outset the birthright belonged to Rachels son, which was the intent of both God and Jacob. 1; Gen. R. lxxi. Laban's younger daughter, who became one of Jacob's wives (Gen. xxix. This is whyGen. 29:25relates: When morning came, there was Leah!because Rachel had given her the signs, Jacob did not know until the morning that they had switched(BTBava Batra123a). Rachel and Leah were twin sisters, fourteen years old when Jacob came to their father's house; consequently they were twenty-one years old at the time of their marriage to Jacob (Seder 'Olam Rabbah ii.). On this date Joseph left the Egyptian prison; and on this date, Israel went forth from their servitude in Egypt(BTRosh Hashanah10b11a). In return, Leah requested that Rachel forgo her right to be with Jacob that night. Elijah came and stood before them. The Rabbis observe that a woman usually goes to her mothers household, but since Rachels mother was dead, she had none to tell about Jacob besides her father(Gen. Rabbah70:13). 22). Rachel died while giving birth to Benjamin. 13). So Jacob served Laban fourteen years for his two daughters and six years for the cattle a total of twenty years. We only know the age of Jacob during this period of time. A third interpretation takes the wordnaftalifrom pitulim[vicissitudes], and describes what Jacob underwent. Rachel had taken the idols and placed them in the cushion on her camels back. Buber],Mikez13). Why, then, did she die? xxxi. cit.). She therefore insisted that Jacob pray to God for children, arguing that his father, Isaac, had done so(comp. Bethlehem is now an Arab-controlled town. Jacob then married Rachel and worked for Laban another seven years for her. 15). These two reasons reveal the fact that, already at the instant of his first meeting with Rachel, Jacob realized that she was the woman meant for him. Various Jewish sources say Rachel died at age 36 and other sources say age 45. The restrictions on her date of birth are: The maximum likely age for Rachel at the time of the birth of Benjamin is thirty-nine years. Isaac married Rabecah and they had two sons - Esau and Jacob. According to another tradition, all three mothers (Leah, Bilhah, and Zilpah) gathered and said: We have enough males; let her [Rachel] be remembered(Gen. Rabbah72:6). They declare that Rachel was not envious of her sister's fertility, but of her righteousness; she thought that if Leah had not been a better woman than she, she would not have had children. A miracle was performed for her, the idols were transformed into cups, and therefore Laban did not find them(Gen. Rabbah74:9). Rachel asked Leah for a portion of them, and Leah protested that Rachel already had the favor of Jacob, and now was asking for a supply of the one thing that each woman supposed would make her fertile. Jacob said to Joseph that he had buried Rachel near Ephrath, where Bethlehem now stands. 3). Jealous of her sister, Rachel gave Jacob her servant Bilhah as a wife. In thismidrash, Rachel has the insight that the birth of children is a reward from God. He knew that he would marry her, just as Rebekah had been married to Isaac, and he also understood that he would bury her. l.c. 8:6: For love is fierce as death (Tanhuma[ed. When Jacob wanted to leave Haran, he summoned his wives to the field and told them of his plans. In yet another exegetical understanding, Rachel said: May the Lord add another son for me for exile, because the ten tribes were exiled beyond the Sambatyon river, while the tribes of Judah and Benjamin were dispersed throughout all the lands. 15 (see Biblical Data, above) is the source of the midrashic legend that when the Israelites were driven into captivity by Nebuzar-adan, and the supplications of the Patriarchs and of Moses proved of no avail, Rachel arose from her grave and implored God's clemency, basing her plea upon her own self-abnegation with regard to her sister. One tradition maintains that she became pregnant by merit of abundant prayers: by merit of her own prayer, by merit of her sisters prayer, by merit of Jacobs prayer, and by merit of the prayer of the handmaidens [Zilpah and Bilhah](Gen. Rabbah73:3). Notwithstanding this, Rachels exemplary deeds caused the seniority to return to her. cit.). Vilna] petihtah 24). All the furrows that I plowed in your mother [i.e., acts of intercourse] should I not have done with Rachel? Jacobs response is described in v. 2: Jacob was incensed at Rachel, and said, Can I take the place of God, who has denied you fruit of the womb? The midrashic exegesis further intensifies Jacobs strong statement. Rachel had been given Bilhah as a handmaiden by her father Laban upon her marriage to Jacob. 