Politicians, pundits and preachers from both parties will always attempt to peel military personnel, especially officers away from their oath to the Constitution in order to appear strong on defense, more patriotic or ingratiate themselves to them during a time of war. I, Padre Steve, do solemnly swear (again I dont affirm, namby pamby) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. Expanded and redesignated 22-March 1883 as the 1st Regiment Infantry, Expanded and redesignated 15-April 1893 as the 1st Infantry Regiment. A couple of months later I reported to USS HUE CITY CG-66 in Mayport. 489th Brigade Support Battalion 1457th Engineer Battalion 4th ID, Main Command Post-Operational Detachment . World War II, French Croix de Guerre with Palm, World War II, streamer embroidered Italy. The units led the 3d Armored Division 300 kilometers into southern Iraq, while also screening the right flank of the VII Corps during 100 hours of continuous combat. The British military swears an oath to the Queen and her successors: I ( name), swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, her heirs and successors and that I will as in duty bound honestly and faithfully defend Her Majesty, her heirs and successors in person, crown and dignity against all enemies and will observe and obey all orders of Her Majesty, her heirs and successors and of the generals and officers set over me., The Red Army of the Soviet Union swore an oath to to protect with all his strength the property of the Army and the People and to cherish unto death his People, the Soviet homeland and the government of Workers and Peasants, also to respond at the first call from the government of Workers and Peasants to defend the homeland, the USSR., Germany has had a rather perilous history with oaths sworn by the military. I was assigned to HQ BN 2nd MARDIV. This has happened before but only one time did it fracture the military and that was during the Civil War. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 3rd Battalion, 144th Field Artillery, Bakersfield, California: SUMMARY OF JOINT ASSIGNMENTS: DATE: GRADE: Commander, Train, Advise, Assist and Command - South (TAAC-S), Kandahar . Headquarters and Headquarters Company, Aviation Brigade, 1st Armored Division distinguished itself by gallantry in action against an armed enemy during Operation DESERT STORM from 23 to 28 February 1991. 748), February 2, 1901, and organized into three regiments and one company of a mounted battalion by General Order 22, War Department, June 30, 1916. Btry F, 144th FA For extraordinary heroism during ground combat operations in Operation Desert Storm from 24 February 1991 through 4 March 1991. However just prior to getting commissioned during my last annual training period at Camp Roberts I led team of Ersatz East German Kommandos on raids against battalion rear area as the opposing forces. For extraordinary heroism in military operations against an armed enemy: Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2d Brigade, 1st Cavalry and the following participating units: 1st Battalion, 5th Cavalry; 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry; 1st Battalion, 32d Armor; 3d Battalion, 82d Field Artillery; Company B, 8th Engineer Battalion; 2d Platoon, 68th Chemical Company; and 4th Platoon, 44th Chemical Company distinguished themselves by gallantry in action against the Iraqi Army during the period 15 to 25 February 1991, in support of Operation DESERT STORM. The unit was tasked with protecting the border and railroads as other units patrolled the vast border that separated the United States and Mexico.[5][6]. They served with marked distinction against a numerically superior force during the 100-hour race across Iraq and Kuwait. 3rd Battalion. If today had been crappy and I hadnt had a good talk with Elmer the Shrink it might have continued. Furthermore, the battalion trains to deploy, fight, and win on the battlefield and respond effectively to any state emergency. Through their valiant fighting spirit and lethal application of firepower, the soldiers of Task Force 2d Battalion, 34th Armor had significant impact on the success of operation Desert Storm. The 1st Battalion was called into service on 18 June 1916, at their home station, and mustered into federal service on 28 June 1916 at the Sacramento Fairgrounds as part of the 1st California Brigade [National Guard]. They also refused his financial help after the war. Weve been kicking ass for 200 years! Bill Murray as John Winger in Stripes 1981. 144th Field Artillery Battalion (United States), Division insignia of the United States Army, Coats of arms of U.S. Armor and Cavalry Regiments, Coats of arms of U.S. During this drive, the squadron destroyed 65 tanks, 66 Armored Personnel Carriers, 66 trucks, 91 bunkers, and captured 3,010 enemy soldiers. If today had been crappy and I hadnt had a good talk with Elmer the Shrink it might have continued. I came back from Iraq with a great case of PTSD, a gift that keeps on giving. Looking back it has been a long and strange trip and it is still an ongoing journey. Now with some sleep I could be cooking with gas even though my house is all electric. We can be immensely thankful for that. "Desert Storm" By Frank Thomas (Persian Gulf 1991). 