Have essential services been restored? How far in advance will the determination for mandatory evacuation of the possible evacuation impact area be made? B-77. An avenue of approach is an air or ground route of an attacking force of a given size leading to its objective or to key terrain in its path (JP 1-02). B-32. Easier said than done. Essential Elements of Information (EEIs) are the key pieces of qualitative and quantitative data necessary to develop situational awareness for decision-making. Essential nutrients are compounds that the body can't make or can't make in sufficient quantity. If integration did not occur, commanders would be overwhelmed by bits of data or overloaded by a staggering number of factors. Discounting these can tax the resources of follow-on elements. Part 2 - Essential Elements of Information: The first subcomponent that a PIR is comprised of is the Essential Elements of Information or EEI. B-44. EEFI establish information to protect, not information to obtain. In order to focus the intelligence enterprise, the MIB (T) and the G2 use Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR) as its main driver to focus the intelligence apparatus. Capabilities can refer to the ability of local authorities-those of the host nation, aggressor nation, or some other body-to provide a populace with key functions or services, such as, public administration, public safety, emergency services, and food. Percentage of individuals with disabilities, under 18, rely on electricity dependent medical equipment, etc. Are there any plans for evacuation? Are there any environmental health risks? Weather affects the condition and capabilities of soldiers and weapon systems, including, trafficability, visibility, obstacle emplacement times, and munitions performance. : IMR-2s following a large formation T-72 main battle tanks and/or BMPs moving in attack formation. The second factor to consider is the enemy-dispositions (including organization, strength, location, and tactical mobility), doctrine, equipment, capabilities, vulnerabilities, and probable courses of action (COAs). The EEI are written out in advance as questions by consumers of the EEI information. Once all the EEIs of a given Priority Intelligence Requirement have been confirmed the analyst can confidently state that a PIR has been answered. When will DHS/FEMA provide all non-medical logistical support to deploying federal partner personnel/teams? Of all RI, intelligence (RI on the enemy and environment) is inherently the most uncertain; therefore the G-2 (S-2) carefully manages collection. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (See paragraphs B-68-B-72.) Stable weather conditions favor the use of chemical and biological agents. From the staff recommendations, or from his own priorities, the commander designates his CCIR. A PIR is composed of four parts which build upon each other. This in turn prevents the enemy from successfully breaching the battle positions and ultimately defeats the enemy attacking force. Uncover Important Keywords and Phrases. He has served at every echelon from platoon to combatant command and has deployed three times in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Cite. Readers are provided once again with an instructive mix of mathematics, physics, statistics, and information theory. 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Climate is a longer-term but more predictable phenomenon than weather. Download the Elements of Effective Instruction Self-Assessment The Elements of Effective Instruction framework outlines five intertwined elements of instructional practice that complement and enhance one another. A commander's moral responsibility to protect noncombatants influences planning and preparing for operations. B-20. Part 4 - Specific Information Requirements. The Importance of Priority Intelligence Requirements to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC) and the Intelligence Apparatus. In the case of PIRs, especially PIR that are CCIR, resource allocation involves tasking ISR assets to collect the information and process it into intelligence. If commanders determine that they do not, they request more from the higher commander. As both processed data (information) and analyzed and evaluated information (knowledge) about the enemy and environment, intelligence is crucial to commanders' achieving situational understanding. Most Military Intelligence Brigades, Theater [MIB (T)] have an Analytical Control Element (ACE) and Collection Battalion supporting the Army Service Component Command (ASCC). Avenues of approach normally incorporate key terrain or deny its use to the enemy. In almost every case, military forces have more resources than civilian organizations. Commanders draw on the COP and these running estimates to gain situational understanding. What are the locations/contact information for the facilities/providers? It is not designed to be used as is and must be modified to obtain the maximum benefit. Descriptive Title and Subheads. They maintain understanding of subordinates' readiness, including, maintenance, training, strengths and weaknesses, commanders, and logistic status. Radiation Laboratory Response Network (RadLRN) CDC Radionuclide Assay Lab and Health Physicists, Home | Contact Us | Accessibility | Privacy Policies | Disclaimer | HHS Viewers & Players| HHS Plain Language| Vulnerability Disclosure Policy, Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), 200 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20201, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | USA.gov| Thus, commanders visit units to confirm reports or obtain better understanding of the operation's decisive points or factors. : This is the overarching question that needs to be answered. The COP is derived from data, information, and knowledge common to all echelons. Commanders apply their judgment to information from the COP and running estimates to achieve situational understanding. Technological innovation, external social influences, and natural and manmade disasters (such as, hurricanes, environmental damage, and war) affect the attitudes and activities of governments and civilian populations. What