The light giggle makes Harry perk up, turning around and seeing his love sitting up on his counter, scooping up the cookie dough he whipped up early with her finger, licking the substance off. The ten hour flight ahead of you didnt sound appealing in the slightest, but at least Harry would be by your side for the whole thing. You alright? As soon as her father touches her she calms down, her wide eyes peering up at her parents. You fell to the ground, the blow to your body radiating up and down your arm as you clutched onto it, tears falling harder than ever. Until now, you had promised Harry that you were getting better. What did I do? You gasp, handing him his coffee as you plopped down next to him in the studio, taking a long sip as he shook his head at you. It was all you could think about after you sat down, a waitress coming quickly to your table and he gave you a look, asking you if thats what you wanted. What you wanna do now, my love? He smiles, leaning on the counter and staring at her proudly, Ive got nothing planned except loving on you., Youre awfully cheesy today. His wife softly smiled, hobbling her way over to the couch and sitting down, quickly putting her feet up and resting both hands on her stomach, can we watch movies?, Of course we can. He smiles sweetly, want me to get you or the little bugger some snacks?. Y/N just didnt know if she could do it. Im sorry about last night, Y/N. He spoke lightly as he took a bite of the sugary donut in his hands. I wish I could take it all away and give all of the pain to myself., The girl sniffled, pulling Harry onto the couch and cuddling into him the best she could, What if Im not strong enough? She squeaked, what if I cant do it? I way overreacted about the party situation and at your house I dont know what happened to me, I feel so horrible., Stop. Harry corrected, shaking his head, Im the asshole here, not you. "Thank you" he softly said while looking deeply into my eyes. You took one of your hands and ran it through his hair, an action that always calmed him down. Harry heart flutter as he heard her laugh, grabbing her wrists as he went to push his chest, gripping them and pulling her close and quickly throwing her over his shoulder, spinning around a few times before having them both fall on his bed, the pairs laughing loudly and leaning into one another. Leaning your head against the steering wheel, the tears continued to flow as the guilt was so much that it felt hard to breathe. "So you don't want the gel to get on the sheets 'cos it'll lose the chance to work on my back?" Harry was in the middle of attacking your face with kisses, huge laughs leaving your mouth, when you heard a loud banging on the hotel room door. Amanda.28 years old. Thank you., Harry, you wrote the majority of it! you laughed, playfully shoving him, I just had, like, a verse and a half., You inspired what I wrote! He chuckled, glancing down at you, eyes softening, in more ways then one.. As soon as the door shut behind you, Harry sped off down the road, disappearing into the rainy haze of the night. That bloody machine is always broken when we go there. He chuckled, nodding toward the homemade chocolate milkshake she gripped with both hands. Take some deep breathes, Im not going anywhere. This is my lucky suit, I have to wear this one, Y/N. Looking at him, you noticed that the coffee stain started halfway down his white shirt and onto his black slacks. Blinking, you observed the hotel room and realized that Harry was nowhere in sight. I like waking up next to you. Givin me the best gift a man could ever get. He tells you before he kisses you again. We gotta breathe.. Helping you out of the car, he brought you into his embrace, the familiar scent of him filling your senses. Y/N has always been the type to hold back, keep in her emotions to herself for a while before sharing if she ever did. Things can be replaced, okay? He'll tell you that you're being silly. yourre extra cuddly., I dont know. He shyly shrugged, burying his face in the crook of your neck, his lips pressing another kiss to your skin, been just thinking since, That, uh gender reveal? He admitted, a shy glance coming your way before he pulled away from your shoulder and sat across from you, playing with his rings, well thought about havin a baby with ya long before that, but ya know what I mean., Mhmm. You smile, giggling at your shy boyfriend, so, you really want a girl first?. The flat was never the same without him and constantly staying in new hotels with him wasnt giving you the routine that you needed with him. Reaching the end of the hall, you knocked on the only room you knew wasnt vacant and prayed that he was there and not out partying all night. Clutching on to any amount of dignity you had left, you slowly began walking down the sidewalk, having no idea where you even were. Thank you. He breathes against your lips. Gemma tries to hold her but Harry pushes his sister away. Youre my first priority, always. Y/N, youre finally here! You heard Harry exclaim and you drop your bags as you seem him run towards you, literally sweeping you off your feet and spinning you around his rental home. Did he not want to live with you? Fuck. She whispered, sitting up and her eyes scan Harrys bedroom, trying to think of anything she could do to not have to deal with this situation. Ive got some bath bombs and bubble bath under the sink. He began, facing the girl and softly pressing her lips, Ill throw the sheets and your clothes in the washer and go get you some stuff do you like pads or tampons better? Get away from me. you whisper, attempting to push past him and get into the elevator, pressing the door closed button before even pressing a floor, not wanting him to get any closer. when harry was doing the gender reveal in nashville he looked so happy and excited; and i keep thinking about him talking to the reader right after the show about their future children and how they are going to be the best parents and how he excited he is for their future together,, just so much fluff :(. You thought you could really leave me? Ryan spit into your ear as he grabbed you by the hair, bringing you to your feet. The couple had been reading all of the books, attending classes, watching educational videos, doing their research and asking their doctor every single question that has ever passed through them. Bringing you in close, you turned so he was hugging you into his side, the warmth of his body comforting