144th Area Support Medical Company 204th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade. So long as we remain people of good will and commit ourselves to placing the interests of the nation above our own we shall do well. In 1933 Hitler changed the oath to this I swear by God this sacred oath, that I will render unconditional obedience to Adolf Hitler, the Fuehrer of the German Reich and people, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and will be ready as a brave soldier to risk my life at any time for this oath. The current German military oath states: I swear to serve loyally the Federal Republic of Germany and to defend bravely the right and the freedom of the German people. He had just finished PT and though still in his PT clothes administered the Oath of Enlistment. This unit successfully completed the United States Army's first doctrinal night deep attack against enemy formations. I have spent about six years assigned to the Marines in my capacity as a Navy Chaplain. Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC), 1st Brigade, 3d Armored Division distinguished themselves by gallantry in action during the period 10 January 1991 to 19 April 1991, in support of Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM. [1], The first battalion was most recently activated for federal service in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom from 2007 to 2008. 40th Armored Division shoulder sleeve insignia, "The 40th Infantry Division's March to the Korean War", "40th Armoured Division Order of Battle, 1956", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=40th_Armored_Division_(United_States)&oldid=1131196420, Armored divisions of the United States Army, Divisions of the United States Army National Guard, Military units and formations in California, Military units and formations established in 1954, Military units and formations disestablished in 1967, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 1st Reconnaissance Squadron, 18th Armored Cavalry, This page was last edited on 3 January 2023, at 00:53. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! This is nothing new, George Thomas noticed it after the Civil War and said I am also afraid that the military arm is becoming more or less infected with politics; let us by all means keep that branch of the public service free from the taint of intrigue and party strife., Yes we have problems I this nation, but they are not insurmountable. During the ground counterattack, the attack helicopters, in conjunction with a small ground element, protected the southeastern flank of the counterattack force by sealing the battlefield from other Iraqi forces in the area. }, Page last modified: He took me to Major Charles Armagost the battalion S-1 who rapidly had a clerk type up my enlistment papers and administered the oath of enlistment below: I, Padre Steve (I wasnt one then but it sounds good) do solemnly swear (I dont affirm because its namby pamby) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of California against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States (Ronald Reagan) and the Governor of California (Jerry Brown) and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. 65th Field Artillery Brigade 97th Aviation Troop Command. During the entire ground campaign, involving their attack through Iraq into Kuwait, Task Force 1-41 travelled over 200 Kilometers in 72 hours and destroyed 65 armored vehicles and 10 artillery pieces, while capturing over 300 enemy prisoners. [3]:16970, On 1 December 1967, a major reorganization of the National Guard reduced the Guard to eight combat divisions, with the 40th Armored Division as one of the units designated for inactivation. I was almost run over in may M-151A1 by an M-548 Ammo Carrier during a strafing run coming down hills firing blanks from machine guns like the Rat Patrol and dropping Smoke and CS grenades in the vehicles path. HHC, 3d Brigade, 3d Armored Division actions contributed greatly to the destruction of two Iraqi Republican Guard Divisions by destroying 300 enemy vehicles and capturing 2,500 enemy prisoners. Organized as Task Force 3/37th Armor, the Unit was comprised of HHC, B, and C Companies, 3/37th Armor; A and D Company, Second Battalion, Sixteenth Infantry; First Platoon of B Company and Second Platoon of C Company, Second Battalion, Third Air Defense Artillery; C Company, First Engineer Battalion; and Ground Surveillance Radar Team B, One Hundred and First Military Intelligence Battalion. 