Our analysis shows that pursuing digitization and sustainability levers are key to significantly boosting productivity and efficiency of a typical cement plant (Exhibit 1). Product diversification on its part could divert the attention of the company from its core line of production thus damaging the image of the company. Huge market expansions also come with an increase in administration costs which dilutes the profit margins of the firm by increasing the operation cost. This has had the effect of precipitating the revenues of companies. This threatens to cripple the companys operations while causing a huge slump in revenue. //--> VRIO analysis of Cemex Superior is a resource oriented analysis using the details provided in the Globalization of CEMEX case study. Were moving out of the realm of a recipe into the realm of a playbook or guide. Despite the expansionary moves undertaken, Cemex continues to rely heavily on the Latin market with about 68% of its global sales coming from the Latin market. Where did we fail? That helped us figure out what to replicate and what not to replicate. So we started to develop offerings that more closely resembled solutions. Capabilities System This report applies key concepts in strategy and strategy analysis to evaluate and. if(year<1000) year+=1900 In this piece, we connect Apples unique and successful take on social media to its core values. In the 2000s, to take full advantage of its emerging global nature, CEMEX entered new businesses in ready-mix concrete and aggregates materials whose supply chain and financial dynamics were very different from those of cement. Web. That will not just create a requirement for CEMEX; it will also create opportunities. Lee, Hau and Hoyt, David, W. CEMEX: Transforming a Basic Industry Company, 2005. Step 4 - Designing a Marketing Mix using 4Ps - Product, Price, Place & Promotion. Strategic Analysis Of Cemex Cemex is one of the largest commercial market in the world. BusinessEssay. This article was developed as part of the Strategy& Capable Company Research Project, aligned with the forthcoming book. The current operations strategy seems to have worked perfectly to the advantage of the company. Were not just selling cement or ready-mix; were helping you build a street. Today, CEMEX is one of the leaders in this technology. We knew that, compared with building asphalt roads, the initial investment was almost the same and the cost of maintenance was much lower. Cemex is committed to achieving carbon neutrality through relentless innovation and industry-leading research and development. 1. We would identify people in their field operations who had exceptionally smart approaches to doing things. A new book questions old paradigms about the meaning of time and work. With the acquisition of Tolteca Company, Cemex became the 2nd largest cement firm in Mexico. More than one billion urban poor live in informal settlements contributing more to inefficiencies and chaos. Madridejos: We didnt buy RMC because of its understanding of alternative fuels and waste-to-energy systems. The middle one, which is people, is the most difficult. Mr. Zambrano talked about going from being an elephant to being a greyhound. Step 5 - Sustaining Value through Post Purchase Services. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. For CEMEX to play that kind of role, the company needed new capabilities. To serve them profitably, innovative and contextual business models have been developed. This was followed by further international acquisitions in Europe at a time when global consolidation in the cement industry was rising. Furthermore, its cultural proximity in these nations gives it higher leverage over its competitors who are still struggling to make inroads into the new markets. This will ensure that Cemex stamps its authority and reclaims its niche in the market as a market leader. Who has decision rights over what, and how is the work done? The IT group has played a huge role in integrating the best management practices with the organizational framework across the globe. There was no choice but to build new capabilities both to defend its home turf and to grow abroad. Hines, Joann. It sells an idea!! Sales staff should be trained in public relations to treat customers professionally. Type above and press Enter to search. With its presence in 50 countries and recording a $2.11 billion profit in 2006, the company strategies seem to have largely succeeded. Were not just selling cement or ready-mix; were helping you build a street or a home.. Increased acquisitions could also trigger a wave of consolidation exercises among its competitors which could push the company out of the specific market. We wont dictate how you do it, but we require that you recapture all your freight somehow. Strategy+business is a trademark of PwC. The most primary and obvious reason for cement companies to focus on the formal segment is the average revenue per customer. In value-based pricing, products are price based on the perceived value instead of cost. In the early 1990s, Mexico had very high inflation. On the other hand, the management might be forced to go back to the drawing board and assess the viability of any further expansions. Hernandez: At the same time, the CEMEX Way has always been retrofitted to include the best practices of companies we acquired. It is all evident in its integration of information technology in its ready mix and cement business. Change your questioning habits. Elizondo: We redefined our vision for CEMEX Mexico. Aggressive advertising and sales promotion using billboards, banners, and media houses will come in handy to complement the companys re-branding efforts and also to boost the sales volumes and enhance brand awareness. Porter's 5 Forces, Competitive Forces & Industry Analysis. Globalization: The Strategy of Differences, 2003. The magic is thus in the market, not in the production. The leadership team of CEMEX understood that the over-dependency on the formal segment actually made it vulnerable and decided to reevaluate its strategy. There is often a not in my backyard mentality on the part of government officials. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When we introduced it in 2001, about 70 percent of CEMEXs bagged cement sales in Mexico went through individual distributors. Theyre the result of things that you do either consciously or unconsciously. Dominos is not a pizza delivery company. Once you have developed multipronged approach and work out various suggestions based on the strategic tools. Firms are now spending fortunes in these campaigns as they try to outdo each other and endear themselves to the consumers (Hau & David, 2005 para.6). Left to their own devices, big companies will continue to act big. Cemex is committed to making a positive social impact and empowering individuals to build a more sustainable future. Elizondo: We became quite adept at that. There was a real chance a larger global company would come into the market and underprice us. For example, we introduced Insularis in 2012: It is a ready-mix brand that improves the energy efficiency of buildings. Sometimes marketing can trigger combative competition in the market-leading to the business rivalry which can seriously harm the business. Yahoos story or case study is full of strategic mistakes. In addition, the linguistic and cultural ties between the two countries made it a sensible strategic move. 13 December. This means that the company is yet to fully shed its cultural proximity orientation to system proximity which casts doubt on the effectiveness of the implementation of the system proximity approach. These companies not only had to work diligently on their marketing mix elements, i.e., product, price, place, and promotion but on their entire business model as well. We would do an acquisition, optimize it, take value out of it, and then go do another one. The second thing has to do with people individual skills, individual balance, and individual knowledge. From 1985 onwards Lorenzo Zambrano took over the family business as the CEO having joined the company in 1968. analysis of the CEMEX challenges, opportunities, and strategies with globalization and cross-cultural theories. The result is a margin gain of $4 to $9 per ton of cement, 2 which could shift a traditional plant to the top quartile of . In the light of the current economic recession, Cemex Company ought to consider the likely impact of the recession on its expansionary strategy and the possible mitigation measures available to contain the effects. Mentions of Strategy& refer to the global team of practical strategists that is integrated within the PwC network of firms. Why did Michelin, a tire company, decide to rate restaurants? This company is much better because of how we have integrated people and companies from Colombia, Germany, the U.S., and France, among other geographies, into the way we think. Step 3 - Marketing Plan. All rights reserved. In a cost-cutting measure to cut the cost of Information technology, the company developed a global standardization program commonly referred to as the CEMEX Way for $200 million in 2000. My experience of internship with one of the largest cement companies in India twenty years back had provided me an opportunity to understand the business of cement in a closer way. The rapid expansionary strategy could also pose a challenge to the financial position of the company and also cause bottlenecks in management. If volumes decrease, how do you maintain your price? Certain capabilities or factors of an organization can be both a strength and weakness at the same time. But [any] product has a disadvantage in that a customer can find a substitute for it. Strategy+business is published by certain member firms of the PwC network. An acquisition is inherently very motivating. 9) observes. A version of this article appeared in the Summer 2015 issue of strategy+business. Essential. Many companies are already reeling under the effects of the financial crisis while others are filing for bankruptcy. The German part of RMC was using refuse-derived fuel a fraction of municipal waste which is not widely understood. Freedonia Group Inc. However, an economic crisis during 1994 and 95 in Mexico, made a cement company, CEMEX, think differently to circumvent the crisis, which later became the core part of its business strategy. Johnnie Walker is a 200 years old brand but it is still going strong with its marketing strategies and bold attitude to challenge the conventional norms. Headed by Francisco Garza Zambrano and a consulting team from Business Design Associates, CEMEX performed in-depth market research, which provided key insights into serving this segment profitably. You could do all that stuff manually, with an email to a colleague. A solution, by contrast, cannot be that easily replaced. Long-term customerand community relationshipdevelopment through in-depth consultation, giving CEMEX unique insights into customer needs andthe capacity to erect entry barriers for competitors. December 13, 2022. https://business-essay.com/cemex-companys-strategic-analysis/. The market analysis also discusses new product developments, cost, revenue, gross margin, market size, share, and projected growth in addition to upcoming market strategies used by top competitors. Limitations of SWOT Analysis for CEMEX, S.A.B. For example, you might have a municipality with good tax revenue, but [leaders] dont know how to structure a project, get the permits, or make a good decision about where to put in a road, a bridge, or a public housing project. With other competitors coming into the country, we had to do something to strengthen our distribution channel. This article, through a qualitative and quantitative analysis, focuses on strategies that CEMEX has carried out to determine how they influence their dominance index or . It was very necessary to analyze the competitors in order to plan more effective marketing strategy. This will amount to increased sales volumes and customer loyalty through establishing the center for quality service with a difference. We can make a difference for our customers in terms of green buildings, greener roads, and environmentally friendly housing. Nike doesnt sell shoes. The emerging markets of India, Russia, Brazil, and China present a renewed opportunity for the company to expand. It was all about finding what worked best and then enforcing those standards. var today = new Date() The company that can provide them at the lowest price in any particular location would seem to have an unbeatable edge. In addition to bagged cement, we sold them rebar [steel reinforcing bars used to frame concrete structures] and other products. We knew from our experience with pet coke that it was only a matter of time before waste-recycling companies would start to peg the price of this energy source to the price of oil, eroding our advantage. The emerging markets of Venezuela, Panama, the Dominican Republic, and Colombia present an opportunity for the company