Read the excerpts and answer the question below. he was fairly conservative. This act provided for a civil service test to be taken by all government office seekers. Booker T. Washington built this school to educate black students on learning how to support themselves and prosper, Are institutions of higher education in the United States that have been designated by each state to receive the benefits of the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890. Defeat for unions. It had about 800,000 members in 1875 (mostly Midwest and South).They established cooperatives (co-ops): business organization owned and operated by a group of indiviudals for their benefit. The government backed Union Pacific happily paid these prices. Greeley used it to promote the Whig and Republican parties, as well as antislavery and a host of reforms. APUSH Test - Gilded Age and Progressive Era 1877-1900 The Gilded Age KEY THEMES Plight of the farmers and political organization Plight of the APUSH Test - Gilded Age and Progressive Era 1877-1900 The. May 4, 1886: Chicago. One theme of the Gilded Age politics was the? AP is a trademark registered by the College Board, which is not affliated with, and does not endorse, this website. These men became some of the most powerful men in the country as they were able to create historical fortunes by bringing all these innovations to the masses at affordable prices. This unification of the social classes in the desire for wealth created a growing support for the slave system in America. We should remove every unnecessary burden.". New inventions and technological advances improved the quality of life during the Gilded Age and while all were important in one aspect or another, it was the ability to harness electricity that had one of the most significant effects. Throughout the 1600s, tobacco still was the most profitable crop in the south. reformers targeted it. The Gilded Age brought immense economic and technological advances and thrust the United States to the forefront of economic productivity in the world. Read the following sentence. Saw alcoholism as a result of poverty rather than the cause. colleges that came from the Morrill Act of 1862. it granted public lands to states in order to support education. Conspicuous Consumption. controlled nine-tenths of the nations cigarette production in 1890 and about three-fourths of all tobacco production in 1904; broken up in 1911 for violating the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, south after the Civil War; identified southern promoters' belief in the technologically advanced industrial South. Limited Japanese immigration. Infiltrating the meat packing industry, Upton Sinclair exposed the unsanitary conditions in which some of the nations food supply was being made and packaged in his book titled, The Jungle. 1794-1877: replaced iron rail tracks with steel; amassed a fortune of 100 million dollars. These colleges were called land-grant colleges; they became state universities and supplied military training. Why did Lee decide to invade the North in 1863? cities began to have own "towns" inside which were mostly filled by one ethnicity. The powerful individuals that led and created these monopolies became known as robber barons and they rose to power on the backs of the predominantly unskilled and unprotected labor force that fueled them. Five were sentenced to death, one of which committed suicide; the other three were given stiff prison terms. What are two ideas or attitudes of the romantic movement that reflect the ideals of nationalism? Largest unit in the American oil industry in 1881. New innovations in electricity, mechanization, and communication gave rise to industrial production never before seen in the modern world. controlling every aspect of the production process. These men, along with many others became some of the most powerful men in the country as they were able to create historical fortunes by bringing all these innovations to the masses at affordable prices. When a company controls all the raw materials, processing, and transportation systems of a product. Gets bought out by banker JP Morgan and renamed U.S. Steel. The public outrage forced the government to pass legislation to protect public interests. New York Times exposed Tweed and he went to jail. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Civil Service reform was accomplished under president Arthur. On December 31, 2016, four months' interest was accrued for the remaining bonds. It provided for open competitive examinations for admission to the public service. Why do you think that control of Boston early in the Revolutionary War was important? He was chosen as Garfield's running mate. Theres a way to do it better find it. Factories themselves could be located virtually anywhere thanks to the endless possibilities provided by the harnessing of electricity. Little difference from the plantations before the war. Things with industry and invention were good but the common people were suffering. Congress had exclusive jurisdiction over interstate commerce. influenced elections. Gilded age Roaring Twenties Question 2 180 seconds Q. in 1882, the Government passed this legislation that restricted immigration for 10 years from a certain group into the United States. employees had to sign these (also called "iron clad" oaths) that would not allow them to join a union. passed in 1890. 