1st Battalion, 144th Field Artillery Regiment. Renewing the Oath on my Promotion to Lieutenant Commander 2006. The Brigade's relentless attack continued throughout the day and into the night as it raced eastward at a rate of 15 kilometers per hour. Welcome to the 3rd Battalion, 314th Field Artillery Regiment's official fan page on Facebook. The armed reconnaissance began seven days before the start of the ground war on 17 February, 120 miles into Iraq. Fighting with the Second Brigade Task Force as part of the First Infantry Division (Mechanized) and the VII Corps main effort, the Battalion rolled through the breach in the Iraqi defense west of Wadi Al Batin on 24 February and cleared the northeastern sector of the breach site of enemy resistance. It drew its history from the 246th Coast Artillery, a Coast Artillery Corps regiment in the Virginia National Guard. The violent execution of every mission without combat loss or serious injury remains a tribute to the heritage of this great division, and to fallen comrades-in-arms. Current Status of Regimental Elements. During one engagement with the Tawakalna Division the Brigade destroyed 27 Soviet T-72's which had established a hasty defense to cover the Iraqi forces withdrawing from the Kuwaiti Theater of Operation. 3rd Battalion, 144th Infantry Regiment ( TX ARNG) Cobb Park Dive Armory | Fort Worth, Texas, United States Headquarters and Headquarters Company Company A Greenville Armory | Greenville Company B Kilgore Armory | Kilgore Company C Seagoville Armed Forces Reserve Center | Seagoville Company D Palestine Armory | Palestine Throughout the 100 hours of ground combat, the units' air elements distinguished themselves by continuously screening ahead of the division, reporting enemy movements and destroying countless enemy vehicles, equipment and personnel. Padre Steve+, The Oath: Reflections on the Oath of Office and 30 Years of Service, Padre Steves Highs and Lows of 28 Years Service, The Unexplained and Tragic Death of David Wilkerson, Forgotten on the Far Side of Ford Island: USS Utah, USS Detroit, USS Raleigh and USS Tangier, God himself could not sink this ship. The Titanic, Bruce Ismay and Trump, "We Fight for Men and Women Whose Poetry has Not Yet Been Written" Remembering Robert Gould Shaw and the 54th Massachusetts, "Revisionist" History and the Rape of Nanking 1937, The Revenge of the Pearl Harbor Battleships: The Battle of Surigao Strait, Forgotten Soldiers: Remembering the Men of Dien Bien Phu 64 Years After the Battle, Remembering Hell: The Fall of Dien Bien Phu 59 Years Gone by and Still Forgotten, My Latest at Substack: Exit Foxs Venomous Vulgarian, Law Should not Stop with the Punishment of Petty Crimes Committed by Little People, but Reach to Men of Great Power and Use it to Commit Great Evil: Robert Jacksons Opening Statement at Nuremberg, Holocaust Remembrance 2023: We charge that all atrocities against Jews were the manifestation and culmination of the Nazi plan, SeanMunger.com - Official Site of Speaker, Historian and Author Sean Munger. The 1st Engineer Battalion (Combat) was an integral component of the breach of the Iraqi seventh Corps' front-line defenses as part of the lead Division for the main effort of VII Corps. The crowd at the Roland R. Wright Air Base erupted in cheers as the police escorted plane taxied up to the large north hangar doors with approximately 100 Soldiers from Echo Battery, 1st Battalion, 145th Field Artillery, "Big Red" returned from a 10-month, Your source for Utah National Guard news and media 9-11 -01 attack happened. The Battalion was also a key participant in the subsequent destruction of one and the rout of two Iraqi Republican Guard Divisions. We are still friends to this day. 3rd Battalion, 314th Field Artillery Regiment Continuing as part of the VII Corps attack the Task Force travelled 85 kilometers in less than 24 hours while engaging at short range multiple, dug in enemy tanks in ambush positions. The regiment was first organized on 1 June 1917 in the Regular Army at Fort Sill, having been constituted almost a year earlier. Ondergeschikte eenheden. It was one of six Virginia counties to vote to remain in the Union. Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Brigade, 3d Armored Division's extraordinary heroism reflects great credit upon themselves and the United States Army. The 2d Battalion, 229th Aviation Regiment moved 105 miles into Iraq to establish forward operating base Cobra with the 101st Airborne Division. If you are polite and respectful' even if I disagree with you your comment will be posted and I will respond accordingly. My first drill was when the Battalion went to Fort Irwin for a long weekend in early September; I was on the advanced party and was assigned to drive a M151A1 Jeep in the convoy from Van Nuys to Fort Irwin. It did turn out to be a good thing for me. HHC, 3d Brigade, 3d Armored Division's detailed planning and relentless execution helped ensure the successful end to their mission. The 1st Engineer Battalion exemplifies the Division's motto; No mission too difficult, no sacrifice too great, duty first!. The extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty displayed by the soldiers of Task Force 2d Battalion, 16th Infantry were in keeping with the finest traditions of the United States Army. The Website of Historian, Author and Priest Steve Dundas. During the battle, the Fourth Battalion, Thirty-seventh Armor engaged elements of five Iraqi Divisions, destroyed numerous combat vehicles and captured over 450 enemy soldiers, ensuring an unprecedented victory for Coalition Forces. We have also included the award citations, which were not published in the DA GOs. The Squadron continued its rapid advance, culminating with the capture of the Safwan Airfield, Iraq. Unit Contact: 801-878-5063 Chase live on miniature TV in M-577 Command Track with Lakers playoff game in split screen while at Fort Hood. For extraordinary heroism while engaged in military action against Iraqi ground forces on 26 February 1991 and again on 2 March 1991. 