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Below is a screen shot from the November 2014 TBN Praise-A-Thon where Jeremiah is preaching the sowing principle. Comment to Amos in moderation, presumably because I quoted the Hebrew word for Genesis which contains a naughty word in English. However, I doubt if any of them would be very welcome at an American Patriarchs Convention. He said about childrenLet the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Children have no power in this world. Twenty years later they were worth $1,245,000. He went on to earn a Masters degree in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1967. So all the aliens show off their various beliefs and at the end the humans are going to show their religious beliefs. Or a few billion years is also pretty plausible. His predecessor in the church was Tim LaHaye of Left Behind fame. From my perspective, and I am sure I am not the only one here, I see no reason to read anything I quoted as allegorical. and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: William G. is better equipped to provide the historical details of the debate. ): Would that be in metric or is there some spiritual dimension into which metric can be converted? 2) ITS ALL GONNA BURN!!!! The destruction of Satan and his demons being cast into the lake of fire is pretty dramatic as well. He is from Toledo, U.S. David is famous for starting the Turning Point Radio show. I have also seen a severely disabled adult who was given the boot from his group home of 17 years because the director is a stupid blank. I should probably add Thriller with Boris Karloff. And it has altered my view of the Church, as an entity that isnt destined to fail in her mission to the degree that an emergency evac is the only option. so my truck has decided to practice separation from me, since I am a reprobate. @ Headless Unicorn Guy: I dont know what that language means specifically. Gory at times, though. With our natural mind and our understanding. He attended Cedarville University and received his bachelors degree there in 1963. In the 20th century many were dissatisfied with the top-down clergy-dispensed theology and were eager to read and interpret the Bible for themselves. Like the Inevitable Global Thermonuclear War trope of the Cold War, Its All Over But The Screaming. @ Nick McDonald: The one-way submission advocated by the complementarians is not supported by the Bible read in context. By the way, congrats on using SF to refer to science fiction. For we are the temple of the living God (2 Corinthians 14-16a). The throne of David, according to the prophet Jeremiah, would rule over the "house of Israel" ( Jeremiah 33:17 ), not over some Gentile peoples. Those of us who are itching to ask exactly that will have to shout to be heard over everyone else asking that. We can argue about the meaning of the word tribulation, but not about the scale of it. Abraham Productions stated Dr. Jeremiah would be unable to attend "Singing in The Sun" and wishes him great healing and a speedy recovery. My husband goes out of the room when I want to watch so I asked him why.. Sorry, but I disagree. David Jeremiah was born on February 13, 1941 in Toledo, Ohio. I am glad he added in the industrial revelation. Dr Jeremiah is one of the most beautiful people I know and trust. A city with ties to many parts of the Roman wotld, with traders from that empire and likely Central and East Asia as well. I believe someday the Lord will say to David Jeremiah well done good and faithful servant. Jennifer is a medical practitioner. I envy Driscoll and his ilk, they can slaughter and move on, I have never been able to do that, to my eternal shame, if there was a reason to show why God hates my eternal soul, there is none. She began her career in journalism by contributing articles to the Eastern Daily Press and making radio appearances on Broadland 1 Michael Baggott has an incredible weight loss journey and weighs around 88 kg. In 2010, ECFA membership was a requirement for all NRB members with more than $1-million in annual income. What I would like to know is, when we get there, who out of all those who post here is going to be the one to have the courage to ask. You might remember Roma Downey in the long-running tv show Touched By An Angel. And that gets into a bunch of teaching that would explain this view infinitely better than I can. He has written more than 30 books, including The Book of Signs and The Book of Mysteries. I finally got around, yesterday, to writing a negative review on amazon about Mark Devers book The 9 Marks of a [un] Healthy Church. It is hard enough to lose your wife, and hard enough to lose your job, but what happens when you lose your ideas about God and life? Honorary degreesare awarded for something you do with your life that distinguishes you or for making a donation of time or money to the institution that awards the degree. Please check back soon for updates. Doug wrote: Even today, in many