activities are Donovia conducting within the AOR which affect US interests, access, or influence? During operations, answers to IRs, especially the CCIR, contribute to assessments of the operation's progress that result in decisions by commanders and staff members. What capabilities by specialty will be required? If yes, what are the gaps to be filled by federal resources? Hardware is the most obvious part of a computer-based information system. The Incident Specific EEIs are designed to provide the Incident Manager (IM) situational awareness of the incident. B-73. Some experts list five basic elements of a CBIS: hardware, software, data, procedures and people. Effective commanders use weather and climate to their advantage. Dead space is an area within the maximum range of a weapon, radar, or observer, which cannot be covered by fire or observation from a particular position because of intervening obstacles, the nature of the ground, or the characteristics of the trajectory, or the limitations of the pointing capabilities of the weapon (JP1-02). B-39. What is the status of Federal health and medical facilities in the affected area? Civil considerations comprise the influence of manmade infrastructure, civilian institutions, and attitudes and activities of the civilian leaders, populations, and organizations within an area of operations on the conduct of military operations. CCIR are-. Lieutenant Colonel James King is a US Army Intelligence Officer. Build rapport with your audience. That is because the requirement for it was not identified beforehand or the situation that produced it is completely unanticipated. Standard supporting plans, such as rear area security plans, are a form of TTP. B-17. Commanders and staffs can recognize relationships among events in the area of interest, discern the way the enemy thinks, and forecast what he might do. It's basically the. All are highly effective tools for painting the picture of the battlefield for the commander, yet this level is synchronization is often underused or incorrectly implemented in the intelligence enterprise. For example, bad weather can favor the attacker by concealing a moving force while making construction of fighting positions more difficult for the defender. Commanders consider manmade features and their effects on natural terrain features and climate when they analyze terrain. From the IRs, the staff recommends designating some as PIRs or FFIR. These teams regularly update terrain information to reflect the effects of combat, as well as of nature. B-60. Always established by an order or plan. Unlike key terrain, decisive terrain is not associated with any COA. A thorough understanding of why the unit is conducting an operation provides the focus for planning. This characteristic approaches terrain analysis (OAKOC) from a civilian perspective. What measures are State and local officials taking to accommodate inbound relief traffic in light of possible evacuation route (counter flow)? B-34. What behavioral health assets can HHS OPDIVs and ESF#8 partners roster and deploy as necessary after landfall? The relative impact of each category may vary, but the commander and C2 system consider them all. The GMTI indicates that a company size formation is moving towards 3-21IN and 1-5INs positions and a larger battalion size element is moving towards 1-24INs position. Radiation Injury Treatment Network (RITN). Figure 2. Commanders consider tangible and intangible factors when assigning missions. 1 st Essential Element: The World in Spatial Terms. The following criteria, listed in relative order of importance, help do this: B-80. Has CDC been alerted to deploy for human bioassay, contamination/dose assessment, and consultation in victim decontamination? Exceptional information is-. Often, the exceptional information itself presents a decision the commander must make. Organizations are nonmilitary groups or institutions in the AO. What state(s) need assistance? The commander and staff tailor their display for resolution and content appropriate to their echelon of command and the mission. A field of fire is the area that a weapon or group of weapons may cover effectively from a given position (JP 1-02). In some circumstances, brigades and battalions also have to interact with these organizations. Concealment is protection from observation and surveillance (JP 1-02). This integration is essential to reaching understanding because it involves reducing the total number of bits to consider at any one time. That CCIR, in turn, generates PIR and FFIR to support staff actions that determine whether the information has been compromised. Once a commander initiates an operation, the enemy attempts to determine the friendly concept of operations and defeat it. Essential elements of information can range anywhere from road closures, evacuation center status, total disaster costs, ICU beds occupied, debris management and more. Usually reports have a prescribed purpose and format. What is the status of SNS? B-27. Analyzing a structure involves determining how its location, functions, and capabilities can support the operation. Has the Radiation Injury Treatment Network (RITN) been alerted? B-33. Is DOD assistance available to provide critical medical resource logistics and distribution support? Have there been any outbreaks/reports of abnormal diseases or disease rates? In all cases, the fewer the CCIR, the better the staff can focus its efforts and allocate scarce resources. B-54. B-67. Social, political, religious, or criminal enclaves. PIRs identify the information about the enemy and other aspects of the operational environment that the commander considers most important., Part 1 - The Priority Intelligence Requirement. Avenues of Approach. Commanders have only a limited ability to influence them, although terrain includes manmade structures, such as roads and cities. It is essential to identifying exceptional information. Commanders analyze a mission in terms of the intent of the two higher commanders and their concepts of operations. Because of its nature, collectors often amass a lot of unimportant data. B-21. People is a general term used to describe nonmilitary personnel encountered by