to dig deeper into the markets and earn more revenues. Early on, for instance, we realized we should use the same team of people, from planning, accounting, IT, and operations, for each acquisition. Hernandez: Knowledge sharing wasnt new at CEMEX; it had been in place for years. Its just what happens when you have the right people in the right positions. environmental analysis regarding the debt acquired with each acquisition does not includes a possible economic crisis. And our common technology platform would make us more productive. The firm may have to cut down production to reduce the piling inventory in its warehouses thus reducing the cost of storage. The bullish in these economies has seen a dramatic rise in appetite for cement in the construction industry. The operational guys had to recognize that it wasnt enough to lower costs; they also had to connect with local people and address their concerns for example, about the dust generated by trucks picking up materials. In addition, it has enabled the company to achieve a high integration rate of its acquired units along with standardization of managing practices and quality across its holdings. Product diversification of the firm especially with the launch of Cemtec Company and the new venture to the manufacturing of construction machinery has helped the company to spread its risks besides broadening its new revenue base. You just send out an email that says, Joe, you now report to Regina, and here are the new guidelines on decision rights. Likewise, incentives are relatively easy to deal with. Marketing campaigns run the risk of not being effective if not directed to the target market. We needed to figure out what the best practices were in different regions, see how broadly they applied, document them, and implement them where they were appropriate. https://business-essay.com/cemex-companys-strategic-analysis/. This could hamper the development of new products and in the process inhibit future expansions. For example, within ready-mix, Shift has a track for value-added products. The Mexican economic crisis led to a significant drop in domestic sales of cement. Due to declining expansion in China and low oil prices, the construction industry has experienced stagnation in 2015. For . In 2007, we bought the Rinker Group, an Australian building-materials company. At its debut, the Patrimonio Hoy building materials club that Cemex set up consisted of a group of roughly seventy people contributing on average 120 pesos each week for seventy weeks. (2022, December 13). It is also responsible for driving process-oriented frameworks for multiple business cases . Low: The nature of cement as a key component in construction has eliminated any serious threats of substitutes. Thats when you have your best chance and I mean this in the most positive sense of getting into peoples heads. A deeper investigation of cement sales during the crisis by the CEMEX analysts revealed that though cement sales plummeted as much as fifty percent in the formal market, sales in the less quintessential low-income segment that consisted of people who mostly build their own houses without employing professional masons, registered a fall only by ten to fifteen percent. You have to fight all the time to be small. Cemex operates within a stiff globally competitive arena full of challenges emanating from among others the current global recession and the surging energy prices as a result of escalating fuel prices. High: The competition for the share of the cement market continues to be stiff particularly between the large multinationals. CEMEX: Building Solutions. This has continued to draw down revenue as firms have been forced to cut down the output too much the dwindling consumers demand. Apples social media strategy is extremely unusual. An analysis of hemorrhaging revenues by the company CEMEX led to a discovery of customer segments ignored for long by cement companies wilfully. One of its latest acquisitions was Southdown of the USA which helped it boost its image in the market. San Agustin: When we acquire a company, we listen. San Agustin: By 1999, having done acquisitions in Asia, Latin America, Europe, and the U.S., we had become very decentralized. CEMEX SAB de CV (CEMEX) is a manufacturer of building materials. However, any marketing strategy ought to be informed by aggressive market research to attain the intended results. In the old days, it was: This is it. This help is not in the form of charity but the form of a profitable business. Tomorrow were going to start using cash value added as a measure of performance, and if you achieve this level of cash value added, you get this bonus, and that will set you up to be promoted.. You dont see it, but offshore windmills have huge cement pilings underneath. We needed a new kind of executive, connected with the environment, who understood the real needs of any given locality. The role of an acquisitions leader included incorporating those practices back into the CEMEX Way. var year = today.getYear() Cemex Company's Strategic Analysis. To keep growing, we needed some larger transactions. Todays leaders can learn a crucial lesson from Theodore Roosevelts approach to building the Panama Canal. As a bold cultural innovation, CEMEX modified the existing tanda system and renamed it Patrimonio Hoy, in 1998. This all happened right before NAFTA, which opened up Mexico [to global competition]. Theyll put in more rules, procedures, and standardization. We changed old habits; for instance, in the past our people were not prepared to interact with our communities or with the media. Web. A truck with a capacity of 10 units, priced at $60 a unit, if full, would generate $600. Of worth noting is the speed at which they have been able to integrate acquired firms in its system. Choosing the vision, mission and the reason of existence for Cemex Superior. For more details on Cemex Solar PV Park, buy the profile here.. About Cemex SAB de CV Cemex SAB de CV is a manufacturer of building materials.It manufactures and sells cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, clinker, and related building materials. After successfully rolling out Patrimonio Hoy in Mexico, CEMEX launched another initiative called Construmex, a platform for remittances, which would help many Mexican Diasporas residing in the United States to send money directly to CEMEX distributors and reserve construction materials for building their houses in Mexico.

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