societies, the dominant male partner is not viewed as being either effeminate or gay. I dont know if our resident true legal scholar (not me, Tim) would agree, but when I read some of the Pauline letters and his reasoning and the way he sets up arguments, I just know he was trained as a legal scholar, because much of what he writes reads like high level legal reasoning put together by a brilliant mind, the likes of which Id put up there with jurists like Hand, Marshall, Cardozo, with a little bit of Scalias spice thrown in there. from current events that were now forgotten.). But then, I dont go out of my way to look for them, either. And Give to you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. In 1963, he completed his degree from the reputed Cedarville University. In fact, I recently told my husband I plan to watch through the series again. Its just his version of what most consider allegory, so live and let live. WRT the mustard seed, I wonder if that was possibly the smallest seed that the general audience would have known about. So the other day I get an oil change, and my truck turns to me and says, You really should wear your seatbelt. was that This WILL be because of The Energy Crisis. Some of them are pretty creepy! David is a Aquarius. and without a parable spake he not unto them: Knowing they many would NOT understand. Just saying). and **lean NOT unto thine own understanding. Sorry if this hijacks the post, but it does tie back to Jeremiahs apocalyptic scenarios, which are rooted in dispensationaist premillennialism, which is not the only option in orthodox Christianity, despite what you see on TBN. But for many years, their intellectual ancestors believed that it did indeed apply. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. Doug, you are going far, far away from the literal meaning of that passage, the plain meaning. In retrospect, it was a lot like having a terminal disease. I so understand where you are coming from. Now of course I know about current theories of inspiration, but the theories dont stop me, so I just thought to mention this. David was born on February 13, 1941, in Toledo Ohio, In the United States. Thats why I read the Bible literarily rather than literally. My Answer: We dont know because the Bible doesnt tell us with specificity, but whatever it was it was good and unspoiled by sin. Why Did ResultSource Need David Jeremiahs Ministry to Help Get Mark Driscoll on the New York Times Best Seller List? Just like the promise of a Messiah was found in the OT, so the promise of the Second Coming was promised by Jesus. Some people dont care about the present and this world because they are enraptured with end times., lydia wrote: That was quite a show. Some good thoughts. The total net worth of David Jeremiah is $25 million. Writing a review on there is a good idea. :-p. Maybe Bob Kauflin can write the new X Files theme. The problem is that the comps have so effectively poisoned the well of discussion and obscured the texts with their smoke and the sheer volume of their words. As of 2023, David Jeremiah's net worth is $100,000 - $1M. He doesnt like creepy shows so he told me to watch it when hes not around. See the problem? Christians who have faithfully studied the bible reach different conclusions about this, which to me can only mean God has not intended us to have detailed chart of how it will all happen pinned to our bedroom walls. Eph 3:9 I consider that very much, and if one day I stand before the Lord and he tells me: You know, little ignorant one, I really meant it literally when I inspired Moses to write six days in Gen 1, and in fact the earth was far newer than you ever imagined and sciences understanding of carbon 14 dating was fatally flawed, but why would you put such reliance in fallible people? I will not at all be surprised and will apologize to my Lord. if I understand it, the RCC does not believe in original guilt while understanding original sin and its consequences quite differently from calvinism. I choose to be master/mistress, fitting the Dumpty part quite nicely if I do say so myself. They talked back in the 60s too. Where did David Jeremiah grow up in Ohio? I highly recommend the Twitter feed of Kim Kierkegaardashian. Is that legitimate? At least, I think thats what youre getting at, and I agree. Today What would you say is your Plain Reading of this verse? He has admitted he does not believe in anything he cannot see. @ dee: Ive seen Jeremiahs show on TBN. I did get that one from a plain reading of the Bible. If he kept the money, did he disclose this income to the boards of Turning Point Ministries, which is responsible for setting his salary? Now I understand you better, and get why you approach it from that perspective. I once spoke with a friend very much of your perspective who insisted that the story of the rich man and Lazarus was an account of an actual, literal event, because Jesus had not announced it as a parable, and therefore Hell was a place in which you had