1876- telephone network created nation-wide within a few years. Unions provided money to ride out strikes. He got a court order to end the strike and Debs went to prison. a New York Republican clergyman's insult of the Democrat party. The Railroad Strike or Great Upheaval occured because of a cut to wages after the Panic of 1873. Created by. Described the broken treaties and difficulties with the situation.Used sarcastic terms such as Christians and savages. In 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge opened in NYC. It resulted in the first full red scare. owned and controlled by John d Rockefeller. Promoted collective bargaining where employees met with employers to compromise and discuss differences in contracts. 1. cheaply bound and widely circulated novels that became popular after the Civil War depicting such scenarios from the "Wild West" and other American tales. It described America's greatest contribution to the history of philosophy. The Gilded Age for APUSH About the Author: Johnny Roy has been an Advanced Placement US History teacher for the past 8 years at Cuyahoga Heights High School just outside of Cleveland, Ohio. The strength of the Democratic party in the Gilded Age lay with? If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. Gilded Age Game APUSH . offices for votes, kickbacks, and party service. refrain from paternalistic meddling in the economy. New advances in industrial production and communication paved the way for the industrial revolution and business growth that took place during the Gilded Age. PROGRESSIVE ERA/IMPERIALISM APUSH TEST 1) Teddy Roosevelt can best be described as a) A reluctant imperialist . he led the American Federation of Labor (AFL). Gave each family 160 acres to farm but they didn't farm and it was already the lower level land. Four year economic depression caused by overspeculation on railroads and western lands, and worsened by Grant's poor fiscal response (refusing to coin silver). started Carnegie Mellon University. The group was arrested and disbanded peacefully in D.C. movements like this struck fear into American's hearts, 25th president responsible for Spanish-American War, Philippine-American War, and the Annexation of Hawaii, imperialism. Buying out similar companies or merging with them. Gov. 5.referendum-voters get to vote on law. (p. 715). Sought labor rights in the mines. Book written on the incident. Congress voted itself a 50% pay raise. 10th grade; Quiz by . A clause in registration laws allowing people who do not meet registration requirements to vote if they or their ancestors had voted before 1867. (politics) granting favors or giving contracts or making appointments to office in return for political support. Others, like Cornelius Vanderbilt, oversaw the construction of thousands of miles of railroad lines and connected the country like never before and facilitating it all was J.P. Morgan who ran the nations banks and economic markets. 18 terms. This organization, founded in 1874, worked alongside the Anti-Saloon League to push for prohibition. Stalwarts, Half-Breeds, and Mugwumps were? fought for African American rights. APUSH -- Gilded Age (Unit 7) Flashcards | Quizlet APUSH -- Gilded Age (Unit 7) 4.9 (7 reviews) William Jennings Bryan Click the card to flip Democrat nominee of 1896. The Gilded Age in United States history is the late 19th century, from the 1870s to about 1900. They protested Irish and German (Catholic) immigration. On the lines provided, write sentences using each of the following infinitive phrases. they sought to end monopolistic railroad practices. They worked for less money, longer hours, and worse conditions than union members would. It's goal was to improve effiency by making supplies more reliable, controlling quality of the product at all stages, and eliminate middlemen fees. The Act guaranteed that everyone, regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, was entitled to the same treatment in "public accommodations" (i.e. Creates Carnegie Steel. How are Millay's "Spring" and Cummings's "Spring is like a Perhaps Hand" similar? Was a philanthropist in a way; he gave all the money needed for WWI and was payed back. Everything fed into one machine, money was constantly put into the hands of elected officials and made illegally. Refers to the time period between about 1876-1900. a foe of socialism. Tweed almost ran all of NYC as members of the Democratic party controlled all powerful offices there. The Gilded Age created record economic growth and made the United States the most dominant industrial power in the world. . Social Darwinism. The Gilded Age and Progressive Era spans from 1876 to 1920 and conveniently captures the period of urbanization in the United States. Liberal reflects attitudes in continuity with Enlightenment thought. In the face of the challenges of urbanization, newspapers and reformers began to call for change. Q. Failed; demanded an end to child and convict labor, equal pay for women, a progressive income tax, and the cooperative employer-employee ownership of mines and factories. theory of natural selection applied to human competition. separate but equal facilities for different races were constitutional. The Gilded Age was a time of unprecedented growth of industry and technology in the United States following the Civil War and lasting until the beginning of the 20thCentury. (NAACP) 1910: adopted many of the goals of the Niagara movement. inns, public conveyances on land or water, theaters, and other places of public amusement). fought for better working conditions, wages, and hours. This movement later led to the establishment of the NAACP, United States newspaper publisher, born in Hungary, who established the Pulitzer prizes (1847-1911), A leading newspaperman of his times, he ran The New York Journal and helped create and propagate "yellow (sensationalist) journalism. 