military forces. Commanders evaluate their observation capabilities for electronic and optical line-of-sight surveillance systems, as well as for unaided visual observation. Part 4 - Specific Information Requirements: The last part of a PIR is the Specific Information Requirement (SIR). For this reason, elevated terrain often draws enemy attention. Has the potentially affected state(s) determined the status of in-patient behavioral health facilities? (2014). B-68. (See FM 5-0.) Everything you do using a computer is done by the software. The latest edition of this classic is updated with new problem sets and material The Second Edition of this fundamental textbook maintains the books tradition of clear, thought-provoking instruction. What is the status of behavioral health care facilities in the affected communities? B-51. ESF #8 Pre-Scripted Mission Assignments (PSMAs), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This is the information part of an information system, and whether that is statistical data, sets of instructions, lists of names or even graphics and animations, it is all key to a CBIS. B-72. They must be specific and measurable. The C2 system collects RI-friendly, enemy, and environmental-and uses it to create the COP. These are two distinct questions that have a positive or negative answer. Commanders remain familiar with organizations operating in their AOs. This requires the commander and subordinate commanders to share an accurate situational understanding. Execution information takes many forms: including, orders, plans, directives, memorandums, and regulations. Weather effects are classified as direct and indirect: B-31. Ideally, commanders assign each subordinate a mission and an area of operations (AO) without further restrictions. These create civil hardship and require emergency responses. Data, or information, is the third element of a CBIS. The analyst digests these indicators while working towards answering the Essential Elements of Information. Relevant Information Production and Flow. Two small fixing forces are moving towards 1-5IN and 3-21INs position and the larger breaching force indicated by its size and composition is headed towards 1-24INs position. Health and Social Services EEIs (Impact Data). The existence of an independent press guarantees that US military activities that do not meet America's military standards for dealing with noncombatants will be reported in US, host-nation, and international public forums. Which results in the Brigade commander executing the decision to commit the reinforcing element to 1-24INs position. IM is a dynamic process that supports commanders in the fast-moving operational environment. The commander and staff consider RI for each category in all military operations. Commanders consider cover and concealment to identify potential friendly and enemy locations. Until data is processed, it is often difficult to tell if it is relevant. PIR focus on "how I (the commander) see the enemy." When will DHS/FEMA identify staging bases? The C2 system cannot reduce judgment to procedures or rules. An air force unit might have the following EEI about SA-20 batteries: A medical crisis manager might have the following EEIs:[5]. From the Collection Battalion to the Army Service Component Command (ASCC), PIR (and the analysis that goes into answering them) are one the most important tasks of the Intelligence enterprise. What is the forecasted need for behavioral health care resources over the next 72 hrs 1 week? Staffs use information from the COP to answer CCIR, including PIRs and FFIR, and to maintain their running estimates. Key civilian areas are localities or aspects of the terrain within an AO that are not normally militarily significant. A PIR, along with Friendly Force Information Requirements (FFIR) and Essential Elements of Friendly Information (EEFI), is one of the three components of a Commanders Critical Information Requirement which is outlined in ADRP 5-0 as, an intelligence requirement, stated as a priority for intelligence support, that the commander and staff need to understand the adversary or the operational environment (JP 2-0). Obstacles can be natural, manmade, or a combination of both (JP 1-02). Information, in the general sense, is the meaning humans assign to data. Has response included the preparation and distribution strategy for safety messages in print, alternative formats and PSAs for radio and/or TV, including use of sign language interpreters and other non-English languages (e.g., food and water safety consumption and contamination, guidelines for decontamination etc.). Areas defined by political boundaries, such as, districts within a city or municipalities within a region. 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The exception is combat information. Civil considerations generally focus on the immediate impact of civilians on operations in progress; however, they also include larger, long-term diplomatic, informational, and economic issues at higher levels. B-29. 1. TTPs include battle drills and tactical actions that lend themselves to standardized execution, such as refuel-on-the-move site operations. Still, many of the teachers I spoke to said this simple change is vital. At this point, a product useful for decisionmaking forms. Individually or collectively, people can affect a military operation positively, negatively, or neutrally. (See FM 101-5-2.) HealthCare.gov in Other Languages. B-36. Finding the things that are critical to quality means looking at the various possible failure modes, and root causes behind those failures. : How does the analyst know he or she has answered an EEI? The impatience of key leaders and groups, legal restrictions, and limits on resources can make resolution difficult. What response elements (if any) have deployed, including ERT-A, Human Services Assessment Teams, etc.? Include a Call-to-Action (CTA) How to Make The Most of a Welcome Email (3 Tips) 1. What is a Priority Intelligence Requirement? Extremely time-sensitive in terms of decisionmaking; there can be no delays in transmission. Transmitted directly to the commander as quickly as possible by whatever means are immediately available. This