to be capable of yelling across the chasm between Heaven and Hell (which must be directly across a canyon from Heaven, because thats the way Jesus told it) and speaking to people like Abraham and Lazarus, requesting that they dip fingers into water to soothe their torment. We are saved through faith in Jesus alone. The trick is to recognize it for what it is and not get sucked in. Today What would you say is your Plain Reading of this verse? Jeremiah has accumulated such a fortune as is the senior pastor of El Cajon, California's Shadow Mountain Community Church. Episode 415: We are to be holy because He is holy, Episode 414: Why I am grateful for THAT troll, Episode 413: Bible twisters vs. the plumb line, Episode 412: They used the wrong evidence to defend themselves, Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord, in Your name did we not prophesy, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many miracles? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness. Mt 7:22-23. A horse is a horse of course, of course As a sweet little old lady (?) I am thankful that the final judgment is not a multiple choice question on doctrine with optional essay question for extra points. When I once pointed out the parallels between said young ladys vision (start of the whole Rapture idea) and Trance Channeling a la Shirley MacLaine, I got turned into a pile of rocks. So, what do you think was outside the Garden of Eden since God formed Adam outside the Garden and then placed him in it?. I believe Arabs and Iranians also do it. I have friends who are conservative Pentecostal Christians. Paul certainly believed in the resurrection, yet he also spoke of departing to be with the Lord. Before launching a career in Christian journalism 25 years ago, Smith spent more than seven years as the Marketing Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. In this article, we dive into the information about David Jeremiahs net worth, children, and his wife, Donna Jeremiah. Just an off-topic update (which I left a post for you on one of the other articles): I suppose we must all be grateful that she had her supposed revelation when she did; 50 years earlier, she would have burnt at the stake for that kind of thing. He may be saying things are going to be way worse than can be imagined in various ways. But hey, its just as plausible as any other date. Thats who., Yup Jesus, in Re 1:8, Re 21:6, Re 22:13, calls himself, The Beginning. There is the Catholic-Buddhist-Hindu-Wicca-New Age-Muslim who claims to believe something, as long as it isnt Jesus, the blood, resurrection, personal sin or wrath for it. Worth watching. He graduated from Cedarville University and earned his master's degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. I think you will like the X Files if you liked Fringe. I think its fascinating that the Lord inspired His word through men, using their understandings (Peters Greek grammar, so I am told by higher authorities, was pretty shaky vis-a-vis the much-better-educated Pauls) and personalities, and yet, its still God breathed. His talk on the pastorals gives excellent background, looking at the text to see just what problems Paul was seeking to correct. The whole issue of the end times chronology is based on an assumption that Revelation is presented in future chronological order, which is generally a much later approach. The series of posts + discussions in comments are well worth your time, I think. Is it true that the trinity is an invention of the RCC circa 800 with the introduction of the Athanasian creed? Thanks, Muff. Paul cannot be taken literally because he was often writing in a manner used today by attorneys and debaters: Present the other side of the argument, shoot it down, and then present your side. Agree totally, and I would add also that fear is a de-motivator as well. Quite apart from being cheap, lazy and over-used, sudden scares immediately defuse any and all tension so that you leave the cinema totally unmoved by it all. Armageddon WILL be entirely fought on horseback with swords. Are you saying that if God did thus and such then one can assume that everything that God did/does fits the same pattern? @ dee: Revelation 18:23 and Galatians 5:19-21 strenuously forbid such practices. I personally have a tough time with the notion of Original Sin (though not with sin per se), and I dont believe in it as taught by many in the Western church. Therefore, we need to re-work the concept of equality so that scarystuff will be banished from the earth. My point is simply that there has to be something in the text to change the meaning away from a normal understanding. I will check out your review on Amazon. This exclusive club has less than 90 members, and they include Billy Graham, Chuck Colson, and Jerry Falwell. He recently underwent treatment to repair any remaining difficulties from the accident, although believing he had fully recovered at the time.

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