4.concept of recall-vote people back out of office. A railroad line across the nation would encourage transportation, settlement, and trade. fight for farmers rights and against the monopolies of big businesses and banks. Means gold on the outside and junk on the inside. Eastern & Southern immigrants: Italian, Polish. Jacob Riis. [12] These forms, in turn, were developed in the united states by african Americans, from a tradition of Spirituals-hymns to god-from the south that dates back to before the civil war. Grant's naive ways caused him to dump lots of federal gold into the system in order to balance it out from Fisk and Gould's cornering of the gold market. 1 / 32. Forced content tests for every government job. Alexander Graham Bell's telephone would revolutionize communications in the coming centuries. He wrote the Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. In the 1877 case Munn v. Illinois, the Supreme Court protected the state governments ability to regulate the prices of private industries. Gilded Age Politics: 1877-1892 Industrialization: 1869-1901 The Labor Movement: 1866-1894 Gilded Age Society: 1870-1900 The West: 1860-1900 The Rise and Fall of Populism: 1892-1896 The Spanish-American War: 1898-1901 Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy: 1899-1908 Roosevelt and the Progressives: 1901-1908 The Taft Presidency: 1909-1912 African American progressive who supported segregation and demanded that African American better themselves individually to achieve equality. built the first transcontinental rr west (Omaha to Sacramento) Today, the membership association is However, this dramatic move to the cities came with its own set of challenges for the political machines and city governments, especially in the poor areas of the cities that became identified as the slums. Immigrants from Asia passed through Angel Island near San Francisco before pursuing their own dreams in America. The powerful individuals that led and created these monopolies became known as robber barons. Much violence and property damage accompanied the strike. However, the Sherman Antitrust Act was eventually used to break up the powerful Standard Oil monopoly in 1911. 2.adopt secret ballot. Instead of laying on the burdens of taxation upon the necessaries of life, instead of destroying our foreign commerce, we should encourage it as we would encourage our home commerce. it results in great corruption. advocated by Herbert Spencer. it was an insult to NY's Irish community. What is the optimum cost-time schedule? It reflects an attempt to incorporate modern thinking and developments, especially in the sciences, into Christianity. He became a personification of big business in politics. It created expensive government programs; they were trying to offset surplus created by high tariffs by spending money. The lack of clean water was a primary cause for the spread of diseases such as cholera and typhoid that spread throughout the poorer neighborhoods. In the 1880s, the Republicans were divided, as the Stalwarts or Old Guard, were more conservative than the Half-Breeds, who favored civil service reform. aunque / llover /jugadores / seguir jugar. After the railroad was completed, Chinese angered white workers of California because they took jobs. Gilded Age & Progressive Era Quiz Question 1 How was the mining boom of the late 1800s different from the mid-century California Gold Rush? they campaigned for enconomic and social reform. End of Reconstruction and the beginning of the "Labor Question." had more political connections to get legislation passed, In honor of the 400th anniversary of Columbus' first voyage, Daniel Burnham designed buildings in Chicago that greatly increased America's worldwide renown for art, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, 30 - Hard Rock Styles (Part 3) Art/Prog Rock. Republican faction- led by James G Blaine (congressman)- favored civil service (spoils system) reform. Test. 1840-1860. Notable activists included Susan B. Anthony and Frances Elizabeth Willard. Packets. appealed primarily to Southern and Great Plains farmers frustrated with low crop prices and mired in the sharecrop and crop lien systems. (born Samuel Clemens) wrote several books that caught the spirit of the Gilded Age. he had a research laboratory-Menlo Park- responsible for the invention of the electric light, phonograph, mimeograph, dictaphone, moving pictures. - in favor for Grant system in which landowners leased a few