3rd Battalion, 133rd . We almost got to see the Indians and Pakistanis get in a nuclear war, that was a bit sporty and we supported air operations in Afghanistan. It was formed from the 1st Battalion of the 157th Field Artillery Regiment in 1955. Thomas is emblematic of the cost that one can endure in remaining true to his oath. As Deputy Course leader and Company First Sergeant pissed off lots of chaplains and seminarians. The overwhelming momentum of the attack and soldiers' fighting spirit drove the enemy from their positions resulting in the ultimate collapse and destruction of the Iraqi 48th Infantry Division. Was a platoon leader and became company XO when our XO checked into a psych ward before Winter REFORGER. Thomas was a highly successful commander who remained in the Army despite having his friends and superiors in the Second U.S. Cavalry Regiment including Albert Sidney Johnston and Robert E. Lee. On 27 February, the 3d Brigade was ordered to transition to pursuit operations to establish contact with and destroy the RGFC forces in zone. My friend Father Fred Elkin was my first detailer and offered me a choice of East Coast or West Coast Marines when I asked for a ship. 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry acted with courage, bravery, and dedication to mission accomplishment during combat operations. In the summer of 1984 I viewed the O.J. For extraordinary heroism in action during Operation Desert Storm from 24 February 1991 to 26 March 1991. 9th Civil Support Team. Of course the ROTC ones were the green permanent press fatigues which I loved and the Guard ordered the then new BDUs which some Navy units still wear. In December I was promoted to Major and transferred to the Army Reserve and got rid of the 410 mile one way trip for a drill. History. Manage Settings This article incorporatespublic domain material from the United States Army Institute of Heraldry website http://www.tioh.hqda.pentagon.mil/Heraldry/ArmyDUISSICOA/ArmyHeraldryUnit.aspx?u=220. 5th Battalion, 113th . The regiment was originally organized as the 1st Battalion of California Field Artillery on 20 December 1912 from existing units in the California National Guard, with headquarters at Oakland. I transferred from one former Confederate Unit to another going from the Texas to the Virginia Army National Guard. 3rd Armored Division: Major General M. Rose 32nd Armored Regiment 33rd Armored Regiment 36th Armored Regiment 54th Armored Field Artillery Battalion 67th Armored Field Artillery Battalion 391st Armored Field Artillery Battalion 143rd Armored Signal Company 23rd Armored Engineer Battalion 83rd Armored Reconnaissance Battalion Headquarters General Winfield Scott Hancock said The time under our System of Government, when an army becomes political in its character is about the end of its career.. Only the regiment's first battalion, a Composite fires battalion, equipped with M119A3 and M777A2 Howitzers, is still active. and reverted to state status as the 1st Infantry Regiment. The regiment's units earned the following Campaign Participation Credit: The regiment has contributed forces to the following state mobilizations: Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. That is the essence of the Officers Oath of Office. This is not the case in much of the world. Throughout the Ground War, the soldiers performed with marked distinction under difficult and hazardous conditions. The oath is to the Constitution, not a person, political party or religion. For valorous actions while conducting combat operations in the Kuwaiti Theater of Operations during the period 17 January 1991 to 3 March 1991. Its actions reflect the greatest credit upon the soldiers of the Battle Group and are in keeping with the highest traditions of American military service. LOGAN Cinemas in midtown Chicago. Through their demonstrated tenacity, Esprit de Corps, and courageous professionalism, the units of the 3d Phantom Brigade have brought great credit upon themselves, the 3d Infantry Division and the United States Army. So help me God.. First, be respectful of me and other commentators. Continue with Recommended Cookies. This has been a great benefit to me. I have just a couple of rules for comments. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 214th Fires Brigade. Task Force infantry elements dismounted and engaged the enemy in numerous short range fire fights while methodically clearing the extensive bunker complex. Redesignated 5 November 1942 as the 133d Field Artillery Battalion Inactivated 18 December 1945 at Camp Patrick Henry, Virginia Reorganized and Federally recognized 12 May 1947 with.

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