60a, and Targ. 14; Midr. 33:12): Of Benjamin he said: Beloved of the Lord, he rests securely beside Him [] as he rests between His shoulders (Tanhuma[ed. R., Petita, 25). If she had, then she would not have been able to employ a ruse to stop her father from searching her belongings too closely (see below). Agadat Bereshit li. In the fourth interpretive possibility, the name given by Rachel portrays the childs character, thus predicting the future. And there is hope for your futuredeclares the Lord: Your children shall return to their country (Lam. She possessed the art of silence [when she knew that her sister was given to Jacob deceitfully, but remained silent and did not tell him]; all of her descendants continued in this path, and could keep a secret. Bilhah bore children to Jacob, causing Leah to give her servant Zilpah to Jacob, who had children with her. Rachels good deeds also positively influenced her children. Referred to alternatively as the "Day of Judgement" and the "Day of Blowing" (of the shofar).Rosh Ha-Shanah, like Sarah andHannah. When Jacob blesses Joseph before his death, he tells his son(Gen. 49:25): The God of your father who helps you, and Shaddai who blesses you [] blessings of the breast and the womb. The Rabbis comment on this: Come and see how greatly Jacob loved Rachel. In another midrashic tradition, however, Jacob did not initially favor Rachel over Leah. God asked Leah: Is this the reward for a good deed? cit.). At the well at Haran, Jacob found Rachel, Laban's younger daughter, tending sheep. A compilation of the commentary and discussions of the amora'im on the Mishnah. "order." Learn Religions, Dec. 6, 2022, When Potiphars wife attempted to seduce Joseph, he raised his eyes and saw the image of his mother Rachel and was thereby saved from the sin of adultery(JTHorayot2:5, 46[d]). 2). Theodor-Albeck, MS. Vatican, 99:3, p. 1253]). Your life, they will exact punishment from him whenever he threatens your children (Pesikta Rabbati[ed. 24), show that she was a prophetess. Rachel bore Joseph, then the entire clan left Laban's country to return to Isaac. Rachel's early decease was due, according to the general opinion of the Rabbis, to Jacob's involuntary curse uttered when Laban was searching for the teraphim, "With whomsoever thou findest thy gods, let him not live" (Gen. xxxi. However, since he was delayed in fulfilling his vow [as is related inGen. 35:17], he was punished by having to bury Rachel. It speaks of a tradition possessed by Jacob that Esau would fall only by the hand of Rachels sons. This midrash indicates a certain correction of the injustice done to Rachel. How old was Rachel when Jacob married her? So Rachel offered her handmaid, Bilhah, as her surrogate. Who is Rachel in The Bible? 29a; R. H. 11a), and it was particularly her self-abnegation at the time of her sister's marriage which gained for her the divine clemency (Gen. R. lxxiii. 12; Targ. Rachel Stevens has shut down ex-fianc Jeremy Edwards's claim that she cheated on him. 19; Gen. R. lxxxii. Rabbah, according to which Rachel entered under Jacob and Leahs bed on their wedding night. This filled Rachel with envy, and, having expressed her feelings to Jacob, she bade him take her handmaid Bilhah to wife in order that she might obtain a family through her (xxix. xxxi. [9][10][11], Last modified on August 11, 2016, at 17:07. Thus Rachel knew that Jacob loved her more than he did Leah.[1][2][3][4]. Thismidrashincorporates several aggadic traditions according to which Leah gave birth to Issachar and Zebulun by merit of the mandrakes that she gave her sister.

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