acres of land to farmworkers in return for a portion of their crops; usually virtually enslaved the workers because of debt, barrier preventing blacks from participating in various activities with whites, sumpreme court ruled that segregation public places facilities were legal as long as the facilites were equal. Scandal in which federal whiskey taxes wound up in the pockets of distillers and politicians. Herbert Spencer stated that species competed for life and used Darwin's theory of evolution for the business world as well. American Federation of Labor- 1886. As massive oil, railroad, and steel monopolies were built, millions of immigrants from all over the world flooded into the country looking for work and a better life. must by 2-4 million dollars of gold a month. United States inventor (born in Scotland) of the telephone (1847-1922); invented the telephone in 1876. Marked by political corruption and shady business deals. He has been actively involved with the AP Reading as a grader for the past 3 years having scored the DBQ, LEQ, and SAQ sections of the exam. Looked to ensure that railroad shipping fees were reasonable and just. Pendleton Civil Service Act-for a government job, you can't be fired or hired because of your party affiliation. factions of the Republican party that fought over issues like civil service reform. Government subsidies for the building of transcontinental railroads. Republicans who voted for Democrat Grover Cleveland instead of Republican James Blaine in the Election of 1884 A Streetcar Named Desire Character Quotes, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Chapter 23 The American Pageant 16th Edition, Chapter 23: Political Paralysis in the Gilded. It made it easier to repay debts and loans. ownership of RR and telegram. The League of nations. The Wounded Knee Massacre, also known as The Battle at Wounded Knee Creek, was the last major armed conflict between the Lakota Sioux and the United States, subsequently described as a "massacre" by General Nelson A. Is assassinated by an anarchist. The Gilded Age brought immense economic and technological advances and thrust the United States to the forefront of economic productivity in the world. Caused competition to fizzle and prices completely manipulated. When companies that produce a similar product are merged together. Also because of being forced to move. Ten workers were killed in a riot when "scab" labor was brought in to force an end to the strike. If you have a history exam concerning the gilded age, then this quiz is for you. involved Union Pacific(Irish) & Central Pacific(Chinese), -concept of canning food for everybody The creation of the ranch and refrigerated rail cars. "scientific evidence" to prove that rich deserve the wealth they had accumulated. they were against tariffs, Supported by the wealthy business men (Republicans). Who took power in Cambodia, and what did they do? American Federation of Labor. a politically influential fraternal organization of several hundred thousand union veterans of the Civil War. a banker who financed the reorganization of railroads, insurance companies, and banks. to plan the party for Saturday night \underline{\hspace{4cm}}. one of America's most gifted lyric poets; she was a recluse and lived alone, Idiolized the "cowboy" life during the migration to the west, offered people in East a look into what was occurring on the other side of the country; "Buffalo Bill". Brought down the political machines by showing ill-literal immigrants the corruption of the people they voted for. A proposal is being evaluated to increase the unit selling price to$130. Question 10. their goal was to attain equal rights for blacks through lawsuits. It was the first Federal statute to limit cartels and monopolies, and today still forms the basis for most antitrust litigation by the United States federal government. Industrial Workers of the World. Same principles applied later in the Age of Imperialism. populist (or people's) Party supported by.. - making the country smaller by dramatically reducing the time needed to traverse the continent Helen Hunt Jacksons book entitled "A century of dishonor" (1880). Used to describe industrialists who controlled monopolies or trusts during this periods. it bought out its competition, a business that forms with the intent to monopolize business, to restrain trade, or fix prices. If found guilty, the lawbreaker could face a penalty anywhere from $500 to $1,000 and/or 30 days to 1 year in prison. Known as A.D. Trust, it was outlawed by the Supreme Court of Ohio in 1899. Match. In Chicago, a bomb went off in Haymarket Square during a rally near the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company. This softened the harshness of Social Darwinism as well as promoted the idea of philanthropy. business man who owned Standard Oil Company, a monopolistic trust that used horizontal intergration to buy out and eliminate competition. Severalty Act: passed to Americanize the Native Americans. Early leader was Samuel Gompers. sought to improve problems from alcoholism and unemployment. Urbanization in the Gilded Age . the proposal to redeem American Civil War bonds in paper money instead of gold.

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