you. Your grip on Harry tightened as you peered out the window at all of the fans and people that were out there. Did the meeting go well at least? Biting your lip, you waited for his response and when he nodded his head, grinning from ear to ear, you began jumping up and down. I love you and I am happy we finally have our own place. Breathing a sigh of relief, you allowed yourself to sink further into the bed. He leaned forward, his perfect, pink lips attaching to her neck and sponging soft kiss on the bare skin, arms right around her waist as he continued walking to his bedroom, Y/Ns heart starting to beat out of her chest. Well soon you will be on break and I will have an entire year with you to spill more wine and ruin more of our home furnishings. You joked causing that mesmerizing smile to appear on his face. It was only going to frighten you more. Just then the door opens and in walks Anne and Gemma. It was an accident and you knew that if Liam wasnt under so much stress with this new album, this whole thing would have panned out differently. I couldnt have done it without you. You look up at him, really meaning it. You cant just tell me to leave every time something like this happens. Moving on the bed, you moved so you were hovering over him, pulling his hands out of his face. Theres no way he wont find out. With the comfort of Liam next to you, you felt the alcohol begin to flow through your veins as a soft haze clouded your mind. Glancing at the clock, you realized that you and Harry were running very behind. He didnt have to use words for you to know that he is furious with you. He then gently leans in to kiss your lips. He stopped in front of me and slowly put his hands on either side of my waist. Depression caused you to have your good and bad days, today being a bad day. You like the shake? Whenever your ready, no matter how long it takes., You never have, Ive just been so happy I didnt know what you were going to say or if you would even have wanted me stay. She admitted, cuddling herself into his warm skin, it just makes me feel so silly. You sat in the room you had started to call home over the past two months, curled up on the bed with your knees pressed to your chest as you leaned against the headboard. And I love you, more than you could ever imagine, dont ever forget it. He whispered, kissing her again before pulling away and snuggling her into his chest, legs tangling together, what first, Tangled or Beauty and the Beast?, this is super soft but can i request something where the reader doesnt have a lot of experience and her and harry agree to take things slowly? Just go! He shouted at you, pointing to the door. Anne was in the middle of talking about how she was looking forward to having some time off to relax and you instantly thought she was referring to the vacation to Barcelona her children had planned for it. Harry stared at the girl in front of him as she stared down at her feet, his own gaze followed to the floor and he chuckled to himself as he saw her mix matched fuzzy socks. Word Count: 2.2k. His skin tone seemed more tanned than ever because of the white bedsheets we both layed in.Morning babe, I smiled. What? She laughed, cheeks turning pink as she started buckling her seatbelt, Why are you staring at me?. You stood there frozen in place as you stared at the guitar laying on the ground. Its time. The nurses come on each side of you and lift your legs up higher as the doctor gets in place. His warm hands sneaking underneath your shirt and resting there and the contrast of the cool metal of his rings meeting your skin making you shiver. ! He shouted suddenly, startling you. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE FINAL PART TO MY FIRST SERIES! You were desperate to fix things and get him to listen. Youre my forever., Hi everyone! Stopping right in front of the bus stop, Harry cut the engine and stepped out of the car. he shyly smiled at you. H-Harry. She shakily began, shaking her head as the images of the price tag overwhelm her memory. Im sorry. I knew her better than anyone else. She smiles down at you before turning back to the doctor as he instructs you to push once more. Come on darling, I got a surprise for ya. He whispered, kissing the top of her head and began leading her to the kitchen. Shortly after Harry's eyes started to droop with tiredness, probably due to the painkillers he'd taken earlier and his lack of sleep for the past few days. You cant be serious right now, Y/N! Zayn raised his voice at you as you stood in shock, almost dropping your mug of coffee entirely. Some guy hit my hand with his camera when we were in the mob, its no big deal, Har. You tried to ease his mind by speaking calmly, but it wasnt doing any good. "Harry, the only way for you to take it away is to get me pregnant and I'm gonna have to pass on that for awhile, if that's alright.". By the time you were in the SUV, Harry by your side, you realized you had been holding your breath for the duration of what just happened. I rushed to his side, letting him take hold of me, so I could help him slip off his shoes. She did poorly on an exam, struggled at work and even got in a small fight with her roommate and it was all just piling up with all of the stress she already had, so her date with Harry has been the thing helping her get through the week, Harry always knew how to make her feel better. You lay your head back on your pillows, trying to regain your breathing. I am so proud of you babe. You kissed him hard, the hair on his face scratching against your skin as his hands firmly gripped your hips. You couldnt bare to even be in the same room as him at this point, the guilt being too much. Y/N stirred awake, the sunlight peaking through the blinds. It was overwhelming. She nods, confirming his thoughts and his blank stare of surprise remained glued on his face, making Y/N rub her eyes to try to calm down before standing, planning to head to the living room to clean up the mess and go home. I held my hands over my stomach and didnt find the time to answer since another wave of pain washed over me.Suddenly it hit him like a stone. Youve never felt so guilty in your entire life. For his birthday, she picked up extra shifts, stayed late, and did some babysitting in order to get him some new rings and a recording microphone he could hook up to his phone or laptop he could use instead of using just voice memos.

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