appendix lists the essential elements of information related to a public health emergency or disaster response and the associated data source or agency. If the enemy force has been reduced more significantly then the analyst understands, something that happens frequently as accurate battle damage assessments are hard to do in the middle of combat, then the collector may never see the element described by the indicator because its size doesnt match. Rate: Favorite: Potable Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste Disposal. What is current status of potable water within the damaged area? The fourth element of CBIS, procedures are the rules, descriptions and instructions for how things are done. These situations require commanders to influence the leaders of these organizations through persuasion. How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective b. Product includes:- Choice board activity (9 boxes, 3 custom Newsela text sets, descriptions of the Six Essential Elements)- Rubric (Printable on one page or half-sheet)Word document allows you to customize directions and boxes to your students' levels. These groups may not share the commander's objectives and point of view. The World in Spatial Terms a. Combat information is unevaluated data, gathered by or provided directly to the tactical commander which, due to its highly perishable nature or the criticality of the situation, cannot be processed into tactical intelligence in time to satisfy the user's tactical intelligence requirements (JP 1-02). B-19. However, information alone has no meaning. : Will the Donovian commander commit his breaching force against 1-5IN in Alpha/Bravo pass? This is information that helps to coordinate what type of collection asset would best be able to collect the information needed to answer the PIR. These may include church groups, fraternal organizations, patriotic or service organizations, labor unions, criminal organizations, and community watch groups. Without this focus collectors and analysts are left to determine for themselves what they think the priority is. Intelligence professionals must take the time to use these tools effectively. They and others apply judgment to transform that knowledge into understanding. The EEI are specific to a particular event, thing, or other target individual. The goal in IM should not be processing vast amounts of data but processing the information necessary to bring commanders to an accurate situational understanding as quickly as possible. B-64. Commanders ensure their soldiers understand that a tactically successful operation can also be operationally or strategically counterproductive because of the way in which they execute it or how the people perceive its execution. B-45. Where is the enemy and what is he going to do? B-61. What is the current Common Operating Picture on federal behavioral health assets deployed in support of HHS ESF#8. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Managing Information and intelligence management includes identifying essential elements of information (EEI). Civil considerations comprise six characteristics, expressed in the memory aid ASCOPE: B-41. Are CDC health physicists alerted to deploy for field dosimetry and consultation in victim decontamination? It adds meaning to data as it processes it into information, organizing it in terms of METT-TC and creating the COP. What behavioral health care response elements (if any) have deployed, including IRCT, ERT-A, etc.? The intelligence cycle is a tool used in intelligence operations to help the commander answer his intelligence needs. Has a Joint Field Office been established? To visualize enemy forces, commanders need detailed intelligence, such as, speed of advance, tempo, and strengths and weaknesses. What is the status of providers? The six most common elements of life on Earth (including more than 97% of the mass of a human body) are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur and phosphorus. In Evaluating Immunities before a Special Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine, the Type of Tribunal Matters, Chinas Ferry Tale Taiwan Invasion Plan Is A Legal Nightmare, China Maritime Report No. In those cases, commanders may designate that question as one of their CCIR, which generates PIR or FFIR. An information system can have internal as well as external. Enemies always have opportunities to unhinge them. What is the status of each FMS: occupied beds, vacant/available beds, supplies & equipment, patient contacts and capacity for at-risk populations since last report? Figure B-3 illustrates the relationships among the cognitive hierarchy, IRs, and CCIR. Part 3 - Indicators: How does the analyst know he or she has answered an EEI? What is the plan for distributing behavioral health-based tips to deploying personnels families and workplaces? Corridors (ridge and valley systems) can either form natural avenues of approach (if they run toward an objective), or obstacles to movement (if they run perpendicular to the direction of movement, forming cross compartments). EEFI are often key factors in designing military deception operations. Every information system has end users or customers. Habitual relationships in task organization also save preparation time. The best indicators are things that are unique about a formation. This is not true. Parallel planning can help make the most of time available. Examples of good PIR include: Where will the Donovian commander commit his breaching force? How will the Donovians use chemical weapons? Most non-intelligence soldiers only ever see this part of the equation. What does the State(s) need from the Federal Government for behavioral health care? A thorough understanding of the mission focuses decisionmaking throughout the operations process. When assigning missions, commanders ensure all their subordinates' missions support the decisive operation and the higher commander's intent. The enemy, terrain and weather, and civil consideration contributions to the COP come from many sources, including intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) assets and combat information.

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